• 现在铁路把爱尔巴都拉斯重要城市连接起来

    So far, railways have connected Elbasan with the capital and important cities like Durrës.


  • 他们将迪亚波罗灵魂之石埋葬都拉斯大陆的特瑞姆附近埋葬修建了一地下墓穴十分复杂的迪克修道院

    The monks bury Diablo's Soulstone near the river Talsande in Khanduras, and a Horadric monastery with a network of catacombs is built over the burial spot.


  • 所有圣路易医院响了紧急警报

    All the St. Louis hospitals are on red alert.


  • 我们知道福镇只有一个产业——威廉·莎士比亚,这里两个泾渭分明而且越来越敌对的群体。

    Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry—William Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.


  • 可以看到很多科学家擅长演奏音乐爱因小提琴德国物理学家马克·普朗克弹钢琴方面有天赋。

    You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano.


  • 鉴于穴居一般居住在洞口附近因此拉斯岩洞许多穴居者隐藏他们艺术作品,其中必定存在某些原因

    Since cave dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.


  • 人们推荐一位智者因为能够睡眠德行精妙地结合演说之中:他因此备受推崇,所有青年聚集的座

    People commended unto Zarathustra a wise man, as one who could discourse well about sleep and virtue: greatly was he honoured and rewarded for it, and all the youths sat before his chair.


  • 讲了一类以后,马吕整个星期不敢见女人无论是年轻年老的,以前任何时候避得厉害,尤其避免和古费克见面。

    When Courfeyrac had addressed to him some remark of this nature, Marius avoided women, both young and old, more than ever for a week to come, and he avoided Courfeyrac to boot.


  • 无论是历史魅力还是纽卡与利物浦充满活力艺术景象夜生活,无法跟这个苏格兰城市的文化魄力和浑朴匹敌

    Neither the historic charms of Durham and Bath nor the vibrant arts scene and nightlife in Newcastle and Liverpool are a match for the cultural dynamism and austere beauty of this Scottish city.


  • 查维先生和莫先生并非来自白人精英阶层。这些白人至少漫画讽的那样长期统治地区

    Neither Mr Chavez nor Mr Morales is from the "white" elites who, in caricature at least, have long ruled in the region.


  • 拉斯因为发明无线电台交流发电机而开启时代,确切说,1856年甚至连他的出生经历了一场猛烈闪电暴风

    Tesla, who is credited with the invention of the wireless radio and the AC generator that kick-started the electrical age was even born, fittingly, during a violent lightning storm in 1856.


  • 所有人准备好了,”波尔·说道:“这个夏季对我们似乎过漫长,仿佛我们永远不到现在一样。”

    "We're all ready for this because of how long the summer has seemed," Spoelstra said. "seemed like it's taken forever to get to this point."


  • 所有招收的人认为尼尔应当主持这项计划。

    Each person Mr Weis recruited said Mr Lanier should be running the project.


  • 是的认出了现在清澈的,不再嫌恶的讥笑只要看看是如何一路上着舞蹈!

    Yes, I recognize Zarathustra. His eyes are clear now, no longer does he sneer with loathing. Just see how he dances along!


  • 所有厨师非常有竞争力包括克·塔,一切很好

    All the chefs got very competitive, including Alex Stratta, and it's all great.


  • 路障标明通往马哈拉斯的道路,在路障后面生活已经改变女人孩子们走了

    Behind the barricades marking the entrances to the mahallas, life has been transformed. Women and children have gone.


  • 总结道,“中国居于首位,”尤其是肿瘤学神经学方面。

    He concluded that "qualitatively and numerically, China came out on top", especially in oncology and neurology.


  • 头黑猩猩一直生活布莱尔·蒙德野生动物园特灵冒险乐园,在大部分冬天室内场地里

    The chimps lived at the Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park in Stirling and spent most of the winters in indoor enclosures.


  • 次日,众民族长祭司未人聚集文士那里,要留心律法的话

    And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.


  • 今年颁奖季开始时,费最好准备好获奖演说

    When this year's awards are passed out, both Mr. Firth and Mr. Rush better come with acceptance speeches in their pockets.


  • 追踪采访中,马特·劳尔格莱塔·泰瑞位主持人记录下了佩林拉斯加州瓦西家中厨房里家人准备晚餐的样子。

    Both Matt Lauer and Greta Van Susteren filmed the Palins preparing a dinner of moose chili in the family kitchen at home in Wasilla.


  • 好莱坞领军人物马丁·科塞蒂文·皮尔伯格佛朗西·科波朱丽叶·比诺什谴责被捕

    Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.


  • 我们非常震惊,”当地印度工商业联合会(ICCI)分会会长马亨·姆·达(MahendraRamdas)

    "We are all very shaken," said Mahendra Ramdas, President of the local chapter of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


  • Jornal @Verdade“@”标志拉斯评价事业成功与否的标尺:所有的莫桑比克接受过数字化教育,并认出“@”代表电邮地址时,使命完成了

    The @ symbol in Jornal @Verdade is Charas' benchmark for success: when Mozambicans are digitally literate enough to recognize the symbol as part of an e-mail address, he will have done his job.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa),恩西Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 的黎波里当地英文报纸《的黎波里邮报》(Tripoli Post)编辑拉斯沃德(Said Laswad)表示,的黎波里大多数相信迈格无辜的,得知他释放消息后,当地街道上是欢庆人群。

    In Tripoli, where most people believe Mr. al-Megrahi to be innocent, the streets were 'full of happy people, ' said Said Laswad, editor of the Tripoli Post, a local English-language newspaper.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa,木卫二),恩西·达(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa,木卫二),恩西·达(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


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