• 部分项目搜寻地球最近的1000颗可能存在的恒星这些恒星对频率范围10003000信号有着较高灵敏度

    This part of the project is searching the nearest 1000 likely stars with high sensitivity for signals in the frequency range 1000 to 3000 MHz.


  • 第二倒数第二局中赫内希觅得一次机会。

    Hernych did create a break point in the penultimate game of the second set.


  • 但是他们应当仔细听听博伊赫内周日又一次惊人坦言。

    But they should listen carefully to another of Mr. Boehner's surprising acknowledgments on Sunday.


  • 寻找养育生命赫内姆思男子看得很重,他们必须牺牲自己延续血脉

    The discovery of true love and the creation of new life is not taken lightly by H'nemthe males, who must sacrifice their lives to continue their bloodline.


  • 赫内姆思人头顶角,部的感觉器官体察周围环境的温度差异以及其他生物的情绪变化。

    The quartet of cones atop a H'nemthe's head contain sensory organs that detect heat differences in their environment and emotional differences in other creatures.


  • 拉利费是“苏丹们”避暑宫殿,里面的花园绿叶流水融合,极为奇妙,值得一天徜徉其间

    The Generalife, Summer Palace of the 35 sultans, has amazing gardens combining the use of water and 36 foliage. A full day should be dedicated to wandering the grounds and buildings.


  • 哈佛年夜学安德娜·沙赫内同事们天才鹦鹉进行了相干探讨,探讨结果同样公告当代生物学》杂志上。

    Adena Schachner of Harvard University and her colleagues have also been studying this psittacine prodigy and they, too, have just published their findings in Current Biology.


  • 艾勒卜拉堡垒民居区的东面风景秀美赫内拉利费花园,公元13世纪14世纪统治着西班牙部分土地的埃米尔们就曾居住在这里

    To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries.


  • 这个自身位于布里底群岛掩蔽位置通常能够抵御极端天气

    The island is normally protected from extreme weather conditions by its sheltered location in the Inner Hebrides.


  • 丈夫远足时候都会带大堆装备所以博客的时候,我不禁失笑

    My husband, Herb, and I carry a lot of gear when we hike, so I had to laugh when Naomi asked me to write a guest post for her blog.


  • 哈利,罗恩吓傻了可是惊恐却是普。

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione were terrified, but Snape was the most horrified of all.


  • 家中搜寻也毫无结果,人们开始担心男孩在飞行途中掉了下来。 直到法尔科自己藏身车库阁楼椽子上爬下来人们才松了一口气。

    Searches of the Heene's home uncovered nothing, prompting fears the boy had fallen out mid-flight, before Falcon climbed down from the attic rafters of the garage where he had been hiding.


  • 谢耳除了研究星系构成年龄之外,一探星系构成恒星区域的秘密。

    Herschel will study the formation of galaxies and examine how they age. It will also peek at star-forming regions within galaxies.


  • 火车站通往码头大路上,到达后几分钟,就可以上路前往充满阳光亚得里亚海滨,巴拉克,其它地方。

    The station is over the road from the port and you can be on your way to Brac, Hvar or dozens of other sunny Adriatic rocks within minutes of arriving.


  • 夏威夷的卡海岸邓利维的公司找到强力的援手,而它就美军里面。

    On the shores of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Dunleavy's company has found a powerful ally, in the US military.


  • 宇宙盟约通道激活开启了倾斜的基底- 6半阶弧通道纹章(星门)系统活化模板欧-塔-希斯导线。

    Activation of the Universal Arc of the Covenant passage opens the diagonal Base-6 Half-step Arc passage Signet (stargate) system, activating the Helio-TA-sis Line within the Veca and Ecka Templates.


  • 英特尔公司多样化包容性组织罗莎琳德·德·:“其实很多美国女性极大野心她们不过承认罢了。”

    "A lot of women in the U.S. are incredibly ambitious, but they are too embarrassed to admit it," says Rosalind Hudnell, the head of diversity and inclusion at Intel Corp.


  • 布里底群岛上,间农舍,巴恩·希尔,离阿鲁萨英里远,偏远北端。

    There was a house, Barnhill, seven miles outside Ardlussa at the remote northern tip of this rocky finger of heather in the Inner Hebrides.


  • 雀巢女发言人罗兹-奥;“目前情况随时都变动,”她补充说雀巢在获悉出事后24小时采取了行动

    Nestle spokeswoman Roz O`Hearn said "this has been a very quickly moving situation, " adding the company took action less than 24 hours after hearing of the problem.


  • 几个世纪以来,科学家一直认为彗星地球大气层运行。但是在1577年,丹麦天文学家第谷·布拉进行的观测揭示出,彗星实际上运行在比月亮的地方。

    For centuries, scientists thought comets traveled in the Earth's atmosphere, but in 1577, observations made by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed they actually traveled far beyond the moon.


  • 大会在职权范围惟一协议起草2003年卡塔(哥仑比亚港口城市),寻求规避转基因生物造成的破坏的方法,而这并不是头等威胁

    The only protocol drawn up under its remit, in Cartagena in 2003, seeks to avert damage by genetically modified organisms; not a front-rank threat.


  • 那吞因多神信仰埃及引入神论的革新行为而世人所熟知,大约于西元前1300年中期在位统治。

    Akhenaten (ah-keh-NAH-ten), best known for introducing a revolutionary form of monotheism to ancient Egypt, reigned in the mid-1300s B.C.


  • 尽管零售商认为他们直到如何摆放货品获得最大销量营销机构彼特伊特(PeterHoyt讲道,“相邻物品摆放科学不是科学。”

    Although retailers think they know how to position products in a way that will maximise sales, says Peter Hoyt of the In-store Marketing Institute, “the science of adjacency is not a science.”


  • Curtiss - Wright公司移动控制部将未来一设在挪威特隆嵌入式计算设备中心提供装备

    Curtiss-Wright's Motion Control segment will provide the equipment from its Embedded Computing facility in Trondheim, Norway, over the next year.


  • 调查焦点在于,边界模糊的阿富汗坎巴基斯坦曼德边界上。

    The focus of the investigation will be on the poorly marked border between the Afghan province of Kunar and Mohmand.


  • 调查焦点在于,边界模糊的阿富汗坎巴基斯坦曼德边界上。

    The focus of the investigation will be on the poorly marked border between the Afghan province of Kunar and Mohmand.


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