• 卜鲁格领着一支巡逻队无人地带时,迫击炮击中

    In Tobruk, leading a patrol in no-man's land, he was blown up by a mortar bomb.


  • 最后构建引信机电式安全系统系统框架结合迫击炮引信开展了机电式安全系统的设计

    The frame of electro-mechanical safety and arming device (S&A) is established, and the electro-mechanical S&A for the mortar shell fuze is designed at the end of the paper.


  • 他们迫击炮重重落我们医院水泥墙铝制屋顶上时候拨通女儿的电话。她们当时国外

    As their mortar shells slammed into the cement walls and aluminum roofs of our hospital, I called my daughters, who were both out of the country at the time.


  • 近来,不断报道说到:许许多多的民众袭击而死亡星期三迫击炮击中了战区一家医院

    There have been reports in recent days that shelling killed hundreds of civilians. On Wednesday, artillery shells hit the only remaining hospital in the area of fighting.


  • 他们的弱点并不明显,除非蜂群技能扔到他们头上、迫击炮弹正中目标或是毁灭战舰离子他们面前。

    They have no real weakness, unless a swarm is placed on top of them, a mortar is launched their way or a rain of plasma falls on them from a Devastator.


  • 漫长内战又一只“天鹅”)时期,塔布勒黎巴嫩家中地下室里长出智齿迫击炮在头顶,他兀自大啃书本。

    Mr Taleb cut his philosophical teeth in the basement of his family home in Lebanon during the long civil war there (another Black Swan), devouring books as mortars flew overhead.


  • 上帝啊,看来今天晚上不成了,我刚刚听到持续警报声我们奉命进入基地要塞因为一些迫击炮来袭

    Oh my God, looks like I won't be sleeping tonight as well, as I just heard the siren go on, and we are being instructed to go into the fortified bases because there are some mortars coming our way.


  • 然而伊拉克最大幻想莫过于可以见到来日曙光以及我的性命不会跟着沾血的迫击炮锐利破片而结束

    But here I am in Iraq, sleeping as my biggest dream is not larger than seeing the dawn of the next day, and that my life won't end with a sharpen of a bloody mortar shell.


  • 迫击炮弹爆炸声响回荡萨拉热窝上方的山上摄影机镜头聚焦门发射时后冲的上,然后镜头伸向炮击中的地方,一条弧形线越过城市上空掉落一片房屋之中。

    The camera focuses on a gun recoiling, then pans out to search for the impact point. A white line of smoke arcs above the city and ploughs into a group of houses.


  • 迫击炮弹爆炸声响回荡萨拉热窝上方的山上摄影机镜头聚焦门发射时后冲的上,然后镜头伸向炮击中的地方,一条弧形线越过城市上空掉落一片房屋之中。

    The camera focuses on a gun recoiling, then pans out to search for the impact point. A white line of smoke arcs above the city and ploughs into a group of houses.


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