• 宁波金亿材料有限公司

    Ningbo Jingyi Alloy Material Co.


  • 世界上最大家拍卖行——苏富比佳士得——不得不那些作品交给他们拍卖客户支付2亿美元的保证

    Within weeks the world's two biggest auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, had to pay out nearly $200m in guarantees to clients who had placed works for sale with them.


  • 为什么针对Kerviel实际交易追加保证通知(对于500亿欧元部位可能25亿欧元左右)没有敲响警钟?

    Why didn't the margin calls on Mr Kerviel's real trades (likely to have been of the order of euro 2.5 billion on a euro 50 billion position) trigger alarms?


  • 拥有2000亿欧元资产NetherlandsABP目前欧洲最大养老

    ABP of the Netherlands is the largest pension fund in Europe with euro200 billion of assets.


  • 例如根据调查公司LIMRA资料,养老去年销售额就达到了史无前例的2360亿年前水平两倍还要

    Sales of annuities, for instance, reached a record $236 billion last year, more than double the level of a decade ago, according to LIMRA, a research firm.


  • 高盛今年削减10亿美元非赔偿费用目标意义非常重大的,分析师,相对于交易量的滑落,直接的重要节省开支额

    Goldman's goal to cut $1 billion in noncompensation expenses this year is significant, analysts say. There will be immediate and significant savings from the fall off in trading volumes.


  • 解决问题一个办法可能需要扩大联邦储蓄保险公司的紧急备用原先的300亿美元扩大5000亿美元,这项计划需要通过国会审核

    One hope of topping up the pot may lie in an expansion of the FDIC’s emergency credit line, from $30 billion to as much as $500 billion, though that would require congressional approval.


  • 杰弗里公司的分析师司各特·慕士估计即使面临行业竞争,西夫韦未来5年里每年也都会产生亿自由

    Scott Mushkin, a Jefferies analyst, estimates Safeway will generate more than $1 billion in free cash flow per year for the next five years even if business remains challenging.


  • 为了弥补不足巴马说服制药业游说议员未来十年提供800亿美元“自愿”的领取养老者提供的药品减价。

    To make up for the shortfall, Mr Obama persuaded the pharmaceutical lobby to offer $80 billion in “voluntary” price cuts for drugs used by pensioners over the next decade.


  • 之后一个魏德公布了保时捷超预期利润,原因是所持有的大众汽车股份出现了68亿欧元(87亿美元)的溢价。

    A month later Mr Wiedeking unveiled profits that exceeded revenue thanks to the appreciation of euro6.8 billion ($8.7 billion) in the value of its stake in VW.


  • 如果这笔交易叫停,得到笔30亿美元违约,一大块频段以及优惠漫游协议

    If the deal is blocked, it will get a break-up fee of $3 billion, a chunk of spectrum and a favourable roaming agreement.


  • 他们开始调查账目额,发现几乎5亿美元联邦补助拨给了Ecofield,用来研究开发可替代能源

    They begin looking over the figures and see that almost a half a billion dollars was funneled into Ecofield via federal grants for alternative fuel research.


  • 今年投入初步定为人民币700亿元(约合100亿美元),大部分将预算储备拨付。

    This year's spending initially has been set at 70 billion yuan, or about $10 billion, drawn mostly from a budget reserve fund.


  • 德勒承认:“我们销售数十亿美元药品效率很高,现在我们销售很多价值在5亿美元级别的药品,这方面我们也要做到一样出色。”

    We need to be as effective at selling a large number of $500m drugs as we are at selling drugs with multi-billion-dollar sales, ” acknowledges Mr Kindler.


  • 例如2002年,控告家投资银行欺骗投资者购买无用股票连同其他一些罪名,从而获得14亿美元补偿

    In 2002, for example, he wrung a $1.4 billion settlement out of ten investment banks for hyping dud stocks to small investors, among other transgressions.


  • 尽管中央银行次上调准备银行存款利率,三月份的贷款新增6800亿人民币(合计1040亿美元), 远高于二月份的5360亿.

    Chinese banks handed out Rmb680bn ($104bn) in new loans in March, up from Rmb536bn in February, despite several increases in reserve requirements and interest rates over that period.


  • 随着银行逼迫证券化市场赎回大堆拙劣不堪的保险贷款一切都到来了:摩根大通第三季度回购储备提高到了30亿美元。

    All this comes as banks are forced to buy back growing piles of poorly underwritten loans from securitised pools: JPMorgan Chase increased itsrepurchasereserves to $3 billion in the third quarter.


  • 当时科曼奇计划耗资69亿美元,还有5亿美元用来支付波音西科斯基公司毁约

    By that time, $6.9 billion had been spent, plus another half-billion in contract cancellation fees to Boeing and Sikorsky.


  • 奎恩2009年取代不可言喻罗德布拉戈耶维奇(Rod Blagojevich)以来,伊利诺斯州借入73亿美元用于支付养老医疗救助日常开支

    Since 2009, when Mr Quinn replaced the ineffable Rod Blagojevich, Illinois has borrowed $7.3 billion to pay for its pension system, Medicaid costs and general expenses.


  • 贷款予以欧元区国家担保格林先生的祖国——德国出资这笔保障中的1480亿欧元。

    Its borrowing will be guaranteed by euro-zone countries, and Mr Regling's native Germany could be on the hook for euro148 billion of those guarantees.


  • 四川地震损害赔偿估计850亿美元,美国艾克飓风造成的损失为300亿美元。

    The Sichuan earthquake was estimated to cost some US$ 85 billion in damages, and Hurricane Ike in the United States cost some US$ 30 billion.


  • 联邦储蓄保险公司已经提议要求银行预付450亿保险,用以补给的储蓄保险

    The FDIC has already proposed ways to bolster its depleted deposit-insurance fund by requiring banks to prepay some $45 billion of insurance premiums into the fund.


  • 高盛第三季度补偿账单数额为38亿美元,与2009年同期相比下降了28%。

    Goldman Sachs’s compensation bill in the third quarter was $3.8billion, down by 28% compared with the same period in 2009.


  • 份研究估计加州未备基养老负债达到了5000亿美元相当于官方债务7

    Two studies estimate California's unfunded pension liability at about half a trillion dollars, almost seven times its official debt.


  • 根据波普的调查,全球有13亿超重只有8000万体重偏轻

    According to Popkin, 1.3 billion people are overweight while 800 million are underweight.


  • 公司表示季度记入了11.3亿欧元支出,其中包括9.31亿欧元风险准备以及1.97亿欧元的裁员费用。

    The company said it booked charges of 1.13 billion euros in the fourth quarter, comprising 931 million euros for risk provisions and 197 million euros for a reduction in head count.


  • 检察官悟认为三星暗中控制了总额45亿美元

    The prosecutor, Cho Joon-woong, said that Samsung controlled hidden funds of around $4.5 billion.


  • 检察官悟认为三星暗中控制了总额45亿美元

    The prosecutor, Cho Joon-woong, said that Samsung controlled hidden funds of around $4.5 billion.


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