• 国会议员希望推翻英国退出条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain's opt-out from the treaty.


  • 美国总统布什很快通知俄罗斯美国退出1972年禁止测试导弹防御系统条约

    US President Bush will soon give Russia notice that the United States is withdrawing from the 1972 nuclear treaty that bans testing of missile defense systems.


  • 美国总统布什很快通知俄罗斯美国退出1972年禁止测试导弹防御系统条约

    US President Bush will soon give Russia notice that the United States is withdrawing from the 1972 nucleartreaty that bans testing of missile defense systems.


  • 加拿大环境部长彼得·肯特本周一宣布,加拿大退出有关气候变化京都议定书》,这目前麻烦不断的这全球条约来说无疑是沉重打击

    Canada will pull out of the Kyoto protocol on climate change, Environment Minister Peter Kent said on Monday, dealing a symbolic blow to the troubled global treaty.


  • 加拿大成为正式退出京都议定书》国家,并称该条约严重漏洞并未覆盖全部温室气体排放大国

    Canada will become the first country to formally withdraw from Kyoto, which it says is badly flawed because it does not cover all major emitters of greenhouse gasses.


  • 但是如果达成一个忍受范围内的糟糕条约(布鲁塞尔政客无能在忍受范围内)退出欧盟之间选择的话,我们坚决选择前者。

    But given the choice between putting up with a mildly awful treaty (and the moderately ineffective politicians it has installed in Brussels) or getting out of the EU, we would far sooner stay in.


  • 美国希望重回扩散条约,朝曾于2003年一月退出条约

    America wants to bring North Korea back into the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which it left in January 2003.


  • 普京从未喜欢过美国导弹防御布什2002年退出反弹道导弹(Anti - Ballistic Missile,ABM)条约时,他似乎默许了。

    Mr Putin has never liked America's missile defence, but seemed to acquiesce when Mr Bush quit the Anti-Ballistic missile (ABM) treaty in 2002.


  • 条约包含一个某一成员国离开欧盟所谓“退出条款”,可真算得上是个新鲜事物。(虽然条约没有给予欧盟将桀骜不驯者红牌罚场外的权力。)

    It also contains the novelty of an exit clause, letting a country leave (though not yet giving the EU the power to throw a recalcitrant out).


  • 通常任何社会政策基本权利章程退出,得需要条约作出改变

    One is that any general opt-outs from social policy or from the charter of fundamental rights would require treaty change.


  • 涉及到多部欧盟条约由于托尼·布莱尔1997年终止选择退出条款,这意味着只有所有成员国同意英国才能恢复

    This has been sprinkled around various EU treaties since Tony Blair ended the opt-out in 1997, meaning that its measures could only be restored to Britain with the agreement of all member states.


  • 美国没有其他发达国家为伍,而是澳大利亚一样,从未批准京都议定书,并且于2001年正式从此条约退出

    Unlike all other rich countries bar Australia, the United States never ratified the Kyoto protocol, and formally withdrew from it in 2001.


  • 伊朗今年初威胁如果感觉它是许多压力下西方,将从不扩散条约退出并且赶出所有核查人员

    Earlier this year Iran threatened to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and evict all inspectors if it felt it was under too much pressure from the West.


  • 任何缔约方均可退出条约,退约应通知总干事

    Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General.


  • 欧盟运行条约第50条规定了成员国通报欧洲理事会退出欧盟决定时应遵守程序

    Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU foresees the procedure to be followed in case a Member State notifies the European Council of its decision to withdraw from the Union.


  • 简单说来,《里斯本条约第50条授予所有欧盟成员单方面退出权利给出了脱欧流程的规范。

    Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon gives any EU member the right to quit unilaterally, and outlines the procedure for doing so.


  • 冷战特别是美国宣布退出反导条约”后,国际安全形势发生了重大变化,谋求建立新的全球战略稳定是各国面临的一个重大课题。

    After the end of the Cold War, particularly after U. s. withdrew from ABM, the international security situation has undergone significant changes.


  • 冷战特别是美国宣布退出反导条约”后,国际安全形势发生了重大变化,谋求建立新的全球战略稳定是各国面临的一个重大课题。

    After the end of the Cold War, particularly after U. s. withdrew from ABM, the international security situation has undergone significant changes.


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