• 同时签署运营协议中,双方首次明确表示在上海组建货运合资公司意向

    In the operation agreement signed at the same time, the two parties for the first time made clear the intention of formation of cargo joint venture in Shanghai.


  • 微软作为诺基亚共同运营协议一部分这家芬兰公司作为他们的相关硬件制造商。

    As part of a co-operation agreement with Nokia, Microsoft is using the Finnish company as its hardware-maker of reference.


  • 经常地,在托管服务公司不能按服务协议提供服务在线游戏运营经理必须要对托管服务公司进行管理

    All too often, online game operations managers must manage their hosting provider company when the company fails to live up to service agreements.


  • 每当打电话,你使用他们网络,当你在使用他们路由系统时候,同时在使用移动运营其他电话网络之间的协议

    When you make a telephone call, you're using their network, and you're also making use of the peer agreements they have with other phone networks, while enjoying the use of their routing system.


  • 1999年1月联合包裹宣布了一项中外运签订的关于中国另外22个城市增设运营机构的协议

    In January 1999, UPS announced an agreement with Sinotrans, to expand its operations to 22 more cities in China.


  • 一月中国最为国际化银行- - -中国银行跨国经济银行签订协议后者31个非洲国家运营

    In January bank of China, the country's most international outfit, entered into a pact with Ecobank, which operates in 31 African countries.


  • Facebook首席运营桑德伯格告诉每日电讯报,公司正在MySpace可能内容合作协议进行谈判。

    Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, told the Telegraph that the company is in talks with MySpace about a potential content partnership deal.


  • 尼克斯的主场运营商,麦迪逊-广场花园有限公司9月顺势摩根大通公司签下了新的合作赞助协议,在今后的10年里每年将得到至少3000万美的赞助费。

    The Knicks’ parent company, Madison Square Garden, Inc., signed a sponsorship deal with JPMorgan Chase in September that’s worth at least $30 million a year over 10 years.


  • 第三还有种担心寻求收入来源网络运营商们偏爱愿意全部付清网站内容供应商达成协议

    Third, there are concerns that network operators looking for new sources of revenue will strike deals with content providers that will favour those websites prepared to pay up.


  • 通过这个协议联合包裹中国运营网络扩大到了130个城市当时在144个城市开展业务的联邦快递分庭抗礼。

    Through this agreement, UPS expanded its network to 130 cities in China, competing directly with FedEx, which had operations in 144 cities at that time.


  • 也许相信自己足够的实力供应商谈判或者与无线通信运营移动运营系统上达成一个协议

    It may believe itself strong enough to negotiate with each provider, or it may want a deal for its mobile operating system from wireless-telecoms operators.


  • 虽然商务人士乘轮渡出行很少假如多到足以理由去商定差协议那么运营肯定会常客提供折扣,有时会提供其它好处

    And while corporate ferry travel is rarely if ever prolific enough to justify negotiated fare deals, operators do offer discounts and sometimes other benefits to frequent customers.


  • 公布的协议摘要显示这些国家正在考虑如何借助网络运营打击网络盗版

    The just-published summary indicates that the countries are considering how to involve ISPs in the process of combating internet piracy.


  • 除了主要无线电运营手机生产商专业经销商网上商城协议外,乐软件全球拥有一个超过80个国家经销网络

    Through agreements with major telephone wireless carriers, handset manufacturers, specialized distributors and its online shop, Gameloft has a distribution network in over 80 plus countries.


  • 上个月一家英国咨询公司猜测苹果可能已经那些推广3g网络运营达成协议

    Late last month a British consulting firm suggested Apple may have already reached an agreement with the carrier, which is in the process of rolling out a new 3g network.


  • 作为协议一部分正达保留大部分独立性继续现任的管理层进行运营

    As part of the agreement, Syngenta would remain mostly independent and continue to be run by its existing management.


  • 巧合的是,在这个周一英国移动运营O2宣布他们已经Twitter达成协议允许用户免费接收twitter短信提醒

    Coincidentally, UK mobile operator O2 said Monday that it has forged an agreement with Twitter allowing users to receive free SMS alerts from Twitter.


  • 移动运营一直以来维护封闭花园”,正在被T -Mobile3等锐意进取的运营大型搜索引擎公司签订协议打破。

    The 'walled garden' approach adopted by mobile operators is being consigned to the dustbin with the likes of T-Mobile and 3 signing deals with the big search engines.


  • 盖茨基金会IgnacioMas指出,为了确保短信交易安全通常控制手机SIM访问移动运营签署协议

    Ignacio Mas of the Gates Foundation points out that ensuring secure text-message transactions will often require an agreement with a mobile operator, which controls access to the phone's SIM card.


  • Scanbuy公司已经丹麦运营以及南非运营签署协议

    Scanbuy has also signed a deal with two Danish operators and two in South America.


  • 软银6月4宣布已经苹果(APPLE)达成协议,将日本销售iPhone手机似乎改变软银作为国家第三大手机运营商地位

    Softbank's June 4 announcement that it has signed up to sell Apple's (APPL) popular iPhone in Japan might seem like a major coup for the country's third-largest mobile operator.


  • 杨全国汉语好消息之后宣布已经一家大型中国电信运营达成协议生产Zuuma品牌的GPS和手机支架,目前产品仍在设计之中。

    In Chinese, Yang said this news was' good, 'but then he announced he had reached a deal with a major Chinese telecom carrier to produce a still-in-design Zuuma GPS-and-cellphone mount.


  • 与此同时苹果过去一年里还日本以外亚洲手机运营签署协议销售热卖的iPhone手机。

    Meanwhile, it has signed agreements with Asian mobile-phone carriers outside of Japan to distribute its hot-selling iPhone in the past 12 months.


  • Google钱包成功,运营必需推出支持钱包的Android手机或者Google会通过协议公开迫使Android绑定Google钱包(硬件+软件)。

    For Google Wallet to succeed, carriers will have to distribute Wallet-enabled Android phones, or perhaps Google will "openly" force every Android licensee to carry the Wallet (hardware + software).


  • 苹果iPhone中国最大无线运营之间的协议,似乎从开始就近在眼前

    A deal to put Apple's iPhone, officially, on China's largest wireless carrier has always been imminent.


  • 公司运营机场安全保卫情况进行评估协助有关航站签订航空安全保卫协议

    To evaluate security situation of the airports at which the company will operate and assist in signing aviation security agreements with relevant airports.


  • 公司运营机场安全保卫情况进行评估协助有关航站签订航空安全保卫协议

    To evaluate security situation of the airports at which the company will operate and assist in signing aviation security agreements with relevant airports.


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