• 有人来回走动响声吵醒了。

    I was woken by the sound of someone moving around.


  • 一些能让我们站起来走动的事情。

    Do things that will get us up and to move.


  • 上一次客人有些困惑存放东西之后知道应该,以至于发生了客人们在间酒店四处走动的情况。

    Last time there was some confusion as to where guests were supposed to go once they had deposited their things and we had guests roaming around the whole hotel.


  • 谷歌地图产品揭示一切一个狙击步枪四处走动的令人毛骨悚然家伙巴基斯坦疑似美国无人机

    Google's mapping products have revealed everything from a creepy dude walking around with a sniper rifle to suspected U.S. drones in Pakistan.


  • 考虑我们教室时间以及每天在教室里走动的鞋子数量如果提出条“教室内不穿鞋”的规则可能会非常理解

    Given the amount of time we spend in classrooms, and the number of shoes that pass through them every day, you may well understand me if I were to propose a no-shoes-in-the-classroom rule.


  • 走动时候血液保持身体各个部位的温度。

    While he was walking, his blood had kept all parts of his body warm.


  • 好象有人上面屋子走路来回走动的步履声

    He listened; it was a footstep pacing back and forth, as though some one were walking in the room above him.


  • 如果一个遥控器可以房间走动的同时改变屏幕上的内容。

    If you use a remote control, you can change the visuals while walking about the room.


  • 因为听见时间走动声音,看见走动样子了。

    It's so quiet I can hear time ticking, I can see it moving.


  • 他们自己身体看做是他们到处走动的有形车辆一种机器。

    They think of their bodies as a physical vehicle for them to move around in, a machine.


  • 在讲述一个故事的时候,提高语速闲聊的语气并且要用走动方式。

    When you tell a story, speed up, get chatty and move around.


  • 珍妮·博斯克那些惊讶不见出门走动的那些人,笑着,“!”

    To those who were surprised not to see her around, Jeanne Bousque said, laughing, "Oh!"


  • 下去怕尴尬继续躺床上,心里想就是听见屋里走动声音不错

    I wanted to go and see for myself. But the same embarrassment overcame me, and I stayed in bed listening, and that, too, was nice, to hear him moving inside my house.


  • 太阳弧度越过地平线时,它们走动身影映衬着的雪白,沐浴柔和日光中。

    They move silhouetted against a land white as white, bathed in gentle light as the sun traces a low arc across the horizon.


  • 本周皇家协会生物通讯的新研究声明,我们饥饿祖先而言猛犸象就像是走动巨型肉排。

    Mammoths then must have been like giant walking steaks to our hungry human ancestors.


  • 所以研究人员增加了人们来回走动声音走廊里噪音,飞机到处飞以及其他类似干扰性的事物、声音。

    So, the researchers added people walking around, noises coming from the hallway, paper airplanes flying every which way, and other distractions.


  • 很幸运我们低坡上出游都没有遇到任何正在走动,使我们有足够时间欣赏冰雪原野全景

    Luckily for itinerant bears we don’t meet any in a couple of loops around the lower slopes of the mountain, and have time to admire panoramic views of the icy wilderness around us.


  • 研究录像行人特征之后,团队把目光聚集人们四处走动规律然后它们转化试探法发方程序

    After studying the patterns of pedestrians in videos, the team zeroed in on the rules the people used to get around and then converted them into heuristic formulas.


  • 动物们在四周走动时间有变化。它们等候11.6%的时间来回走动围场花7.2%的时间。

    The animals also moved around much more, spending 11.6% of their time on the move in the holding areas, but only 7.2% in the enclosures.


  • 他们恐龙地球有任何走动生物之前河流只是非常宽阔水面只是服从重力的影响,直接流向大海

    They say that well before dinosaurs or, really, much of anything roamed the earth, rivers were just vast expanses of water heeding only gravity and heading straight to sea.


  • 秒钟时间内,似乎完全出神地在思考着理想走动快慢,坐在那里看着孩子仿佛盘似的。

    For a moment or two he seemed quite lost in contemplating the pace of this ideal timepiece, and sat looking at the boy as if his face were the dial.


  • 为何如此两个原因事实上:其一蚂蚁不喜欢闻到醋味,其二是这样可以去掉蚂蚁爬过路径上的气味,使它们失去四处走动路径。

    Why This Works: Two reasons, really: ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it removes the scent trails that they use to get around?


  • Shatkin,与身体相关的职业比如按摩之所以认为是低压的工作很大程度是因为四处走动的时候很难积累产生压力肾上腺素。

    Physical occupations such as massage therapist are considered low stress, Shatkin says, largely because it's harder to build up stress-generated adrenalin when you're moving around.


  • 这种能够"看到"室内走动的能力, 加之低廉系统, 有着广泛的价值的应用.威尔逊先生已经成立Xandem公司来促销一发明.

    The ability toseepeople moving around in a building with such a cheap system has many plausible applications, and Mr Wilson has set up a company called Xandem to commercialise the idea.


  • 桌子穿梭走动,来到鲍勃地方

    He weaved around the tables to where she sat with Bob.


  • 老师不该走动频繁因为这会增加难度

    The teacher should not move around too much as this makes lip reading more difficult.


  • 医生预后劳伦斯可能12个月之内走动

    The doctor's prognosis was that Laurence might walk within 12 months.


  • 走动就在脚跟上下滑动

    It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.


  • 走动就在脚跟上下滑动

    It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.


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