• 这家报纸违反了隐私保护行为准则

    The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.


  • 默认政府违反规定

    He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations.


  • 军官违反严格准则而解除职务

    The officer involved was relieved of his duties because he had violated strict guidelines.


  • 陪审团判定全美橄榄球联盟违反反垄断法规。

    The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.


  • 很多宪法专家警告说,条例违反了言论自由权。

    Many experts in constitutional law have warned that the rule violates the right to free speech.


  • 把机密文件放在家里最起码违反了海军安全条例

    His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of navy security regulations.


  • 这些价格控制违反支持自由市场自由主义者所有金融原则

    These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.


  • 该国似乎违反了公约中的几个条款

    The country seems to be violating several articles of the convention.


  • 这种不礼貌行为违反基本礼仪规则

    The impolite act violates the basic rules of etiquette.


  • 建筑公司违反合同

    The construction firm breached the contract.


  • 教育委员会认为种族隔离学校违反第十四修正案平等保护条款

    Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


  • 只蜗牛大大违反了常态开始蜥蜴一样夏日阳光下奔跑

    The Snail, much against her usual habit, began to run like a lizard under a summer sun.


  • 那家公司违反安全条例

    The company was found guilty of contravening safety regulations.


  • 这些行动违反欧洲法律

    These actions are in contravention of European law.


  • 公司始终否认故意违反了武器禁运规定

    The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes.


  • 报纸违反出售某些摄影作品书面协议

    The newspaper broke a written agreement not to sell certain photographs.


  • 公司可能会指控违反了政府签订的合同

    The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.


  • 委员会已经禁播了电影,因为违反了诽谤

    The board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws.


  • 政府计划违反有关这个问题协商好的欧洲政策

    The government's plans run counter to agreed European policy on this issue.


  • 他们开始进行刑事诉讼因为违反政党资助

    They are beginning criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties.


  • 政府数百万美元借给了债台高筑银行违反了地方银行业法律

    The government has lent millions of dollars to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.


  • 违反了规定。

    I broke the rule.


  • 果你违反了规则,你的惩罚可能很小,如在游戏中输掉一个回合。

    If you break a rule, your punishment might be small, like losing a turn in a game.


  • 果一个人违反了一项重要的法律,惩罚可能是罚款或坐牢。

    If a person breaks an important law, the punishment might be a fine or time in prison.


  • 虽然违反法律,但美国人民并不在意

    Although this broke the law, the American people didn't care.


  • 法规就是制定人们打破的。违反规定

    Rules are meant to be broken. You broke the rules. ;


  • 帮助他人自杀不仅违反刑法而且违反了

    To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws, but to break divine laws as well.


  • 事实上违反了一个规则法律,你就失去了生活控制给予别人施加惩罚权力这种惩罚是你无法控制的。

    In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life and give others the power to impose punishment that you have no control over.


  • 现在主从关系完全违反原则

    Now the relation of master and slave is pro tanto a total violation of this principle.


  • 为了拯救雅典,埃瑞克修斯违反了条法律

    Erechtheus violated this law to save Athens.


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