• 他们进攻空间平衡帮助他们及时回到适当的防守位置

    The spacing and balance of their offense helps them get back into the proper defensive positions.


  • 西班牙巴塞罗那队中,极富想象力伊涅斯塔实用主义者哈维中场进攻多个位置上相得益彰,成为球队中场一前一后黄金搭档。

    So multifunctional as to be capable of slotting into just about any midfield or attacking job, Iniesta is the creative counterpart to Xavi's pragmatism in Barcelona's and Spain's golden tandem.


  • 对阵汉诺威马竞比赛中,范佩西进攻主火力点,处于支援位置特纳担任副攻。

    Against Hannover and Atlético, Robin van Persie was the focal point of the attack – he was preferred to Nicklas Bendtner, who played in one of the support roles.


  • 目前,戴维斯正在道格·克里斯蒂杰米尔·尼尔森组成进攻配对,弗朗西斯放在得分后卫位置上。

    Davis has been installing offensive sets with Doug Christie and Jameer Nelson at the point and Francis as the shooting guard.


  • 手(trailer):进攻队员拖住第一快攻但是经常一轮防守过后位置投球得分。

    Trailer: An offensive player who trails on a fast break but often is in good position to score after the first wave of defenders goes by.


  • 斯塔德迈尔令人惊叹的进攻尖兵,贵为五次全明星球员,前锋位置,少有人右。

    Stoudemire is a spectacular offensive force, a five-time All-Star who ranks as one of the best at his position.


  • 如果[一个位置上]移动的话,很难抓住机会因为她的打法凶狠,进攻极强,”郑洁

    "If she stay there [in one place], I'd never have a chance, because she plays so hard and so aggressive, " Zheng said.


  • 虽说原则上算是进攻球员,但大部分时间他是中场靠前的位置活动,并且在球队主要进攻球员苏亚雷斯后面

    Although he was in principle a striker, he mostly played in an advanced midfield position, behind the team's main striker, Luis Suarez.


  • 首先,业精于勤,无论是发球,还是接发——任何一分,都来之不易哪怕你的位置极具进攻

    First, it makes players work hard, both on their serve and return games-points aren't that easy to finish, even from an attacking position.


  • 特别是荷兰西班牙的阵型其实并不平衡—西班牙经常让伊涅斯塔侧翼中场球员位置持平,同时比利亚则在另一边伺机进攻队员做配合。

    Spain and Holland, in particular, played lopsided systems - Spain often had Andres Iniesta on one flank, level with the midfielders, and David Villa on the other, looking to connect with the strikers.


  • 一旦陷入球,又不在最适合自己位置踢球会失去组织进攻主导比赛自信

    When he isn't scoring goals and playing in his best positions, he loses the confidence that comes with being the playmaker and figurehead.


  • 假如利物浦复制阵型,那么乔科尔有可能得到中路进攻前腰的位置简直就是专门他打造的,他可以一切华丽动作摆脱对手而不需要防守责任。

    If he replicates this at Liverpool Cole could even slot into the central attacking midfield role that he seems made for, an all-action luxury player freed from defensive chores.


  • 帕尔·帕故意让义军侦察员获得第二颗位置预见到他们突击队舰队会进攻

    Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star, and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault.


  • 即使大前锋加索尔最合适的位置,但是还是不能适应纳姆搭档,不论在防守方面还是进攻方面。

    Even though that is Gasol's natural position, he has simply not been able to adjust his defensive play and his offensive timing around Bynum.


  • 这个进球震惊了无精打采伊朗队。他们开始行动起来队长麦迪·马达维基亚决定放弃后卫位置试图增加进攻力度。

    The goal stirred a lacklustre Iran into action with captain Mehdi Mahdavikia deciding to abandon his right back position in an attempt to strengthen the attack.


  • 何塞谈论战术时说,曼城肖恩几乎打过中场的所有位置切尔西成为球队进攻三人中的员。

    At Manchester City Shaun mostly played wide in a midfield four. At Chelsea it will be in an attacking three. Jose talked about the tactics.


  • 只能将会买来放在三个进攻位置之一

    I only say that he would be purchased to be played in one of the three offensive roles.


  • 问:现在球队似乎各个位置很强防守,组织,进攻最近表现得更加优秀,更加突出

    The team seems to be strong in all departments: defence, midfield and attack. What player in particular has stood out for you in recent months?


  • 但是这次客场之旅中有两场比赛可以看到他们进攻时不积极跑动,不像以前总能找到他们的位置

    But for those two games on this trip you saw the bench unit rely more on a stand still offensive set than the motion that got them where they are.


  • 另一个闪光便是,菱形顶部,破甲短锥——斯特林进攻较深位置启动,牙买加人的速度加上开阔的空间,你很难拦住

    That has the added bonus of clearing room for the player operating at the tip of the diamond—Raheem Sterling in these cases—to attack, his deep starting position making him difficult to pick up.


  • 核试剂性质影响反应进攻位置

    The properties ofnucleophiles also influence the position of attack.


  • 篮球移动技术比赛中学生为了改变位置方向速度争取高度而采取各种脚步动作,是完成进攻防守技术基础

    Basketball moving skills, the base of attack and defense technics, refer to students' step-moving in the match to change location, direction, speed, and gaining height.


  • 如果不在那么位置上会有另一个攻击型球员因为拉齐奥会在进攻使用名后卫

    If Oddo isn't there, then there will be another attacking player in his place because Lazio really utilizes a full-back in the offensive unit.


  • 了解地形-可以根据经验判断。并不需要花1000个小时游戏时间指出哪里最好防守位置或者哪里是最好的进攻路线。

    Know the terrain - Can only come with experience but you don't have to have played 1000 hours to figure out where the best defensive positions are, and where the best routes of attack lie.


  • 格林阅读对手意图,然后随之做出反应经常能让自己抢先占据有利的球场位置发起进攻

    Green is able to sharply read and react to what the opposition is doing, often putting himself in perfect positioning to make a play on the ball.


  • 强攻主要突出之队名次相对强攻位置灵活特别是后排强攻运用较多之进攻效果突出。

    Before the storm mainly highlights the team position relative row, and the storm position is flexible, especially the back row storm utilizes the many team attack effect to be prominent.


  • 一旦出现在比赛场上投入到进攻,我确定赢得先位置

    Once I get out there and get going with the offense, I'm sure I'll earn a spot.


  • 一旦出现在比赛场上投入到进攻,我确定赢得先位置

    Once I get out there and get going with the offense, I'm sure I'll earn a spot.


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