• 另一种可能性不良资产注入银行”。

    Another is to take the hit up front, by putting the toxic assets into a “bad bank” that acts as a cordon sanitaire.


  • 这些银行很大一部分资产注入交易业务当中

    And the big Banks still devote a good portion of their assets to their trading businesses.


  • 由于笔者学识有限,就资产注入问题了上述初步研究未能量化出双方利益均衡点得出更为精确结论

    Due to limited knowledge, the writer does preliminary research, and can not explore the real interest equilibrium of shareholders and draw more accurate conclusions.


  • 在2006年上海机场进行股改时,上海机场集团承诺未来虹桥机场资产注入上市公司一直未有实质性进展

    As early as 2006, shares the airport to Shanghai, the Shanghai airport Group commitment to the future Hongqiao airport assets into listed companies, but there has been no substantive progress.


  • 本文股改我国上市公司控股股东对上市公司资产注入事件为样本运用市场模型检验不同支付手段资产注入市场反应

    Using the sample of asset injections by majority shareholders after full listing reform, this paper analyzes market reaction to different types of asset injections.


  • 雷曼兄弟证券公司的分析师曾一份添加评论上升关系记录上说,如果信用危机仍然持续的话房利美房贷美将会需要更多资产注入

    The comments added to concerns raised in a note by Lehman Brothers analysts that Fannie and Freddie may need to raise more capital as the credit crisis continues.


  • 年多虚构资产重组资金注入的消息挽救了这家公司。

    Imaginative shuffling of assets and a capital injection saved the group just over a year ago.


  • 目前危机中,决策者先进各种原因使用资本注入资产收购保持金融机构运作而不是去关闭他们

    In the current crisis, policymakers have advanced a variety of reasons for using capital injections and asset purchases to keep financial institutions going rather than shutting them down.


  • 他们对此毫不满足,放下柳叶刀,又拿注射器通过定量宽松”,也就是创造央行货币购进资产经济注入更多的

    Not content with that, they switched at once from scalpel to syringe and started to inject money into the economy through "quantitative easing" -buying assets with freshly created central-bank money.


  • 英格兰银行重新使用其在今年早些时候停止了量化宽松政策QE)——以购买金融资产的方式将资金注入经济中。

    The Bank of England is expected to resume the quantitative easing (QE)—injecting money into the economy by buying financial assets—which it stopped earlier this year.


  • 中石化表示:“此类海外收购上游资产未来可能注入上市公司。”

    "Upstream assets acquired overseas may be injected into a listed company in the future," Sinopec said.


  • 金融危机开始以来日本不断利用金融产品作为附属担保整个经济系统注入资金但是之前从未购买过资产

    Since the financial crisis Japan has continued to accept financial instruments as collateral in order to pump money into the system, but has not bought the assets.


  • 这一策略依赖投资者是否能够持续注入资金以及能否合适价格)变现资产

    The strategy depends on the continual ability of investors to renew their funding or to sell their assets (at a decent price).


  • 他们可能需要资金注入扩大或者获得新的资产

    They may need a cash injection to expand or to acquire new properties.


  • 美联储其他国家央行市场注入大笔流动性推动股票公司债券大宗商品和其他高风险资产近期上涨

    The massive liquidity being pumped into the market by the Fed and other central banks adds fuel to the recent rally in stocks, corporate bonds, commodities and other risky assets.


  • 美联储已经银行手中接过不良资产,并且通过向银行注入充足储备金让银行重新获得信用

    The Fed has taken troublesome assets off the hands of Banks and simply credited them with having reserves they previously lacked.


  • ApacheWink运行可以资产参数的形式注入资源方法中。

    The Apache Wink run time can also inject an asset into a resource method as a parameter.


  • 上月通过TARP美国银行业2500亿美元股本注入(为资本资产比率增添了两个百分点)促使后雷曼时期飙升LIBOR/OIS利差回落了一半

    The insertion, last month, of $250 billion of equity into American banks through TARP (a two-percentage-point addition to capital-asset ratios) halved the post-Lehman surge of the LIBOR/OIS spread.


  • 由于最近金融危机日本已经开始持续接受金融票据作为一种抵押担保物,目的是为了资金注入整个金融系统以内没有购买资产

    Since the recent financial crisis, Japan has continued to accept financial instruments as collateral in order to pump money into the system, but hasn't bought the assets.


  • 由于采取了“量化宽松其他超常措施注入流动性英美央行资产负债表规模剧增——超过危机前一倍有余。

    Thanks to "quantitative easing" and other unorthodox measures to pump in liquidity, central Banks' balance-sheets are swollen-to well over twice their pre-crisis size in Britain and America.


  • 经济衰退期间加拿大银行削减了基准利率(至0.25%),注入额外的流动资产买下了全部的抵押借款有价证券

    During the recession the Bank of Canada cut its benchmark interest rate (to 0.25%), injected extra liquidity and bought up mortgage-backed securities.


  • 投机给市场注入更多信息从而使资产价格与其基础价值达到更快、更完全一致

    It adds to the information in the market and by doing so tends to bring about a more rapid and complete alignment between prices and underlying values.


  • 投机给市场注入更多信息从而使资产价格与其基础价值达到更快、更完全一致

    It adds to the information in the market and by doing so tends to bring about a more rapid and complete alignment between prices and underlying values.


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