• 本文给出了2—PM空间可度量化条件及度量函数、度量函数,从而把PM空间上的有关结论推广2—PM空间上。

    This paper gives the metrizable conditions of 2-probabilistic metric space (2-pm space), its distance function and pseudo distance function, thus extends some conclusions of PM-space to 2-pm space.


  • 因为所涉及条件不断变化,所以农业很难量化

    Agriculture proves very difficult to quantify because of the constantly changing conditions involved.


  • Devine希望通过营养量化来达到影响工作条件限制目的,最终提示雇主们需要改变一下工作场所

    Devine hopes that by quantifying the nutritional impact of on-the-job constraints, it might finally prompt employers to make some workplace changes.


  • 百叶隔断具有这些客观条件进行量化达到人体最佳原则能够控制这个舒适度指数

    Louver partition has the objective conditions to quantify, has reached the best human body principle, can control the comfort index.


  • 文章分别分析了路内停车需求影响因素路内停车供给约束条件这些因素进行了量化

    This paper analyzes the influence factors of curb parking demand and the constrained factors of parking supply, and these factors are all measured.


  • 采用社会物理学分析方法主城新城之间作用力关系及其达到稳定平衡状态必须满足的条件进行量化分析

    Using social physics method, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of the force between the main city and new town and the conditions to achieve equilibrium.


  • 其中考核指标分为基本任职条件量化指标综合营销能力指标。

    One indicator is divided into the basic assessment service conditions of quantitative indicators and integrated marketing.


  • 所有模拟数据不同海况条件量程声纳系统取得的,进行了数字量化数值处理

    All data in analogue form have been collected under various sea condition with a medium-range side scan sonar system and later digitized for numerical processing.


  • 结果表明,相同噪声水平条件下,灰度噪声测量精度影响大于量化噪声影响。

    The results show that the influence of the gray noise on the measurement precision is greater than that of the quantification noise.


  • 血管造影图像中,精确估计血管中心线宽度血管疾病量化可视化诊断先决条件

    In the X-Ray angiogram, the precise estimation of vascular centerlines and widths is very important for the quantitative and visualized diagnosis of blood vessel disease.


  • 讨论自然可行性相关参数量化自然进风的条件

    Discusses the feasibility of natural smoke extraction and the parameter in detail and the conditions of natural ventilation.


  • 本文提出另选择测向量计算量概率方法,创造条件减小量化误差

    In this paper a new choice of measurement vector and the corresponding computation of measurement probability are presented to reduce the quantization error.


  • 风险进行量化描述我们进行风险管理前提条件

    The quantitative description on risk analysis is the assumption of risk management.


  • 一定条件,论证函数多目标分式规划问题与其相应的量化问题以及点问题之间的密切关系。

    Under suitable conditions, we give some theorems connecting multiobjective fractional programming with set functions and its scalarization problems as well as the corresponding saddle point problems.


  • 本文探讨向量运算代替串行FORTRANDO循环的基本条件提出了向量化判别定理以及实现向量化算法

    Conditions for vectorization of FORTRAN DO-loops are discussed in this paper. Based on these conditions, the decision theorems and the algorithm for vectorization are given.


  • 分析了合成孔径雷达结构成像原理重点分析干扰功率以及干扰条件量化幅对SAR成像影响

    Discusses SAR architecture and imaging theories, places emphasis on analyzing jamming power, and then discusses the effect of quantizer and limitr in jamming circumstances.


  • 证明了方法在所噪声满足一定条件量化信号数学期望等于相应量化输入

    It is proved that the expected value of a quantized signal value is equal to its corresponding signal value by this means provided some conditions of the noise being added in is satisfied.


  • 消毒技术规范规定戊二醛测定盐酸羟胺很多操作条件影响。

    The chemical method for measuring glutaraldehyde content specified in Technical Standard for Disinfection, i. e. hydroxylamine hydrochloride method, is influenced by many operation conditions.


  • 报告量化了由此带给印度经济损失指出儿童贫困家庭恶劣卫生条件主要受害者

    The report quantifies the economic losses to India, and shows that children and poor households bear the brunt of poor sanitation.


  • 提出成果满足三个条件,对基于位置关系地块量化成果检核算法进行了研究

    It brings forward three terms which should be contented for the scanned vectorization production, and studies the algorithms for land scanning check based on location relation.


  • 基础上,就可以建立满足各种条件下系统的谐波抑制、无补偿不对称负载平衡量化统一控制策略

    Based on these relations, a general control strategy for harmonic elimination, reactive power compensation and asymmetrical load balance can be devised.


  • 结论:应用在最小信号视角条件P 100波幅视力回归方程受检者视力评估切实可行、简便且达到量化分析的目的。

    CONCLUSION: With the above regression formulation for the amplitude of P100 and vision under least signal visual Angle, we can objectively expertize visual acuity.


  • 应变条件土相互作用的阻尼系数缺陷量化分析一个关键参数

    The pile-soil interaction-damping coefficient with low strain is a key parameter to quantitatively analyze defects of piles.


  • 研究了不同土壤条件水稻冠层光谱反射特征植株水分状况量化关系

    Relationship between canopy reflectance characteristics and plant water status under different water and nitrogen levels was studied.


  • 表型随着时间(生命时期、年龄、胎次等)或其他可以量化因素(生理状态、生产水平、代谢率环境条件等)变化性状称为动态性状。

    Dynamic traits are those phenotypic values change with time and other quantifiable factors such as age, parities, physiological status, performance level and environment etc.


  • 本文运用模糊数学、运筹学原理数理统计方法总结影响矿井生产能力因素,并对矿井地质条件进行了量化描述和模糊综合评判。

    The factors which effect the production capacity of mine are summarized by system analysis methods and theories such as fuzzy, operation research and mathematics statistics.


  • 分析确定了道路条件通行能力行程车速路内停车泊位供给规模量化关系提出了满足各条件路内停车供给规模约束模型。

    It ensured the quantity relation of the road condition, capacity, journey rate with the curb parking supply scale, and put forward to the curb parking supply scale stipulation model.


  • 适当的操作条件超声波可以迅速改变污泥结构释放菌胶团包含从而促进污泥减量化稳定化

    Under proper operative conditions, ultrasound can quickly alter the sludge structure, release water in the floc, and improve sludge dewaterability and stabilization.


  • 适当的操作条件超声波可以迅速改变污泥结构释放菌胶团包含从而促进污泥减量化稳定化

    Under proper operative conditions, ultrasound can quickly alter the sludge structure, release water in the floc, and improve sludge dewaterability and stabilization.


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