• 在局部连通定义连通b -函数关于右上导数的基础上,定义了连通- B凸,连通b -凸函数,推广了B -凸函数。

    Then it expands the B-vex functions by defining connected pseudo B-vex and connected quasi B-vex functions in terms of right upper derivative with respect to an arc.


  • 然而如果火成岩变质岩发生大规模断裂并且断裂系统相互连通那么它们也可以作为地下水

    However, even igneous and metamorphic rocks may act as groundwater reservoirs if extensive fracturing occurs in such rocks and if the fracture system is interconnected.


  • JMS级别实现连通可以不必运行MessageQueue连接器(V 6.1文章所述),从而极大地提高性能

    Achieving connectivity at JMS levels eliminates the need for the Message Queue connector to be running (as described in the V6.1 integration article), thus significantly improving performance.


  • 一切归功于通用驱动程序工具、通用的SQLAPI用于DB2数据服务器)、通用的WebServices框架、通用的连通代码等等

    This is all due to a set of common drivers, toolset, a common SQL API (for DB2 data servers), common Web Services framework, common connectivity code, and more.


  • 首先提取图像分块颜色根据提出的相关颜色定义搜索确定图像中的颜色连通区域

    Firstly, the method extracts the dominant color of each image block to search the color-connected regions in the image according to a new definition of correlated color.


  • 拟凹推广凹,证明有效连通的。

    The quasiconcave was extended to the cone-quasiconcave, and the cone weak efficient solution set was still connected.


  • 映射连通概念推广到了值映射。

    This paper extends the concept of arc connected convexness of single valued maps to set valued maps.


  • 把单值边缘连续映射概念推广值映射上,并且给出值边缘连续映射连续映射连通映射的条件

    The concept of peripherally continuous mappings is extended to set-value and the conditions are given which set-value peripherally continuous mappings are continuous and connected mappings.


  • 裂缝不仅可以使孤立孔洞得以连通发育成有效空间大大提高基质渗透率更是油气主要运移通道

    Not only the fractures can connect the separated cavity to grow the effective reservoir space and improve the permeability of matrix, but also is the main path of petroleum migration.


  • 算法统一处理互感互感线路、单连通的特定网络以及树枝中有分支的通用电网络。

    The algorithm can deal with mutual inductance or non mutual inductance network and especial 'a stroke' tree set network or general offset-trees network.


  • 基于空间点构造等价关系提出一种针对大规模数据快速分组算法。

    Based on the equivalent relationship constructed from the connectivity, a fast grouping algorithm is presented for mass data set.


  • 本文主要通有稳定性本质连通区的角度系统讨论映射平衡点稳定性。

    In this paper, we mainly discuss the generic stability and the existence of essential connected components to equilibrium points of set-valued mappings.


  • 此基础上,得到向量目标函数既是似凸又是拟凸多目标最优化问题的G-恰当有效连通的结论。

    On the conditions that vector objective function is like-convex and quasi-convex, we obtain the connectedness of G-proper efficient solution set of the multiobjective optimization problem.


  • 证明了每上半连续非空紧凸值值映射至少存在一个该映射不极小连续本质以及极小连续本质连通的。

    It is proved that there exist at least one minimal continuously essential set of fixed points, and the minimal continuously essential set is connected.


  • 算法选取网络中一连通抽象广义数据汇聚点

    The algorithm uses a group of connective nodes without loop as a generalized data gather vertex set.


  • 裂缝层是指以裂缝及其连通溶洞主要油气空间渗滤通道的储层。

    The fractured reservoirs are the reservoirs whose major reservoir space and influent tunnel is composed of the fractures and dissolved caves, dissolved pores connected by fractures.


  • 讨论了向量极值问题KT有效连通问题。

    In this paper, the connectedness of KTproper efficient solution set for vector minimization is discussed.


  • 广播过程最小化参与转发节点数问题与中求解最小连通支配问题等价在任意图中求解最小连通支配NP完全问题。

    Minimizing retransmission nodes in broadcasting is equivalent to minimizing connected dominating set in graph theory, and finding a minimum connected dominating set is NP-complete for graphs.


  • 塔河油田碳酸盐岩具有岩性埋藏地温裂缝连通特点

    The carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield have the features of pure lithology, deep burial depth, high formation temperature, poor connection of the fractures.


  • 本文研究了以最小扩充任意图为K边连通有向图优化问题

    The optimization problem of constructing a K-edge-connected directed graph from any given directed graph by adding a minimum set of edges is studied.


  • 利用连通研究对于强紧得到一些普通具有性质

    Strongly compact set was studied by means of strongly connected set. For the strongly compact set, this article gains, a few qualities of which common compact is not possessed.


  • 利用拓扑分析方法给出延伸延伸极限等价定义及它们是连通的条件。

    The equivalent definitions of the first prolongation and the prolongational set of a set are discussed.


  • 本注记给出局部S-空间X极不连通的充要条件是X中每个相对X是S-闭的半正则于是闭

    Locany S-Closed Space is extremally disconnected if and only if every semi-regular S-closed set relative to X is Closed set.


  • 利用连通研究

    Strongly compact set was studied by means of strongly connected set.


  • 根据这个结论,设计了一个新的连通支配求解算法实验表明,新算法前人的算法有更好的性能

    A new CDS algorithm was designed on the basis of the analysis. Simulation results show that the algorithm possess better performance than others.


  • 空间孔隙裂缝裂缝组合,裂缝为孔隙与孔隙之间连通

    The reservoir space is the assemblage of pore and fracture, dissolving pore and fracture. Fractures are the connecting path between pores.


  • 渗透致密层油藏中,裂缝不仅构成油气空间而且连通其他类型的储孔隙,极大的改善层的物理性质

    Fractures in the low permeability and dense reservoir are not only the accumulative bulk, but also can connect the other types of space of reservoirs, and improve the reservoir quality.


  • 渗透致密层油藏中,裂缝不仅构成油气空间而且连通其他类型的储孔隙,极大的改善层的物理性质

    Fractures in the low permeability and dense reservoir are not only the accumulative bulk, but also can connect the other types of space of reservoirs, and improve the reservoir quality.


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