• 低平领无袖上衣橡筋线裙脚车花

    Low neck cut, sleeveless blouse with smocking stitches and embroidered at sweep.


  • 无疑自己钟爱的,它们召唤我寻找,它们让我停下30英里时速行驶

    I undoubtedly have my favourites, flowers to go out hunting for or stop the car for when glimpsed at 30mph.


  • 目前的问题美国人是否说服足够多的钱买小型行业一个充满活力未来

    The big question now is whether Americans can be persuaded to pay enough for them to give the industry a viable future.


  • 温哥华第十西大街100各街道的林荫大道旁,已经加进了篮子手推以及

    In Vancouver, along the boulevards of 100 block West 10th they have added planters, bicycle baskets, wheelbarrows and flower beds.


  • 可以当天有效通行证这样一天而只6美元,随便去哪里都可以。

    You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars.


  • 1919年,150美元第一,是个二手福特使他回想瀑布市的街道骑马场景。

    In 1919, he bought his first car, a $150 secondhand Ford, which Breuning remembered spooking the horses when he drove around the streets of Great Falls.


  • 第三个选择,就是我们轻型,大家都可以更少钱,也都更安全。——可是在美国,你觉得可能吗?

    As for the third option-we all buy lighter cars, all pay less for gas, and all be safer-good luck trying to sell that to America.


  • 后方保险杠安装橡胶板,这样碰上什么东西时不会磨的保险杠。

    And then on the back and rear bumper it had little bumper tips, had a guard with rubber mounted in them so when you could push your car or something, you wouldn't skin up your bumper.


  • 竞选造势活动结束后,奥巴马黑色SUV率领着特工、竞选团队媒体大巴组成的在“屋”门前。

    Following a campaign rally, the lengthy convoy of police outriders, Secret Service cars, staff vans and press buses ground to a stop behind Obama's black-tinted SUV outside "Penny's Flowers."


  • 刘云志今年25岁,是名电脑硬件的设计人员,去年搬进北京郊区公寓之后不久便5200美元买了他的第一,一式斜背的小轿

    Liu Yunzhi, a 25-year-old computer-hardware designer, bought his first car, a $5,200 Chinese-made hatchback, soon after moving into an apartment in a Beijing suburb last year.


  • 叶草牡丹得非常盛开的旋和黑莓像似的那棵树。 夜莺在这些树上唱歌,太阳光这些树上嬉戏。

    anemonies grew almost too high; blooming convolvuluses and blackberry-bushes hung in long garlands from tree to tree


  • 街道更多新的店铺饭店看起来比较象样的商店-------这些都是私营经济活跃、人们有钱迹象

    There are more cars in the streets, and some new stalls, restaurants and decent shops - apparently signs of private initiative and a social class with money to spend.


  • 赞成那么多钱去买辆二手

    I object to paying that much for a second-hand car.


  • 居住大城市的人们很多时间谈论交通道路很多是个很大问题

    People who live in big cities spend a lot of time talking about traffic. Too many people on the roads can be a big problem.


  • 一张沙发或一双鞋最多愿意多少钱

    What's the most you would be willing to spend on a car, a couch, shoes?


  • 山脚下上万桃树缀成粉红雪白相间的沿着绿色田野我们眼前奔涌而来

    Car to the foot of the mountain, tens of thousands of peach trees decorated pink and white and white flowers tide, along the green fields, to our eyes and rushes.


  • 不管多少让人把修好

    I'll get the car fixed no matter how much it costs.


  • 如果去,分钱不用

    The journey won't cost you a penny if you come in my car.


  • 自己很多时间公交舒服得多。

    Sitting in your own car is much more comfortable than having to wait a long time for the bus or train.


  • 当时是过去那些施肥,”这样虽然我并没有什么。“我压根儿就不知道她在室外。”

    "I was just backing up there to spread that good dirt," he said to me, though I had not asked him anything.


  • 不会太多时间金钱修理过时

    I wouldn't spend too much time and money trying to repair that old car.


  • 保险杠安装橡胶护板,这样碰上什么东西时不会的保险杠。

    And then on the back rear bumper it had little bumper tips, had a guard with rubber mounted in them so when you could push your car on something, you wouldn't skin up your bumper.


  • 来自澳门位上天入地,,人见人小小万人迷网络人称功夫小子虾米

    I is a heaven, from macau rushed north, rushed south hana-mi-cherry blossom, car see on-board, beloved still want to love the little fox, the network said: kungfu boy and shrimp monsters.


  • 的停泊位吧,那样回来时就不会发现你的

    Let them have your parking space, that way you won't come back later to find your car vandalized.


  • 弟弟这部时毫不爱惜,害得大笔修理费

    My brother's careless treatment of the car has run me in for a large repair bill.


  • 我们能不能更少的钱,

    Could we buy a car for less than it costs to rent one for a fortnight.


  • 拥挤开着缓缓前进,在等红灯时候衣衫褴褛小男孩敲着要不要买

    One man drove his car tardily through the congested traffic flow, when he stopped at a red light and heard a knock by a shabby boy on the window to aks if he would like to buy flowers.


  • 最后他们返回回家孩子们闲聊着男人开着女人坐在那里着,出神包围

    Finally, though, they returned to their car for the trip home. While the kids chattered and the man drove, the woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers, a faraway look in her eyes.


  • 最后他们返回回家孩子们闲聊着男人开着女人坐在那里着,出神包围

    Finally, though, they returned to their car for the trip home. While the kids chattered and the man drove, the woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers, a faraway look in her eyes.


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