• 20世纪80年代采摘这种真菌换香烟面条

    In the 1980s, the pickers used to trade the fungus for cigarettes and noodles.


  • Rosarno农作物采摘者真正罪行并不是因为他们非法而是因为他们是昂贵的。

    The true crime of Rosarno’s crop-pickers was not being illegal, but expendable.


  • 唯一的无花果采摘者每次我都是院子中间,伸手摘下来就可以十分新鲜

    It tastes very nice. I am the only one to eat the figs at home. Every time, I stand in the middle of backyard, and take the figs off the tree, it's very fresh.


  • 不久前一个下午采摘牧场返回巴格丹达,孩子们聚集营地尘土飞扬的大路上分组排球游戏

    As harvesters returned from the pastures to Bagdanda on a recent afternoon, children gathered in the camp's dusty thoroughfare and divided teams for a volleyball game.


  • 波兰芜菁采摘者的确使没有技能英国人的生活更加困难但是他们同时提供了新的工作,他们使得种植芜菁农民可以扩大规模并且雇佣更多白领英国人)。

    Polish turnip-pickers have indeed made life harder for unskilled Britons, but they have created new jobs too, by allowing turnip farmers to expand and recruit more white-collar (often British) staff.


  • 这天正值伦敦夏季,天空中正着雨,正需要来点刺激.于是,我携家人一起出游,深入到英国位于贝德福德郡个自采辣椒农场.不过这里遍布泥泞.尽管阴云不散,不过还是这里遇着了大帮子好奇采摘.

    Thus begins a family day out in deepest, muddiest Bedfordshire at Britain’s first pick-your-own chili farm. Despite the clouds, I am joined by a curious stream of pickers.


  • 现在也扯太远,竟然把遥远巴西咖啡豆采摘其它地方的粮食种植制作过程一起。也未免太夸张了吧。

    Now, you may say that I go too far in relating the picker of a coffee berry in far off Brazil and food growers elsewhere to my creation; that this is an extreme position.


  • 历史现代绝大多数食物采集来说,男性专门负责猎取大型动物女性则负责猎取动物和采摘植物果实。

    In the vast majority of cases among historically known and present-day foragers, men specialise in hunting big game, while women hunt smaller animals and collect plant food.


  • 盛产椰子泰国南部猴子上树采摘椰子的主要劳动力。但因今年椰子收购价不断滑落,椰树种植支付不起猴子的费用,导致许多猴子失业

    Many coconut-picking monkeys have turned jobless in South Thailand as coconut growers cannot afford to hire them due to constantly decreasing wholesale prices of the fruit.


  • 之间联系源于原始社会狩猎——采集”社会分工男人打猎女人采摘

    The connecting theme is that in the division of Labour that forms the primordial bargain of human hunter-gatherer societies, it is the men who do the hunting and the women who do the gathering.


  • 舞狮只好奇猫一样舞蹈他们会采摘吉祥绿色蔬菜通常为生菜,然后把蔬菜一个红包杆子上。

    The lion performs a dance like a curious cat, and plucks an auspicious green vegetable, usually lettuce, which is tied to a red packet and hung on a pole.


  • 采茶就像上图这位,需要精确判断采摘茶叶的时间以此来保证茶叶的最好品质

    Tea pluckers, like the one seen here, must know the exact time to pick the leaves to ensure the best quality.


  • 每年春天传统节日清明到来之前,爱们会全国各地奔赴西湖南面龙井,只为赶上最优质茶叶的初次采摘

    Every spring, before the traditional Qingming Festival, tea lovers from all over the country come to Longjing, a village just south of West Lake, for the first cut of top-quality tea.


  • 5下旬7月采摘季节,前来巴格丹达附近两个营地采集人数往往可达到几千

    During the picking season, which runs from late May to July, the number of harvesters in Bagdanda and two neighboring camps has often reached several thousands of people.


  • 5下旬7月采摘季节,前来巴格丹达附近两个营地采集人数往往可达到几千

    During the picking season, which runs from late May to July, the number of harvesters in Bagdanda and two neighboring camps has often reached several thousands of people.


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