• 第三人民选择

    Third, the choice of the Libyan people should be respected.


  • 两国争执由是双方的严重利益分歧所在。

    But they disagree over the source of their disagreement.


  • 我们呼吁经济体加倍努力实现经济环境重利

    We call upon all economies to redouble their efforts in order to realize the economic and environmental benefits.


  • 中国利用外资应该用外资实现产业结构优化

    We will lay stress on industrial structure optimization while using FDI.


  • 体育公园多学科性质体现隧道顶部周围空间

    The multidisciplinary nature of the sports park is reflected in the multiple use of space on top of and around the tunnel.


  • 公司将这种增长部分归功于比以往更加润率较高的饮品业务

    The unit attributed the growth in part to its increased focus on higher-margin beverage businesses.


  • 价值取向在于实现当事人之间以及当事人与社会之间的平衡

    Its value tropism is to implement the balance of duple benefit among parties and parties and also the society.


  • 诀窍在于,不仅确定需要改进的那些方面而且重利上帝赐予的强项

    The trick is to not only identify areas you need to improve, but to capitalize on your God-given strengths!


  • 首先章提出整合方式化解当前我国利益分化过度无序状态。

    First, this chapter should focus on the interests of integrated approach to resolve our current excessive interest among the disorder.


  • 更为明智方法是保存重利它们计算结果,而不是每次重新计算整个函数

    It makes far more sense to save those calculations and reuse them instead of starting over anew with each function call.


  • 与此同时中国星期一表示比亚人民选择”,希望利比亚局势尽快恢复稳定

    Meanwhile, China said Monday it "respects the choice of the Libyan people" and hopes stability returns to the country quickly.


  • 莱克斯·弗格森爵士已经呼吁曼联支持者物浦并且停止嘲弄希尔斯堡惨案。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has called for Manchester United fans to respect Liverpool and cease singing about the Hillsborough disaster.


  • 目前产品市场参差不齐中小型公司使用产品往往价格使用成本偏低原材料

    At present the product market, small and medium-sized companies use products uneven often paying attention only to use the low cost price and profit of raw materials.


  • 模式管理如同把“双刃剑”,合理性的一面,也有“见不见”、“重利局限性

    Like a two-blade sword, model management has its rationality and its limitations, such as "its emphasis on things and neglect of man", "its stresses on benefits rather than justice", etc.


  • 由于我们产品面向妇女的,我们电视基础上,另外再在杂志广播补充

    Because our product is the object of women's, we will make a supplement in magazines and radio on the basis of emphasizing TV.


  • 直至冷战俄罗斯组合驱动开始援助伊朗进行旨在和平利用核能开发利用活动。

    After the Cold War, Russia starts to aid Iran to develop and use nuclear technology peacefully under the driven of multiple interests.


  • 国际商事仲裁中的秘密性原则不是绝对的,必须建立合理例外规则冲突寻求平衡

    Confidentiality principle in international commercial arbitration is not absolute. Reasonable exception rule should be established so as to seek equilibrium in the conflicting of multiple interests.


  • 好的由于我们产品面向妇女的,我们电视基础上,另外再在杂志广播补充

    Good. Because our product is the object of women's, we will make a supplement in magazines and radio on the basis of emphasizing TV.


  • 企业开始重利企业mashup解决上述业务因素,这主要是因为之前IT开发已经积累一些应用程序

    Businesses are starting to leverage enterprise mashups in significant ways to address both of these business parameters mainly due to the backlog of applications queued up for IT development.


  • 无疑美国人和其他国家人们对于更看而不是安全BP其他卷入此次泄漏的公司的愤怒火上浇油。

    This contributed to the outrage of the American's and other nationals at BP and others involved in the spill who perceived willingness to put profits before safety.


  • 菲尔普斯尔德两个银行家坐在餐桌的角落里,他们可以在那里新的重利以及这个新法动产证券贷款影响讨论完毕。

    The two bankers, Phelps and Elder, sat off in a corner behind the dinner table, where they could finish their discussion of the new usury law and its effect on chattel security loans.


  • 汽油价格低迷,失业率也不断下降,这样可能美国消费者欢欣鼓舞,很大一部分美国公司并不这么乐观

    The American consumer may be rejoicing over the dual tailwinds of cheap gas prices and falling unemployment, but much of Corporate America isn't so sanguine.


  • 润的保险人他们的核保准则中加入一系列除外风险,从而远离那些导致亏损的、高风险的或者特殊业务

    Profit-focused insurers use exclusion lists in their own underwriting guidelines, to stay away from loss-making business or manage risky or specialized business.


  • 维达·法姆拥有的技术是,更好疗效市场潜力最低的价格最小风险,去利用那些已经到期专利药物产品进行重利用。

    Vitapharm's technology can readily recycle a patent expired product with better therapeutic and market potential at a lower cost and with minimum risk.


  • 当然,存在这样一种可能海上钻井公司,尤其是专门致力于深水钻井工程公司,运营商关系可能更加商业化”,更加注重利润更大的业务。

    There also exists a possibility that the offshore drillers—particularly those focused on deepwater development projectsmay see further "commoditization" of their relationship with operators.


  • 但是这个节目准确地描绘出贪婪核电厂老板蒙哥马利·伯恩斯的形象。 “伯恩斯也许就是核工业一些代表,不仅限于核能而是所有行业的代表。他们益,公众安全置若罔闻。

    Burns may be representative of some people in the nuclear industry — not just nuclear, but all industries — who seem like they're more interested in getting the money rather than doing what's safe.


  • 但是这个节目准确地描绘出贪婪核电厂老板蒙哥马利·伯恩斯的形象。 “伯恩斯也许就是核工业一些代表,不仅限于核能而是所有行业的代表。他们益,公众安全置若罔闻。

    Burns may be representative of some people in the nuclear industry — not just nuclear, but all industries — who seem like they're more interested in getting the money rather than doing what's safe.


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