• 飞机积冰一种影响飞行安全重要天气现象

    Aircraft icing is an important weather phenomenon that can af fe ct the flight safety.


  • 太平洋温带气旋航行北太平洋中高纬航线上船舶构成严重威胁重要天气系统

    North Pacific extratropical cyclone is an important weather system severely threatening the ships sailing on high latitude routes.


  • 常规天气预报研究气候变化研究中,海洋温度和风切变认为是预测飓风两个重要因素

    Ocean temperatures and wind shear are considered the two most important factors for predicting hurricanes, both in regular weather prediction studies and climate change studies.


  • 浮标所携带传感器可以测量35种以上的参数风力化学成分(对于预测报告天气非常重要)、海洋状况水质

    The buoys carry sensor arrays that measure over 35 different parameters, from wind to water chemistry, that are vital for reporting and predicting weather, sea conditions, and water quality.


  • 确保没有穿着棉质衣服重要因为一旦湿了,你一直湿着,这样温暖天气下会很不舒服,在冷天就会很危险。

    It's very important tomake sure you don't wear cotton for this layer because once it getswet, you'll stay wet, which can be uncomfortable in warmer weather anddangerous in cold weather.


  • 科学家认为磁性结构太阳黑子理解空间天气重要帮助。

    Scientists believe magnetic structures, like sunspots hold an important key to understanding space weather.


  • 另外世界森林天气循环-氧循环一个重要组成部分

    Additionally, the forests of the world are a critical part of the weather cycle as well as the carbon-oxygen cycle.


  • 科学家们相信,这太阳活动地球磁场高空大气层产生反应地球天气重要作用

    Scientists know that such solar activity plays a significant role on the weather we experience on Earth by interacting with our planet's magnetic fields and upper atmosphere.


  • 许多天气预报模型暗示,当气温升高时候,水循环发生变化但是我们很难海洋上测量降雨变化,不过,海洋中的盐分水平实际上一个重要参数,能表明海洋降雨的变化。

    But measuring these changes in rainfall over the ocean is very, very difficult to do. But salinity is actually an important parameter that gives us an indication of what might be going on.


  • 德国气象局发言人Uwe Kirsche认为即使现在天气显得但是“长期观测非常重要。”

    Uwe Kirsche, spokesperson of the German weather service, also said that even if the present weather conditions appear very cold, "it is the long-term observations which are important."


  • Google分析还显示天气消费者旅游兴趣上产生重要影响

    The Google analysis suggests weather plays an important role in the level of consumer interest in travel.


  • 英国零售商协会(British Retail Consortium)今天公布,英国11月份零售额出现增长,除了再次受到食品价格上涨影响外,天气变冷导致服装鞋类销售增长也是一个重要原因。

    U.K. retail sales climbed in November as higher food-price inflation pushed up prices and cold weather boosted demand for clothing and footwear, the British Retail Consortium said.


  • 追踪地球系统能量热量构成非常重要因为对于当前天气未来气候都有重要影响。

    The build-up of energy and heat in Earth's system is important to track because of its bearing on current weather and future climate.


  • 气候变化含义不仅仅浑浊空气找到使天气变化”这一概念视觉化的方式非常重要

    Climate change is about much more than just dirty air, but finding ways of making climate change more visible is critical.


  • 学习东道国历史文化传统语言甚至食物音乐交通天气社会活动细节非常重要的。

    Learning about the history, culture, tradition, language and even details such as food, music, transport, weather and social activities of your new host country are all important.


  • 不稳定降雨量意味着农民再也无法预测天气已经失去了他们农作物他们家庭而言至关重要食物来源

    Erratic rainfall means farmers can no longer predict the weather and have lost their crops which are a vital source of food for their family.


  • 一个场景根据天气情况出现戏剧系变化所以选择恰当时间进行拍摄显得尤为重要

    A scene can change dramatically depending upon the weather at any given moment. As a result, choosing the right time to shoot is of real importance.


  • 后面章节中,我们会介绍太阳位置天气重要影响

    We shall presently see that this position of the sun exercises great influence upon the weather.


  • 一般面试开头为了活跃气氛,面试官都会一些重要问题,比如天气啦、怎么来的

    In order to break the ice the interviewer may ask some trivial questions about the weather or traffic.


  • DWSS系统增强作战行动提供至关重要天气信息现有系统迅速提供作战人员。

    DWSS will provide enhanced weather information critical to battlefield operations, and deliver it more quickly to the warfighter than current systems.


  • 云彩自然环境重要必要组成部分没完没了的晴朗少云天气总会让人感到厌倦。

    Clouds are an important and necessary part of our environment, he notes, and anyway an endless succession of cloudless days would be boring.


  • 重要的是补充道每年塜本鳗鱼,似乎都要遭遇恶劣天气

    What's more, he added, every year that he and Tsukamoto go looking, they seem to run afoul of the elements.


  • 如果利用太阳、潮汐以及各种天气发电并供应充足清洁再生能源,那么这种灵活性显得至关重要

    This flexibility is crucial if a significant amount of clean, renewable energy is to be supplied from harnessing the sun, wind and waves, all of which vary with the weather.


  • 虽然“全球变暖”无疑一个重要因素不是这些极端异常天气模式全部原因

    While global warming is undoubtedly an important factor, it does not fully account for these extreme and unusual weather patterns.


  • 电视广播大众带来了常见娱乐以及提供了重要消息应急服务例如天气警报

    TV and radio have brought common entertainment to the masses, as well as providing important news and emergency services, such as weather warnings.


  • 冰岛这样地方来说非常重要这里天气有时候室外踢球可能。

    This is important in a place like Iceland, where the weather sometimes makes it impossible to play outdoors.


  • 天气预报重要,依据我们才能决定什么时候出航

    The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea.


  • 天气预报重要,依据我们才能决定什么时候出航

    The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea.


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