• 我们充满信心踏上征途应该认识到我们必须防守稳健然后反击对手。

    We will go there with confidence but realise we have to defend well and hit them on the counter-attack.


  • 学期,新起点,新面貌我们憧憬美好的明天,让我们再一次踏上征途

    The new semester, new look, new starting point, let us look forward to a better tomorrow, let us once again set foot on the journey!


  • 小草绿意陪伴,让灿烂阳光陪伴着你,伴你踏上征途,并早日获得成功

    Let the green of little grass and the sun light accompany you on your way to early success.


  • 我们已经准备踏上征途我们今晚祈祷就是要让上帝看到并引导我们前进,使我们更为高尚。

    We're prepared for this journey. And our prayer tonight is that God will see us through, and keep us worthy.


  • 如果预见您将物理治疗师作为自己的终生职业,那么适当训练可以加快踏上征途的步伐。

    If you see yourself in a career as a physical therapist, the right training could speed you on your way.


  • 威尔·特纳、伊丽莎白·斯旺他们船员们一道踏上征途杰克·斯派船长海底救出

    Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, and their company embarked on1 a journey to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker2.


  • 冒险家杰克亨特为寻找传说中的古墓踏上征途一路上遇到了很多危险对手危险的是他的旧情人们…

    Adventurer Jack Hunter sets off in pursuit of a legendary tomb, meeting dangerous old adversaries, and even more dangerous old flames, along the way


  • 怀着这样想法,踏上征途开始采取有效步骤创造健康思想希望能够一步一步打造健康更幸福生活

    With that realization my journey began in taking the proper steps to create a healthy mind with the hopes of creating a far healthier and happier life.


  • 踏上征途,开创我们未来使无愧于伟大的学府,无愧于这座伟大的城市,无愧于这个伟大的国家,无愧于我们希望共同建立世界

    Go out and give us a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world we all wish to create together.


  • 踏上征途,开创我们未来使无愧于伟大的学府,无愧于这座伟大的城市,无愧于这个伟大的国家,无愧于我们希望共同建立世界

    Go out and give us a future worthy of this great university of this great city of this great country and of the world we all wish to create together.


  • 因为个来自远古灵魂,变成众神怪追逐的对象,久为了生存踏上征途寻找一件有魔力武士盔甲,那是父亲,一位名言四海的武士,生前穿过的。

    This causes all sorts of havoc as gods and monsters chase Kubo who, in order to survive, must locate a magical suit of armor once worn by his late father, a legendary Samurai warrior.


  • 下面条忠告帮助踏上获取你梦寐以求学位认证征途职业生涯开启崭新页吧。

    The following are six tips to help you on your journey to get that degree or certification you’ve always wanted and give your career a kick start.


  • 不是每个人都会赞成选择接受这个现实,并相信自我的判断,追随你心中闪烁明星,它引领踏上命运征途

    Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you've made, have faith in your judgment, catch the star that twinkles in your heart, and it will lead you to your destiny's path.


  • 这不,今天她为了走出位于德国帕彭贝格迈耶造船厂踏上首航征途,不得不忍屈尊狭窄的船闸穿行而过。

    So the ship was forced to make an undignified squeeze through the lock as she left the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenberg, Germany, on her maiden voyage today.


  • 交易安东尼尚有难以逾越的鸿沟,尼克斯只能凭未竟之作踏上赛季征途

    Barring a miraculous trade for Anthony, the Knicks will open the season as an unfinished work.


  • 国庆了40小时的硬座到了上海找到住处你就踏上征途

    After National Day, you have sat more than 40 hours hard places to Shanghai, just found the dwelling you to step the battle path.


  • 踏上寻找命运的征途

    I set out to find my destiny.


  • 终于他们利用一次偶然机会踏上征途追寻马克·波罗环游世界足迹

    Finally, they come across an accidental opportunity and start their journey, looking for Mark Polo's world trip track.


  • 今年九月批战士们踏上历史性征途她们希望顺利走完全程借此经历激励女性

    In September, these soldiers will begin their historic journey hoping they'll succeed and inspire a generation of women.


  • 他们现在将要踏上不一样的个人征途通过世界各个大学里的学习,实现个人成就寻找自我

    They will now embark on their individual and diverse paths, journeying to colleges in countries across the world, finding their fulfillment, and otherwise discovering their best selves.


  • 不等商量水滴太阳烤得变成水汽踏上天上去避暑征途

    They talk a good range of small water droplets are on the sun-baked into a the water vapor, embarked on a summer's journey to heaven.


  • 可是现在-一切都发生变化。今天早晨,屋前台阶挥挥即将踏上伟大的冒险征途,途中也许战争悲剧伤痛

    This morning, he is going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow.


  • 他们唯一希望就是踏上再次探索征途试图寻觅一种没有现代社会花哨事物生活方式

    Their only hope is to go on a journey of rediscovery and try to find a way to live without the trappings of modern society.


  • 两个奥运会残奥会英雄启发下诞生的吉祥物独自踏上伦敦奥运会征途

    The mascots, inspired by Olympic and Paralympic heroes, set out on a journey to London and the games themselves.


  • 一个幻想成为剑侠年轻人李逍遥凑巧遇见了神秘女孩赵灵儿,于是一起踏上寻找了她双亲征途

    A young man called Lin Xiaoyao who dreamt of being a great swordsman met mysterious girl Zhao Lin'er by coincidence, treading the path of finding Zhao's parents.


  • 一个幻想成为剑侠年轻人李逍遥凑巧遇见了神秘女孩赵灵儿,于是一起踏上寻找了她双亲征途

    A young man called Lin Xiaoyao who dreamt of being a great swordsman met mysterious girl Zhao Lin'er by coincidence, treading the path of finding Zhao's parents.


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