• 运动动机冲突运动员运动产生动作迟缓反应降低动作目标矛盾心理现象

    The conflict of sports motivation is the contradiction psychological phenomenon when sportsmen produce movement delay reaction and decrease movement purpose in exercises.


  • 行政部门灾难反应做了争辩,反驳批评人士指控联邦政府行动过于迟缓

    He defended his administration's response to the disaster against critics who charge the federal government is moving too slowly.


  • 观众迟缓反应沮丧

    I'm depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd's response.


  • 法律变化中的观念常常反应迟缓

    The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.


  • 国际社会危机反应向来迟缓

    The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis.


  • 法国葡萄酒行业领导人对这一结果感到愤怒,法国媒体对此反应迟缓事件也不屑一顾。

    Leaders of the French wine industry were outraged at the results, and the French press was both slow to respond and dismissive of the event.


  • 与此同时原油供应需求持续增长反应迟缓主要反映欧佩克(opec)政策立场,”组织指出

    Meanwhile, the supply of crude oil "is responding sluggishly to the ongoing pickup in demand, largely reflecting the policy stance of OPEC," the IMF said.


  • 尽管年老反应迟缓但是他们经验丰富,总体而言拥有更好个人技术

    Although older people reason more slowly, they have more experience and, by and large, better personal skills.


  • 克尔认为,人们知道连续工作小时,他们的大脑便会反应迟缓,而身体迅速积攒压力紧张

    What you may not realize, Achor says, is that after two hours of continuous work, your brain function actually slows and your body starts to rapidly accumulate stress and strain.


  • 丰田驾驶者连续轻踩刹车时,普锐斯的刹车有时会反应迟缓

    Toyota has said that Prius brakes were sometimes slow to respond when drivers kept lightly pressing them.


  • 对于惠普公司其他竞争者核心市场发动的攻势,思科的反应迟缓,并没有严阵以待

    The company was also slow to take seriously the competition that HP and others were presenting to its core market.


  • 社交网络分析技术问世多时,企业反应迟缓,未能最大限度地加以利用这种情况正在改变。

    The techniques of "social network analysis" have been known for some time, but businesses have been slow to make the most of them. That is changing.


  • 众所周知面对挑战美国充满了“可以做事”的人和公司行动迟缓欧洲人倾向做出犹豫不定的反应

    It's become a truism that America is full of "can do" people and companies, while slow-moving Europeans are more likely to offer a "yes, but" when faced with challenge.


  • 阿根廷迟缓反应经济造成影响。

    Argentina's halting reaction could affect the economy.


  • 气质差异落选民眼中:这个反应是沉着自持还是迟缓动摇?

    Temperament is in the eye of the voter. Is one response evidence of composure and self-possessionor of being too laid-back and unassertive?


  • 他们经常反应迟缓甚至迟钝,与其精确度怎么相称。

    Known to be extremely slow, almost lethargic, their precision is unmatched!


  • 西门子列支敦士登调查中的反应迟缓更是激起该组织的不满,在写给西门子的中该组织警告西门子12月5日之后会员身份的终止负全部责任

    Siemens's sluggish reaction to investigations in Liechtenstein triggered a letter last month from ti warning that the firm's membership would be liable for termination after December 15th.


  • 但是据说GeneralGrowth董事会迟缓回复恰好反应了在两个主管之间的巨大分歧他们每个人都大体上控制着公司四分之一股份

    But General Growth's board's sluggish response is said to reflect a fierce division between two directors, each of whom controls roughly a quarter of the firm's shares.


  • 主要酒店品牌这个行业在采取相应对策方面反应迟缓从而丧失了“关键的机会”。

    Major hotel brands and the industry as a whole have been slow to develop a counter-strategy of their own and as a result have “lost momentum”


  • 英镑估值偏高现在回落了出口贸易也终有所反应(可能时间比较因为英国主要出口市场反应迟缓欧洲)。

    Sterling was overvalued; it is now falling; in time exports will respond (perhaps quite a long time, as Britain's main export market is sluggish Europe).


  • 认为自己很渺小或者没有能力促成改变想法我们反应迟缓主要原因

    The idea that you're too small or too powerless to create change is the biggest reason for inaction.


  • 风度上麦凯恩先生的反应迟缓暴躁巴马先生的反应则坚定迅速

    In style, Mr McCain's reaction was slow and choleric, while Mr Obama's was steely and swift.


  • 专家认为数字保持增长原因几个其中包括就业市场反应迟缓工人日益期望能够照顾父母孩子

    Experts reckon this number will keep rising for several reasons, including a sluggish jobs market and workers' growing desire for the flexibility to be able to look after parents or children.


  • 外国捐助者此次灾难的反应迟缓因为受灾情况公布得比较慢,还可能因为死亡人数相对比较

    Foreign donors were also slow to respond to the catastrophe, due to its unfolding nature and, perhaps, its relatively low death toll.


  • 不过航空运输延迟低效的主要原因还是过时的空中交通管制——一套依靠地面控制反应迟缓雷达站不断重复语音通讯建立起来的体系。

    But delays and inefficiencies in air travel are due in large part to an outdated traffic-control system that still relies on slow, ground-based radar stations and repetitive voice communication.


  • 丰田先生考虑第二件事如何应对丰田汽车不同市场不同的原因反应迟缓

    The second thing that Mr Toyoda should reflect upon is that Toyota is sluggish for different reasons in different markets.


  • 丰田先生考虑第二件事如何应对丰田汽车不同市场不同的原因反应迟缓

    The second thing that Mr Toyoda should reflect upon is that Toyota is sluggish for different reasons in different markets.


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