• 以前常阿迪山采花。

    She used to pick flowers in the Adirondacks.


  • 西山阿迪克山脉中最高

    Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.


  • 很棒一周,可以阿迪克山各式各样的旅馆里停留过夜

    It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the Adirondacks.


  • 斯坦福大学科学史教授·希宾格,该文相当惊人

    Londa Schiebinger, a professor of the history of science at Stanford University, called this passage rather astonishing.


  • 孩提时代,尼克·科恩就被教导有些地方的桔子绝不南非的(因为那里的种族隔离),西班牙的(因为哥的法西斯主义),以色列的(因为他们侵占别人的领土)还有罗里的(因为母亲很讨厌尼克松)。

    AS A child Nick Cohen was not allowed to eat oranges from South Africa (apartheid), Spain (Franco's fascism), Israel (occupation) or Florida (his mother detested Nixon).


  • 而且地区未成年女性生育比例英格兰威尔士算是最高

    And the Rhondda does not have the highest rate for teenage mums in England or in Wales.


  • 谢谢(·拜恩,著畅销书《秘密》),谢谢确证了多年以前发现……没有命名东西

    Thank you Rhonda for identifying what I discovered so many years ago... but did not have a name for.


  • 但是解决未成年女性怀孕问题我们类似地区所面临重大挑战之一

    But tackling teenage pregnancy is one of the most important challenges we face in areas like the Rhondda.


  • 其中一个女孩母亲·兹拉愉快的接受道歉

    The mother of one of the girls, Ronnda Zezula, welcomed the apology.


  • 有些例外几乎阿迪·克山脉上的一切变了

    But with few exceptions, almost everything has changed in the Adirondacks.


  • 阿迪博物馆地面上,还有沿着蓝山高速公路上,有工艺品古董展出。

    On the grounds of the Adirondack Museum and along the highway leading to Blue Mountain Lake, crafts and antiques are being set out.


  • 在1892年阿迪公园建成的时候用来保护区的,而不是实验区

    When the Adirondack Park was established in 1892, it was intended to be a preserve, not an experiment.


  • 我们刚刚这件事——我们的年纪差不多大,也是在同年结婚的。

    And Joe and Rhonda, we were just talking — we're about the same age and we got married I think the same year.


  • 地方——纽约以北约小时车程,我可以感受到阿迪·克山脉特殊引力分别西延伸小时的车程。

    From where I live a couple of hours north of New York City, I can feel the peculiar gravity of the Adirondacks, which lie another two hours to the north and west.


  • 卡夫卫生健康部门总裁约旦问题简单化。

    Rhonda Jordan, Kraft's President of health and wellness, puts the problem simply.


  • 联合国儿童基金会,这232名年龄在1520岁青少年扣押布隆迪首都布琼布拉以北军营布鲁马塔军营。

    The United Nations Children's Fund says 232 children between the ages of 15 and 20 had been held at the Randa and Burumata camps north of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura.


  • 森林砍伐,做成木炭阿迪矿山炼铁的燃料,铁杉的树皮供给当地制革厂,可据木被运往下游地区

    The forest was being cut for charcoal to heat forges working iron from Adirondack mines, for hemlock bark used in local tanneries, and for sawlogs milled downstream.


  • 高大山峰蔓一整片延开夏天绿隐藏一个惊人的事实纽约阿迪公园也许地球上最复杂的公园。

    The unbroken green of the summer landscape rolling out from the High Peaks hides a singular fact: New York's Adirondack Park may be the most complicated park on the planet.


  • 丰田可耻”,史密斯国会听证会上

    Shame on you, Toyota, ” Rhonda Smith, said at a congressional hearing.


  • 涵盖了大部分纽约北部地区”,西安大略湖穿越阿迪克到加拿大边境佛蒙特州

    It covers most of New York's "North Country" from Lake Ontario in the west, crossing the Adirondacks and running along the Canadian border to Vermont.


  • 行业最后工厂8个月倒闭,该工厂位于纽约谢里尔,艾迪·山麓历史可追溯到殖民地时期——80个工人失业

    The last factory in an industry stretching back to colonial times closed eight months ago in Sherrill, N.Y., a small community in the foothills of the Adirondacks, and 80 employees lost their jobs.


  • 32岁的玛蒂尔•埃,前不久当地一家超市买了块(雀巢)“奇巧”巧克力,吃完后顺手包装纸扔进垃圾桶,因为她觉得“自己根本不可能中奖”。

    Mathilde Epron, 32, said she had bought a Kit Kat chocolate bar at her local supermarket but initially threw the wrapper in the bin, telling herself that "it's only others who win.


  • 还重新起用雅克·阿立、雅克·米歇尔·罗卡尔人,并委以重任

    He selected others, such as Jacques Attali, Jack Lang and Michel Rocard, to serve on grand commissions.


  • 感谢和他们全家,感谢他们的盛情款待

    And I want to thank Joe and Rhonda and the entire family for being such great hosts.


  • 架飞机于早7:59起飞,向西飞行。刚刚越过阿迪·克山脉便突然掉头向,开始纽约市中心地区俯冲

    The plane took off at 7:59 a.m. and headed west, over the Adirondacks, before taking a sudden turn south and diving down toward the heart of New York City.


  • 的分数非常糟糕因为去激励上进。

    Shronda's grades were lousy because no one pushed her to do better.


  • 压力之下切尔西第55分钟追回一分。弗洛·马卢得以突入禁区,斜射传球给丹尼尔·斯图里奇其破门。

    Chelsea's pressure told in the 55th minute as Florent Malouda was allowed to advance into the box and his cross-cum-shot was tapped home by Daniel Sturridge.


  • 压力之下切尔西第55分钟追回一分。弗洛·马卢得以突入禁区,斜射传球给丹尼尔·斯图里奇其破门。

    Chelsea's pressure told in the 55th minute as Florent Malouda was allowed to advance into the box and his cross-cum-shot was tapped home by Daniel Sturridge.


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