• 半数小鼠缺乏一种制造腺苷受体基因这种受体沿着(动物的)主要神经分布。

    Half of the mice lacked a gene that is needed to make adenosine receptors, which are dotted along major nerves.


  • 杂志发表的内容中,内德·戈德研究小组描述了针灸是怎样使三分之二正常小鼠减缓疼痛无法缺乏腺苷受体基因对照组小鼠身上生效

    Writing in the journal, Nedergaard's team describe how acupuncture reduced pain by two thirds in normal mice, but had no effect on the discomfort of mice that lacked the adenosine receptor gene.


  • 人体不能合成色氨,而这种氨基缺乏导致睡眠失调引发更严重的紧张焦虑。

    The body can not make tryptophan and a lack of this amino acid can result in sleep disorders which lead to higher levels of anxiety and stress.


  • 酵解关键——丙酮激酶,如果它有遗传缺陷,就导致会atp缺乏红细胞寿命缩短溶血性贫血

    Inherited deficiency of pyruvate kinase, a key glycolytic enzyme, causes ATP deficiency, which leads to reduced RBC life span and hemolytic anemia.


  • 动物缺乏PRG - 1基因溶血磷酯受体时,也不会发生癫痫,更多证据说明prg - 1基因是通过磷脂信号起作用的。

    Animals lacking both PRG-1 and the LPA receptor didn't have epilepsy either, more evidence that PRG-1 ACTS via the lipid signal.


  • 受损MAGL依赖性肿瘤生长通过脂肪饮食恢复,表明缺乏MAGL活性癌症外源性脂肪有助于其侵袭性。

    Impairments in MAGL-dependent tumor growth are rescued by a high-fat diet, indicating that exogenous sources of fatty acids can contribute to malignancy in cancers lacking MAGL activity.


  • 植物蛋白那些大豆中获得必需氨基宝贵资源但是有纤维特征它们缺乏粘稠度质构

    Plant proteins such as those from soybean are valuable sources of essential amino acids, but they lack the consistency and texture of meat because of their fibrous character.


  • 我们研究中,我们力求保证没有一种氨基缺乏

    In our studies we tried to ensure that there were no amino acid deficiencies.


  • 缺乏氨基精氨可能导致拔毛,红色羽毛出现可能因为缺乏赖氨

    Feather picking in African greys may be linked to a deficiency of the amino acid arginine, and the presence of red feathers where gray ones would normally appear may be due to a deficiency of lysine.


  • 目的:测定葡萄糖- 6 -脱氢酶(G6PD)缺乏时红细胞膜唾液含量进一步了解G6PD缺乏溶血的机理。

    Objective: the erythrocyte membrane contents of sialic acid was estimated in order to study the Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient erythrocyte hemolysis.


  • 目前关于拟除虫菊酯中枢神经系统兴奋性氨基影响缺乏深入系统研究

    Up to now, there is no a systematic and deepgoing study about the effect of Py on EAA in CNS.


  • 饮食缺乏足够氨基时,脱发的概率就会上升,因为皮肤分解自身氨基时也会分解头发中的氨基

    When diets don't contain enough amino acids18, the building blocks of protein, there's a dramatic increase in hair loss as the body breaks down its own protein.


  • 饮食严重缺乏有利人体烟碱造成糙皮病。

    Pellagra is caused by a severe deficiency of biologically available niacin in the diet.


  • 结论低水平暴露多不饱和脂肪缺乏可能是引起儿童adhd原因之一。

    Conclusion: Lower lead exposure and deficit of the polyunsaturated fatty acids might play an important role in the ADHD.


  • 基质缺乏时,发酵储存发酵

    When the substrate was deficient, the fermentation bacteria would ferment the stored glycogen.


  • 通过科学数据揭示中国白酒存在着人体健康不可缺乏营养素——氨基矿物质。这些氨基、矿物质对人体健康有着十分重要的功能和作用。

    In this paper, the author elucidates that two major essential components of amino acids and mineral substances exist in Chinese liquor according to the scientific data.


  • 这样的补充包括预防必需氨基缺乏以及避免平衡

    The supplements are included to prevent essential amino acid deficiencies and avoid negative protein balance.


  • 一些小鼠缺乏制造雄烷受体(CAR)基因(一种清除胆汁分子)。此基因胆汁水平过高时会被激活。

    Some of the mice lacked the gene needed to make the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), a molecule involved in clearing away bile acid.


  • 背景全身性异维a有效治疗重症红斑痤疮已有几十年了,但是由于缺乏基于证据数据,故其作为非适应证使用

    BACKGROUND: Systemic isotretinoin has been known for decades to be effective in the treatment of severe forms of rosacea, but it must be used off-label because of the lack of evidence-based data.


  • 背景全身性异维a有效治疗重症红斑痤疮已有几十年了,但是由于缺乏基于证据数据,故其作为非适应证使用

    BACKGROUND: Systemic isotretinoin has been known for decades to be effective in the treatment of severe forms of rosacea, but it must be used off-label because of the lack of evidence-based data.


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