• 由于试验区地处过渡油层条件原油性质具有特殊性这些因素影响过渡带地区聚合物开发效果

    The test area whose well pattern, reservoir conditions and crude oil properties are special, which will affect the effectiveness of polymer flooding in transitional zone.


  • 过渡地带特殊气候条件高尔夫球场草坪的建植带来了一定的困难。

    Under the conditions of climate transition zone, there are many difficulties in the turf establishment of golf course.


  • 成形磨齿法中用圆弧作齿根过渡曲线,提出了确保光滑连接计算公式依据传动条件进行验算方法

    The paper suggests formula to ensure smooth connection of gear arc with form grinding of transition curve, also a checking method is used according to the condition of driving system.


  • 指出地铁停运条件供电系统改造难点过渡方案存在风险性

    It points out the difficulties in the renovation of the power supply system and the risks of the transitional scheme under the condition of operation without interruption.


  • 蒙山脆枣为酸枣向栽培过渡中间类型在蒙阴当地栽培条件下,产量明显高于其它品种,表现出较好的抗旱性

    Mengshancui jujube was the middle type between wild jujube and Chinese jujube, its drought resistance abilities and yields in Mengyin were higher than other varieties.


  • 积分短时时间蠕变条件路往无关的,过渡蠕变时期,其与路径也只是相关。

    The J integral is path-independent for the short time creep and long one, while in the transition period, it is weakly path-dependent.


  • 滑移边界条件模拟结果具有良好周期性各个周期过渡更加平滑实际情况更加接近

    The simulation has good period property, the transition between each period is more smooth and is more close to the real result.


  • 通过提供过渡生长素处理适宜介质环境条件以及防止杂滋生措施,显著提高试管瓶外生根效率

    The rooting rate of test-tube plantlets could be increased obviously by seedling step-drilling, auxin treatment, suitable medium and environment conditions, control of bacterium and fungi, etc.


  • 不同微斜长石偏振光条件可见光吸收光谱,与其不同程度地含有过渡金属离子密切相关

    Visible absorption spectra of microclines varying in gold content under the polarized light are closely related to the content of transition metal ions.


  • 研究表明,一定条件下,利用球阀进行水电站水力过渡过程试验完全满足水电站实际工程需要

    The model experimental results show that the sphere valve can replace the hydraulic turbine under some conditions and it can satisfy the requirements for practical engineering of hydropower stations.


  • 采用显微硬度仪扫描电镜,对比研究了干燥大温差气候条件标准养护条件混凝土界面过渡区的结构和形态。

    The interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of concrete cured in standard condition and in the dry and wide temperature change environment was studied comparatively.


  • 报道了活性炭载体,过渡金属无机盐复合催化剂条件四氯化碳与甲醇反应制备(一)甲烷的研究结果。

    Experimental results were reported here regarding the gas phase conversion of CTC to methyl chloride by using transition metal salt composite catalyst embedded on active carbon.


  • 不过CO_2焊射滴过渡只能发生状态下,产生潜弧的条件在CO_2气氛中,使用焊丝电流电压配合参数。

    The condition inbwhich the arc is buried are that the parameters such as CO_2 gas, thick wire, high current and low voltage should be used.


  • 研究分析验证丰富了水平旋泄洪洞基本序列过渡流态的特性临界水力条件

    The paper researches and analyzes the basic flow pattern sequence, the transitional flow characteristics and critical hydro conditions.


  • 基于概率论方法可穿插间隙理论,分析人行横道信号控制方式过渡信号控制方式设置条件

    Meanwhile, the set condition that pedestrian crossing transform from non-signal control mode to signal control mode was analyzed by using probability theory and gap acceptance theory.


  • 分析喷射压水堆一回路自然循环过渡过程中的作用以及在不同流动条件阻力特性。

    The effect of Jet-Pump in the transient procedure of natural circulation and the resistance behaviour of Jet-Pump in the different flow condition have been analyzed.


  • 电量微扰过渡过程可用线性微分方程组表示,求解关键确定初始条件

    Under coulostatic perturbation, the transition process may be described by a group of linear differential equations, the key of deriving the equations is to determine the value of start condition.


  • 在优化条件,纯化收率可以达到90 %以上绝大部分过渡金属除去。

    Under such conditions, the yield of pure raw MWCNs is higher than 90% and most of the transition metals can be removed.


  • 根据曲轴生产厂家设备条件技术能力,拟采用曲轴圆弧过渡

    According to the facilities and technical ability, we will select arc to optimize the transition fillets of crankshaft.


  • 为了旁路gmaw (DB - GMAW)焊接过程中的熔滴过渡特征信息深入研究提供条件,对该种焊接方法下过渡图像缩部分边缘提取算法进行了研究。

    In order to study metal transfer characteristics during dual bypass GMAW (DB-GMAW) process, many kinds of edge extraction algorithms were used to process the necking images of DB-GMAW metal transfer.


  • 条件下,过渡治疗可以减少上述情况的发生,但是需进一步观察疗效

    In this setting, bridge therapy can reduce that risk but its efficacy has to be determined.


  • 沿盆地轴方向坡降缓、斜坡长的古地形等条件下,源远流长地巨大定向曲流携带大量泥沙进入湖盆,河湖作用过渡带形成曲流河三角洲沉积体。

    The immense oriented meandering river, along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope, carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin.


  • 发现加热条件下该类化合物不能被分子过渡金属所活化

    The Si-Si bonds in the complexes were found to be stable towards the intramolecular transition metal atom.


  • 针对水陆过渡特殊地表条件,根据地表调查资料进行最佳激发岩性、井组合激发研究

    For the special surface conditions of land-water transition zone, the optimal excitation lithology, depth combined excitation have been researched, according to the near-surface survey data.


  • 结果表明双层药皮焊条实现渣壁过渡形态焊条良好工艺性前提条件

    The results show that the realizing flux-wall to guid transfer form of metal droplet is a prerequisite to the fine usability of double coating electrode.


  • 阐述了各工艺步骤配方操作条件过渡采用堆积工作快速镀镍

    Formula and operating conditions of the procedures were described, high-packed alkaline copper deposit was adopted to act as interlayer and fast nickel brush deposit as working layer.


  • 利用条件确定了材料均匀损伤过渡局部损伤临界状态同时指出临界状态滞后于峰值应力状态。

    The critical state is defined according to the criterion, which is a transition from uniform damage to local damage; and the state is different from the peak stress state and lags behind it.


  • 然后阐述了过渡系统可中断负荷的中断条件优化调度实施障碍等;

    The interruptible conditions, optimal dispatch, application obstacles in interim system are also discussed.


  • 准噶尔盆地中部1区成藏条件较好储层发育油气过渡界面复杂

    Block 1 in the middle of Junggar basin show good formation conditions, developmental reservoir and complex oil-gas-water transition interface.


  • 准噶尔盆地中部1区成藏条件较好储层发育油气过渡界面复杂

    Block 1 in the middle of Junggar basin show good formation conditions, developmental reservoir and complex oil-gas-water transition interface.


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