• 上图作为道具设计的职业病犯了。

    Photo above: this is the prop stylist in me let loose!


  • 采访一对好莱坞高级模型道具设计师!

    Meet a pair of Hollywood's top model and prop makers!


  • 外延包括展示对象设计空间布局设计照明道具设计平面多媒体设计以至会展场馆设计等。

    It includes the design of objects to be displayed, the design of space layout, the design of lighting and stage properties, graphic and multimedia's design as well as exhibition venue's design.


  • 道具设计斯图亚特·克雷格在选择外景地的过程路过利物浦一个码头,当即他就得到了现在这个孤儿院灵感

    Production designer Stuart Craig says that the exterior of the orphanage was inspired by a building he came across while location scouting on the dockside in Liverpool.


  • 一旦开始总部位于西雅图道具设计伊万·欧文合作创建一个设计便宜假肢可以作为有效工作真正的手指

    Van as soon began collaborating with Seattle-based prop designer Ivan Owen to create a design for inexpensive prosthetics that could work as effectively as real hands and fingers.


  • 无声电影要求极具表现力的表演技巧不再重要,设计争先恐后地制作彩色的服装道具

    The over-expressive acting techniques demanded by silent films were dropped, and designers scrambled to work with colour materials.


  • 我们创意服务包括-角色设计背景道具动画创意

    Our creative service will include---characters design, background, pros, and animation.


  • 这种搅拌机培训目的教你如何进行头脑风暴,快速地设计道具帮助成为一个更快更好建模设计

    The purpose of this Blender training is to teach you how to brainstorm and quickly design a prop, which will help you become a faster and better modeler and designer.


  • 第三主要论述产品设计体验性构成要素道具背景环境分别考虑构成

    Third chapter mainly elaborated the product design experience integrant part, from the stage prop, the background, the environment considers its constitution separately.


  • 道具团队完成这些面具构想出一个独特的铅合金设计

    The prop team then finished these to create an individual pewter design.


  • 意味着可以我们一个预算数字我们可以设计“你的展示道具”。

    That means you can give us a budget figure, we can design the props for you.


  • 学习英语,每一个混合样a良好工作知识所有工具普通编辑视频游戏道具关卡设计

    You'll learn to Blend like a pro with a good working knowledge of all of the most common tools for editing video game props and level design.


  • 拍摄现场提供指导管理工作流程监督包括项目布景设计道具灯光造型等。与造型师及摄影师沟通项目要求。

    Provide overall direction, manage workflow of group and oversee the development of the project including set design, propping, lighting and styling before and on the set.


  • 其他例子设计是为了娱乐目的包括小说漫画开幕闭幕学分学分电影中程序道具舞台上

    Other examples of design for entertainment purposes include novels, comic books, opening credits and closing credits in film, and programs and props on stage.


  • 简洁玻璃展示设计出了展示柜道具具有必要收纳空间机能装饰展示柜空间。

    Concise glass to reveal ark design, out to reveal ark props has the necessary to receive a space function outside, still can adornment to reveal ark space.


  • 目前我司已经具备终端形象开发空间设计道具生产现场作业完整组合,为品牌终端提供更加优质完善服务

    Now we have retail store image development, space design, manufacturing props and the field complete combination. To do the best and perfect service for the all top brand retails.


  • 服装化妆道具设计制作

    The clothing, puts on make-up, the stage prop design, the manufacture;


  • 酒店”(名“吻我汽车旅馆”)里,多数房间都是围绕着特定主题设计的,里面经常会配有精致雕像道具包括按摩床温泉洗浴设施。

    Most of the rooms at the Residencias Kiss Me - also known as Kiss Me Motel - are themed and often have elaborate statues and props inside, including massage tables and spa baths.


  • 观测卫星轨道具全球目标覆盖太阳同步特性通过设计轨道周期和轨道倾角可以获得这些特性

    Global coverage and sun synchronization are the essential properties of the earth observation satellites, which are assumed by designing the orbit period and inclination.


  • 演员导演设计道具技术人员、化妆师、服装师、舞台监督、票务、市场推广、公关、媒体工作者以及各类后台行政人员

    This staff includes casts, directors, designers, props, technicians, dressers and other production staffs, stage managers, ticket sellers, marketers, reporters and administrators etc.


  • 一开始分配负责电影道具内部运输工具工业概念设计工作。

    In the beginning I was asked to draw industrial design concepts for set interiors and vehicles.


  • 我们专注物理模型转化为数字极为细致的模型,可作为设计验证高端赃物模式客户团队成员,或身体道具使用

    We specialize in turning your digital models into incredibly detailed physical models to be used as maquettes for design validation, high-end swag for clients or team members, or physical props.


  • 这个草拟法案为了明确所有权关系充分使用道具更好保护所有者设计的,一位不愿透露姓名的高层立法官员

    The draft law was designed to nail down property relations, make full use of properties and better protect owners, said a senior legislative official who declined to be identified.


  • 借鉴咖啡、红酒、雪茄文化中精致道具产品世界上第一现代道具通过动作设计简化了破茶的流程,减少意外受伤的可能,同时兼顾卫生的需求,为用户提供了优雅的品茶体验。

    This product is the very first tool to break tea cake in the world. It is more hygienic and elegant, and reduces movements in the process and the risk of getting hurt.


  • 他们负责创作演员的舞蹈音乐确定芭蕾舞剧情主题设计道具服装

    They are responsible for the music to which the dancers move, the theme of the ballet's story, the sets, and the costumes.


  • 他们负责创作演员的舞蹈音乐确定芭蕾舞剧情主题设计道具服装

    They are responsible for the music to which the dancers move, the theme of the ballet's story, the sets, and the costumes.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定