• 关于肥胖流行提出各种各样的解释包括运动减少饮食增加

    A variety of explanations have been put forth on the epidemic, including less exercising and more eating.


  • 这会影响大脑发送信息能力,从而导致肌肉功能受损运动减少引发抖颤

    This affects the brain's ability to send messages, leading to loss of muscle function, reduced movement and tremors.


  • 因为这个食谱营养含量,它们每天尽可能的减少运动减少能量消耗

    Because of this simple diet, which is low in nutrients, the panda conserves energy by limiting its movements.


  • 帕金森病主要的临床症状包括运动减少僵硬静止性震颤姿势失衡等。

    Its cardinal clinical symptoms include bradykinesia, rigidity, rest tremor and disturbances in balance.


  • 孩子们看电视运动减少并且看电视影响其睡眠电视增高儿童肥胖率原因

    Television watching is also known to raise obesity rates, both because children exercise less and because it can interfere with sleep.


  • 从2013年开始这些运动减少商务机订单需求这些订单一度要积压两年

    Beginning in 2013, the campaigns reduced demand for new business jet orders, which once had a two-year backlog.


  • 这项变化同时突显出人们运动减少因为现代许多工作都是着进行;再者,特别幅员广大城市,人们越来越倚赖电动交通工具

    It also highlighted reduced physical activity because of the sedentary nature of many modern jobs, plus growing reliance on motorised transport particularly in sprawling cities.


  • 可能不得不减少锻炼运动

    You might have to cut down on the amount of exercise or sport you do.


  • 挪威一项干预运动全国推广对42所学校评估表明,在两年的时间里欺凌现象减少一半。

    In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved.


  • 从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上自然资源日益减少

    Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.


  • 专家体重增加是因为运动减少

    Experts say weight gain results from less movement.


  • 增加参加体育运动时间减少观看体育比赛的时间。

    Spend more time playing sports and less time watching sports.


  • 反对者每周至少运动小时小学生几乎减少了一半

    The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved.


  • 并不会使他们成就的优越性减少,他们的成就远胜过我们,就不超过四分钟跑完一英里的运动员超过慢跑我们一样。

    This does not minimize the supremacy of their achievements, which outstrip our own as the sub-four-minute milers outstrip our jogging.


  • 请记住药物降低胆固醇可能每天至少30分钟有氧运动饮食中减少饱和脂肪反型脂肪的摄入量。

    Remember, it is possible to lower cholesterol without medication: get at least 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise and reduce the amount of saturated fat and trans-fats in your diet.


  • 一个完全可循环利用产品即便家里,可以减少的“足迹”,同时做做运动

    It's a completely recyclable product and even if you're at home you can reduce your carbon footprint and get some exercise at the same time.


  • 这种方式运动脚部促进小腿肌肉静脉血液流动从而减少血液停滞

    Moving feet in this manner encourages blood flow in the calf muscle veins, thus reducing blood stagnation.


  • 长距离步行当然但是更加激烈运动(最好能出汗)才能心脏好处减少癌症风险

    Long walks are nice too, but it's the more vigorous exercise (expect to sweat!) that really helps your heart and cuts your cancer risk.


  • 很多研究人员发现,体育运动有助于减少毒品使用增进健康提高学习成绩增强自信等等。

    Decreased drug use, improved health, better grades, increased confidence and other benefits also have been found by various researchers.


  • 许多富裕国家心血管疾病癌症引起死亡正在减少,当然,这在很大程度上要归功于运动成功

    In many wealthy nations, deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer have declined, thanks largely to the success of anti-tobacco campaigns.


  • 按照爱因斯坦理论相对于地面时钟飞机上的时钟因为80个小时运动减少时间

    According to Einstein's theory, the clock on the plane would be expected to have lost time, due to being in motion over 80 hours compared to the clock on the ground.


  • 我们正开展空前宏伟减少贫困缩小巨大健康鸿沟运动

    We are also in the midst of the most ambitious drive in history to reduce poverty and reduce the great gaps in health outcomes.


  • Marks先生承认司法手段(司法运动此处意译)减少资源共享方面作用有限,可是清楚,如果行业放任不管,情况严重

    Mr Marks admits that the legal campaign has not done much to reduce file-sharing, but how much worse might things be, he wonders, if the industry had done nothing?


  • 根延,热衷于使用手机人用他们的手机BuenosAires的市政官员取得联系,支持一项减少浪费运动

    In Argentina, activists used their phones to get city officials in Buenos Aires to support a waste reduction campaign. Politicians are often a target of mobile activism.


  • 有效使用安全运动机动车辆设备减少面部损伤

    Effective use of protective sports and motor vehicle equipment reduces facial injuries.


  • 不过,显著功能性差异在于心跳之间心肌放松——耐力运动心肌放松增加了力量运动员则减少了。

    The most significant functional differences related to the relaxation of the heart muscle between beats - which increased in the endurance athletes but decreased in strength athletes.


  • 一种苦涩讽刺因为国际社会正在开展有史以来雄心勃勃的运动减少贫穷缩小健康结果方面巨大差异

    This is a bitter irony at a time when the international community is engaged in the most ambitious drive in history to reduce poverty and reduce the great gaps in health outcomes.


  • 尽管运动看起来很小,但对于增强体质减少身体脂肪血压却有明显效果。

    Although the amount of exercise appears small, the benefits were clear in improving physical fitness and reducing body fat and blood pressure.


  • 我们正处于历史上雄心勃勃的运动之中,根本上解决贫困减少健康结果方面差距

    We are in the midst of the most ambitious drive in history to tackle the root causes of poverty and reduce the gaps in health outcomes.


  • 发生所有一切时候国际社会正在从事有史以来雄心勃勃的运动减少贫穷缩小健康结果方面巨大差距

    All this is happening at a time when the international community is engaged in the most ambitious drive in history to reduce poverty and reduce the great gaps in health outcomes.


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