• 去年达雷尔斯蒂文森蒙大拿州农场工作学习美国方法

    She worked last year on Darrell Stevenson's ranch in Montana to learn American methods.


  • 达雷尔·斯蒂文森(0:20):“从大量资源来说,这个国家有着极大机遇。”

    DARRELL STEVENSON (0:20) : "Tremendous opportunity in this country in terms of the vast resources."


  • 随着行程画笔艺术家达雷尔·布什转换辉煌容光焕发昭示着一个所有来到水边

    With a stroke of the paintbrush, artist Darrell Bush casts the lake's glories in a light so radiant it beckons one and all to come to the water's edge.


  • 光滑的墙上突出的烛台来自华盛顿州达雷尔古董橙色皮绒覆盖的高背椅子来自格林室内

    The serpent wall sconces are from Darrell Dean Antiques in Washington, D. C. The orange suede-covered high-back chairs are from Yu Interiors in Fort Greene.


  • 成长过程自己的描述里是“无比快乐”的——那是在汉普森林区,就达雷尔风格的田园牧歌一样。

    It was an upbringing he describes as "incredibly happy" - a Durrellian idyll near the New Forest in Hampshire.


  • 昵称为‘瞄准小姐‘的机器人由‘万‘公司(AllThings Geek)的资深机器人专家达雷尔·泰勒设计制造

    Darrell Taylor, senior roboticist at All Things Geek, built this robot, nicknamed Miss Alignment.


  • 电视辩论中,怀特提出质疑时,微笑贝琪已经做测试和他的竞选经理达雷尔.格拉斯科克应该也去做个测试。

    When White hit me on television with his challenge, I smiled and said Betsey and I had already taken a test and he and his campaign manager, Darrell Glascock, should follow suit.


  • 达雷尔·斯蒂文森(0:20):“从大量资源来说,这个国家有着极大机遇无论耕种与否,有大量可用土地。”

    DARRELL STEVENSON (0:20) : "Tremendous opportunity in this country in terms of the vast resources. Tremendous amount of available ground, whether it is tilled or not."


  • 可以自作主张,不过罗德坎柏兰郡读者达雷尔•阿瑞波斯安大略省艾瑞克•曼尼·洛夫帮助我们创建以下大略的穿衣指南

    You'll learn your own preferences, but readers Darrell Arribas, of Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Eric Maniloff, of Stittsville, Ontario, both helped create these general guidelines.


  • 根据共和党众议员达雷尔·伊萨给出的数据这一“狂飚突进”计划下,1600支枪流往了犯罪集团,其中包括高威力的狙击步枪

    According to Darrell Issa, a Republican Congressman, some 1,600 guns monitored by Fast and Furious, including high-powered sniper rifles, slipped through the cracks.


  • 根据共和党众议员达雷尔·萨给出的数据这一“狂飚突进”计划下,有1600支枪流往了犯罪集团,其中包括高威力的狙击步枪

    According to Darrell Issa, a Republican Congressman, some 1, 600 guns monitored by Fast and Furious, including high-powered sniper rifles, slipped through the cracks.


  • 布鲁金斯学会管理研究所主任达雷尔·韦斯巴马需要降低人们对于宣誓就职之后几天几个星期之内所实现成就的期望

    The Director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, Darrell West, says Mr. Obama needs to lower expectations about how much can be accomplished in the days and weeks after he is sworn in.


  • 固特异航空公司(Goodyeaer Aircraft Company)航空物理学部门科学家达雷尔·罗米克,向我们展示了太空旋转的车轮形城市蓝图

    Darrell C. Romick, a scientist in the Goodyeaer Aircraft Company's aerophysics department, presented us with his blueprint for rotating, wheel-shaped city in space.


  • 明尼苏达大学计算机科学教授约翰·雷德尔这样办法常常无法为什么某部特定电影或者餐馆备受推崇给出多少有见地的看法。

    But that approach often does not offer much insight as to why a particular film or restaurant is being recommended, said John Riedl, a professor of computer science at the University of Minnesota.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家特雷沙·海因茨,建筑家索姆·摩尔以及芭蕾舞蹈家达米恩·沃策尔。

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 新来伙计那么好,”老板尼尔·克雷。 他是RatePoint公司合作创始人之一。 这家公司位于马萨诸塞州尼达姆,跟踪互联网用户产品公司意见

    The new guys were not doing quite as well,” said the boss, Neal Creighton, a co-founder of RatePoint, a company based in Needham, Mass.that tracks Internet users' opinions of products and companies.


  • 内政部长塔雷克·埃尔·艾萨米(TarekelAissami)自从美国药品管理局离开后逮捕移交其他国家的资深毒贩达69名,很多都是移交给美国。

    Tarek el Aissami, the interior minister, says that since the DEA left Venezuela has arrested and handed over to other countries 69 high-level traffickers, many to the United States.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西斯科•阿尔瓦雷斯(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄皮特沃斯-达斯-朱尼奥斯(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 以名画《蒙娜·丽莎》《最后晚餐》而著称意大利艺术家和科学家雷奥纳尔多·达·芬奇逝世于安布瓦斯附近的克卢克城堡

    Leonardo do Vinci, Italian artist and man of science, noted for his painting of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, died at the Chateau Cloux near Amboise.


  • 1993年春天遇到以前,我已经去过个叫甘达尔·希尔监狱很多了。

    I had been inside the prison called Gander Hill several times already by the time I met Ray in the spring of 1993.


  • PM K的海蒂·阿曼达·西尔弗曼守护天使贝思·科诺,我的制片合作人马根-里雷-格兰特,如果忘记了哪位该感谢的,不要杀了

    Heidi Schaeffer and Amanda Silverman from PMK. My guardian angel Beth Kono. My producing partner Meagan Riley-Grant and if I'm forgetting anybody, please don't kill me.


  • 海伦·凯勒巴斯德米开朗琪罗特雷莎修女、列奥纳多·达·芬奇、托马斯·杰斐逊艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦一样,你一天也有小时

    You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. – H.


  • 五百年前人文主义作家巴尔达萨雷·卡斯蒂廖内(Baldassare Castiglione)根据意指低估”的动词,为这种刻意之的若无其事,创造了一个名词“云淡风轻”(sprezzatura)。

    Five hundred years ago, the humanist author Baldassare Castiglione labeled such studied nonchalance "sprezzatura, " from the verb meaning "to undervalue.


  • 五百年前人文主义作家巴尔达萨雷·卡斯蒂廖内(Baldassare Castiglione)根据意指低估”的动词,为这种刻意之的若无其事,创造了一个名词“云淡风轻”(sprezzatura)。

    Five hundred years ago, the humanist author Baldassare Castiglione labeled such studied nonchalance "sprezzatura, " from the verb meaning "to undervalue.


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