• 然而可能的是,这个救助完全成为被欧罗巴金融稳定机构和国际财政基金所支持的希式爱式的分红协议

    But it is unlikely, yet, to be a full Greek- and Irish-style bail-out agreement supported by the European financial stability facility and the International Monetary Fund.


  • 这位英国财政大臣表示计划重启国际货币基金组织去年提出一项计划计划迄今尚未提供任何帮助

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.


  • 干事通过计划财政两委员会理事会提交关于粮农组织信托基金资助项目执行情况年度报告

    The Director-General will submit to the Council, through its Programme and Finance Committees, annual reports on the operations of the projects funded from the FAO Trust Fund.


  • 中国取代东南亚以前角色,成为世界工厂韩国和日本一道出资组建地区财政援助基金

    It has supplanted Southeast Asia's old role as the world's factory floor, and, together with South Korea and Japan, contributes to a regional financial support fund.


  • 行政人员信中董事会承诺尽早撤销买断政策,但是由于学校窘迫财政状况以及退休基金原因未能实现。

    The executives claim in the letter that the Regents had earlier agreed to remove the cap, but reneged because of the dire financial condition of the university and its pension fund.


  • 假以时日,这个紧急基金就能演化促进欧元区财政协作机构

    Over time, the emergency fund could evolve into an institution that improves the euro area's fiscal co-ordination.


  • 虽然财政状况较好的大学金融危机中不至于太难,但由于它们其他学校更依赖捐赠基金,因此受到市场长期萧条的影响。

    While wealthy schools can fare better in a downturn, they are also seen as vulnerable to prolonged market slumps because they tend to fund a greater portion of their budget from their endowment.


  • 同样国际货币基金组织忙于应付的还有希腊财政问题

    The fund was also busy dealing with Greece’s financial problems.


  • 同样国际货币基金组织忙于应付的还有希腊财政问题

    The fund was also busy dealing with Greece's financial problems.


  • 悲剧的是如果提供给线路建设联邦基金或者其他财政支持枯竭那么加州拥有一条昂贵却没有目的地铁路

    What's more, if federal and other funds for further construction dry up, California could end up with an expensive train to nowhere.


  • 马科斯·埃斯皮·纳尔:伙伴关系公民社会挑战基金参与提高结核病认识活动社区组织提供财政支持

    ME: The Partnership's Challenge Facility for Civil Society provides financial support to community-based organizations engaged in activities to raise TB awareness.


  • 货币基金通常一个短期企业债券财政债券其它高等级债权组合

    Money market funds typically hold a mix of short-term corporate bonds, Treasury bills, and other high-quality debt.


  • 然而不仅仅修订选举权德国真正意图在于对条约规定破产国家财政救助基金形成永久性的变更。

    Yet more than just amending voting rights, Germany's real goal is to create a permanent means of restructuring the debts of bust countries and a bail-out fund that is treaty-based.


  • 失业保险基金专款专用,不得挪作他用不得用于平衡财政收支

    Unemployment insurance funds shall be used for their specific purposes, and may not be misused for other purposes or used to balance financial expenses and receipts.


  • 布鲁塞尔荷兰财政大臣Jan Keesde Jager需要救助基金

    In Brussels, Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees DE Jager said the rescue fund needed to be bigger.


  • 中央财政森林生态效益补偿基金支持重点公益林扩大7亿

    The area of key public forests funded by the central government with the forest ecological conservation fund expanded to 46.67 million hectares.


  • 同时削减财政赤字450亿;拟增加中央预算稳定调节基金1032亿元。

    In addition, the budget deficit should be reduced by 45 billion yuan and the central budget stability and regulation fund should be increased by 103.2 billion yuan.


  • 因此感谢·伯格基金去年宣布一个新的停止吸烟行动提供财政支持

    I am therefore grateful for the financial support, from the Bloomberg Foundation, for a new stop smoking initiative announced last year.


  • 新闻业财政支持不再局限广告客户用户涵盖了基金慈善人士、大学市民捐助

    Financial support for news reporting now comes not only from advertisers and subscribers but also from foundations, philanthropists, universities and citizen donors.


  • 只要东西方不同经济体之间存在财政盈余赤字均衡,主权财富基金就会永远存在。

    Until East and West even out the surpluses and deficits in their economies, sovereign-wealth funds will not go away.


  • 公共财政状况正在迫使研究基金分配方式发生变化。”说道

    “The state of public finances is forcing changes in the way research funding is allocated, ” he says.


  • 公共财政状况正在迫使研究基金分配方式发生变化。”说道

    "The state of public finances is forcing changes in the way research funding is allocated," he says.


  • 想要避免延迟方法之一就是货币基金组织欧盟保证不对债务超过界限国家实施财政援助,促使他们进行重组

    One way to avoid delay is for the IMF or the EU to promise not to bail out countries whose debts go beyond a specific threshold, forcing them to seek a restructuring.


  • 曾平衡财政预算,使石油的大量增产转变风险基金帮助俄罗斯度过了2008年的财政危机

    He balanced the budget and channelled oil windfalls into a rainy-day fund, which helped Russia get through the 2008 financial crisis.


  • 困难国家财政状况首先应该欧洲委员会国际货币基金组织研究一下

    A troubled country's finances would first have be studied by the European Commission and the IMF.


  • 去年加州公务员退休基金改变了政策,即强制外部财政管理者公开他们是否雇佣承销商招揽生意支付金额

    Last year CalPERS changed its policy to force external money-managers to disclose whether they are using placement agents to solicit business and how much they are paying them.


  • 国际货币基金组织认为较为宽松的目标留有一些财政空间刺激经济增长

    The Fund argued that the less stringent target would provide fiscal space and boost economic growth.


  • 还有些人建议财政处罚比如限制提供协助基金结构性基金甚至取消农业渔业扶持

    Others suggest financial penalties, such as holding back cohesion and structural funds, even support for farming and fisheries.


  • 还有些人建议财政处罚比如限制提供协助基金结构性基金甚至取消农业渔业扶持

    Others suggest financial penalties, such as holding back cohesion and structural funds, even support for farming and fisheries.


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