• 她们腹部连体的双胞胎,只胳膊条腿,有各自的心脏消化道,但共用一个肝脏

    Identical twins joined at the belly, each had two arms and two legs, individual hearts and digestive tracts, but they Shared a liver.


  • 科学家建议,倘若要拍摄鲨鱼中生活情况,不要穿可以在海中“强调身体曲线”颜色的泳衣,深色泳衣、亮色泳衣尽量要避免。 要很好的伪装自己,只要穿连体的海水相似颜色泳衣就可以了。

    Costumes or wetsuits that camouflage swimmers' bodies in the sea water are less likely to draw a shark's attention than ones with bright, solid colours than emphasise their outline.


  • 服务器构建好后,应将它们视为连体婴儿”:总是同时两个服务器上进行一致的更改

    Once the servers are built, consider them joined at the hip: make changes on both servers consistently all the time.


  • 如果医生觉得身体状况良好就会拿到件标有序号的亮色连体一双鞋子

    If a doctor finds your condition satisfactory, you will get a bright one-piece garment and shoes with a number on them.


  • 如果医生觉得身体状况良好就会拿到件标有序号的亮色连体一双鞋子

    If a doctor finds your condition satisfactory you will get a bright one-piece garment and shoes with a number on them.


  • 分析工具导出工具就像是连体婴儿进行数据分析时,后者实际上本身可以一些对数据分析有帮助的事。

    Analytics tooling is joined at the hip with export tooling, as the latter is intrinsic in actually being able to do something useful with your data once you've run your analytics.


  • 英国展示一种连体双生有关的疾病, 双头畸胎。

    This British grass snake exhibits dicephalus, a condition related to conjoined twinning.


  • 卧室里,凯若琳-娜琪向我们介绍了她家的成员穿着斑纹连体偎依在她臂弯里6周大的婴儿

    In her living room, Caroline Nagy introduces the newest member of her family - the 6-week-old infant in a striped onesie cradled in her arms.


  • 我们没有因为工资微薄抱怨过,没有因为你们微薄工资里扣税,住着连体排屋心里失衡过。

    We never complain that our wages are low, we never lose our mental balance due to those big townhouses you bought with the money you took from my meager wage.


  • 进入养鸡棚任何人都必须穿上特制的带帽连体衣,对足部进行消毒确保疾病不会传染群。

    Anyone entering the barns must wear a special hooded jumpsuit and step in a sanitizing foot bath, to ensure that diseases aren't passed to the birds.


  • 尽管60%连体死胎,但是这种情况并不意味着存活的连体婴都是短寿的。

    While roughly 60% of conjoined twins are delivered stillborn this condition has been shown not to be incompatible with relatively long lifespans.


  • 开始马拉松有时同事们惊讶发现他会在下班后换上连体健美装。

    He also began training for marathons, sometimes startling colleagues by appearing in their offices at day's end in head-to-toe spandex.


  • 萨巴·沙基尔法拉沙基尔一对连体双胞胎,随着年龄增长她们遭受着越来越可怕的头痛关节疼痛以及语言困难。

    Saba and Farah Shakeel are joined at the skull and have been suffering terrible headaches, joint pain and slurred speech as they grow older.


  • 英国首相如实地看待巴马言辞就是绝望中的连体婴。

    Ministers saw Mr Obama's rhetoric for what it was: the flailing of a politician in a desperate fix.


  • 公司有生产儿童连体的摁扣,牧马人牛仔裤的纽扣以及橄榄球头盔的下巴托扣件。

    They make snaps for baby onesies, buttons for Wrangler bluejeans and chin-strap fasteners for football helmets.


  • 不过幸运的是我们了镶有徽章连体裤,用来代表我们的职业地位

    But fortunately so have the jumpsuits with badges indicating our specialty and rank.


  • 但是连体不同连接处情况罕见即便有,连接点通常也靠得很

    It is extremely rare for conjoined twins to have to separate points of conjunction and even when this happens the points of conjunction are usually very closely related.


  • 可以选择一些面料精致连体裤,这会使你看上去更加时髦

    Make this look modern by choosing solid colors and sophisticated fabrics.


  • 模块系结构视图描述功能分解如何不同安排软件模块

    Module interconnection architecture view Describes the functional decomposition and how the software modules are arranged in different architectural layers.


  • 女士丈夫几个街区以外一间宽敞的连体别墅里,家里3辆小车,来往于两个之间

    Ms. Ge said she and her husband live in a sprawling town house a few blocks away and shuttle between homes in one of the family's three cars.


  • 总之我们没有理由忽视这个传说:1100一对连体出生比登登,她们了34年,创始了一项经久不衰慈善活动

    All in all we have no elements to dismiss the tradition of two conjoined twins being born in 1100, living to be thirty-four years of age and starting a long-lasting charity.


  • 另外就是比赛出发点发现少数没有穿连体泳衣之一,是唯一蛙泳姿势完1.9公里的。

    The other was at the race start, when I realized I was one of the few without a wetsuit and the only one doing the entire 1.9km swim (1.2 miles) with a breaststroke.


  • 穿着绿色连体工作服,戴着棕褐色宽边Morse站在自己家的谷仓门口看着17岁儿子Noah开着饲料料车为一正在吃玉米干草牛群添加饲料。

    Wearing green coveralls and a tan hat, Morse stands outside his barn watching his 17-year-old son Noah drive a feed wagon down a row of cattle while the animals feast on corn and hay.


  • 女士丈夫几个街区以外宽敞连体别墅里家里3辆小车,来往于两个之间。

    Ms.Ge said she and her husband live in a sprawling town house a few blocks away and shuttle between homes in one of the family's three cars.


  • Tom说道,“我们拥有面向中文/希伯来语/阿拉伯语文本方向垂直文本布局双向文本布局,还有复杂脚本连体字母的支持”。

    "We'll have text orientation, vertical text layouts, bidirectional text layouts for Chinese / Hebrew / Arabic [languages] and support for complex script and ligatures".


  • Tom说道,“我们拥有面向中文/希伯来语/阿拉伯语文本方向垂直文本布局双向文本布局,还有复杂脚本连体字母的支持”。

    "We'll have text orientation, vertical text layouts, bidirectional text layouts for Chinese / Hebrew / Arabic [languages] and support for complex script and ligatures".


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