• 贷款抵押债券主要银行杠杆贷款支持

    Collateralized loan obligations are backed primarily by leveraged bank loans.


  • 也可以其他私人资产作为贷款抵押

    You can use other personal assets as collateral as well.


  • 他们可以创建贷款抵押产品用户类别以用于后续UI配置

    They can create loan mortgage products and categories of users for subsequent UI configuration.


  • 利率上涨可能促使贷款抵押上调,不利于房地产市场回暖

    The rise will likely push up mortgage rates and complicate the housing recovery.


  • 眼下关注的焦点检察长贷款抵押服务行业之间拟议中的的解决方案

    The immediate flashpoint is a proposed settlement between state attorneys general and the mortgage servicing industry.


  • 私墓股权客户有可能动用优惠条款的尚未提取的,贷款抵押设施

    To add to their woes, private-equity clients are also more likely to tap undrawn loan facilities which were negotiated some time ago on more favourable terms.


  • 消费者信用缺乏所重击,部分原因是作为贷款抵押保证房地产价格大幅下降了。

    Consumers are hardest hit by the dearth of credit partly because the value of the homes used as security for loans has plummeted.


  • 危机早期阶段,先前关于次级贷款抵押问题基本得到控制公告困扰着。

    He was haunted by his announcement, early in the crisis, that the subprime-mortgage problem was "largely contained".


  • 我们住房贷款抵押证券评级标准作出调整,使得这些债券更难获得AAA级评级。

    For instance, we have made changes to our criteria for rating mortgage securities so that it will be much more difficult for such a security to receive a triple-A rating.


  • 非洲农场进行土地登记村民能够财产用作贷款抵押的情况下,也能活跃起来。

    Africa's farms could come alive with land registers, allowing villagers to use property as collateral for credit.


  • 拜尔·马西一个巴基斯坦男孩父母为筹办大儿子婚礼作为贷款抵押给了巴基斯坦的一家地毯加工厂

    Iqbal Masih was sold to a Pakistani carpet factory when he was four years old as collateral on a loan his parents had taken out to pay for their eldest son's wedding.


  • 麦凯恩指责奥巴马参议院收取房利美联邦住宅贷款抵押公司捐款的第二大个人,而大公司正是目前名誉扫地的抵押贷款行业巨头

    McCain accused Obama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations from individuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgage industry giants.


  • 所有购买设立包装销售万亿美金贷款抵押相关的银行,可以这样:就如同伊卡洛斯一样,永远不知道太阳会化为灰飞烟灭那样而害怕

    Of the Banks that bought, created, packaged and sold trillions of dollars in mortgage-related securities, it says: "Like Icarus, they never feared flying ever closer to the sun."


  • 影子金融产业非银行机构贷款共同构成大量上述交易在进行,同时交易还有该产业创造的结构性产品(债务抵押债券CDOs和贷款抵押债券CLOs等)。

    A lot of this had to do with the "shadow finance" industry of non-bank institutions and lenders, and the structured products (such as CDOs and CLOs) it created.


  • 许多个人资产抵押,办理小额商业贷款

    Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.


  • 这么多的收入用来偿还每月抵押贷款了,因此没什么剩余

    So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.


  • 偿还抵押贷款所需金额$358587。

    The amount required to redeem the mortgage was $358,587.


  • 大额抵押贷款借款人选择固定利率

    Borrowers with a big mortgage should go for a fixed rate.


  • 较低利率使上百万抵押贷款支付人高兴了

    Lower interest rates pleased millions of mortgage payers.


  • 真的不想一个平庸的结完婚,背着抵押贷款

    I actually don't want to be a middle-of-the-road person, married with a mortgage.


  • 国家银行可以组合包装自己的的抵押贷款,以证券形式承销

    National banks can package their own mortgages and underwrite them as securities.


  • 抵押房子作为贷款担保

    He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan.


  • 更多机构特别是银行允许抵押贷款此外,银行还可以借出实际持有量更多的

    Many more institutions, especially banks, were allowed to lend money for mortgages, and what was more, banks could lend out more money than they actually held.


  • 这笔贷款房屋抵押

    The loan is secured against your home.


  • 是以房子店铺抵押得到这笔贷款的。

    His home and business are being held as security for the loan.


  • 没有及时偿还抵押贷款

    She didn't pay her mortgage in time.


  • 如今类似抵押贷款花掉每月收入两倍

    Today a similar mortgage would claim more than twice that share of his monthly earnings.


  • 放贷机构常常借款者勾结扩大抵押贷款规模或者糟糕是,向借款者兜售错误政策

    Too often lenders connived with borrowers to swell the size of mortgages, or worse, sell borrowers the wrong policy.


  • 抵押贷款小型企业管理局贷款之间,最后可能房产价值多得多钱。

    Between your mortgage and your SBA loan, you could end up owing a lot more on your property than it's worth.


  • 抵押贷款小型企业管理局贷款之间,最后可能房产价值多得多钱。

    Between your mortgage and your SBA loan, you could end up owing a lot more on your property than it's worth.


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