• 到头来还是迂回民众征税”,

    "It ends up being a roundabout way to tax people," Hauter says.


  • 2005年正式成立豪特(北京)体育用品有限公司

    Established in 2005 a step Hout (Beijing) Sporting Goods Co.


  • 自由市场理论最能说明消费者的肆意消费行为”,

    Free-market theory works great for discretionary consumer purchases,” says Hauter.


  • 这份备忘录中,豪特尔称,墨西哥州发现了所谓飞碟

    In the memo, Agent Hottel said that "three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico".


  • 其中·豪特尔的陈述外星人驾驶ufo墨西哥州罗兹·威尔失事坠毁的说法提供了证据

    Among them is a statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico.


  • 三十年代鲁道夫·乌伦豪特打造赛车称霸赛场梅赛德斯·奔驰赛车如今领跑赛车运动不谋而合。

    Late thirties, Rudolf Uhlenhaut dominate the race to build the stadium, which Mercedes - Benz Silver Arrow racing car racing's top leader now coincide.


  • 我们得很好不会低估困难。”斯塔·豪特北极自然资源开发汤姆森财经新闻电话采访说了这样一番话。

    "I think we would do well not to underestimate the difficulties" involved in any exploitation of the high north's natural resources, Stubholt told Thomson Financial News in a telephone interview.


  • :“为什么他们采用了三项标本非常研究结果,且研究数据不对公众公开?同时其中项研究结果已19年之?”

    WENONAH HAUTER: "Why are they using three studies with very small samples that the data is not available to the public, and one of the studies is nineteen years old?"


  • 其中还有一份1950年的陈述外星人驾驶ufo在墨西哥州罗兹·威尔失事坠毁的说法提供了证据

    Among them is a 1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico.


  • 不过斯塔·豪特认为,该项目留给西方投资者较小份额终将落入挪威手中。(原:该项目的较小的份额终将以挪威的方式预留给西方投资者)。

    However, Stubholt believes that a smaller share of the project also earmarked for western investors will eventually come Norway's way.


  • 这项研究是来自于西澳大利亚大学以及澳大利亚昆士兰大学斯科豪特他的同事们共同发起的,发表Naturwissenschaften杂志

    The study, carried out by Nathan Scott Hart and colleagues from the University of Western Australia and the University of Queensland, Australia is published in the journal Naturwissenschaften.


  • 1885年英国作者文森·豪特本叫做《为啥昆虫》的小册子发表了一篇文章来推广这个事情,在一个精心挑选菜单的配合下——烤面包上飞蛾

    A British author named Vincent Holt published an essay advocating it in 1885, along with a nice selection of menusmoths on toast, anyone? — in a pamphlet called Why Not Eat Insects?


  • 计划无家可归儿童建立基金会斯建立一个社区中心

    She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.


  • 研究人员莫西·索尔大多数即使到了晚年思维能力仍处于较高水平

    Most people's minds function at a high level even in their later years, according to researcher Timothy Salthouse.


  • 索尔:“随着时间推移,我们通过跟踪个体认知变化有了更深刻的认识,可能找到延缓认知速度下降方法。”

    "By following individuals over time," Salthouse said, "we gain insight in cognition changes, and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline."


  • 瓦尔提到贝尔法斯研究似乎表明整个事情作为一个社会网络调查

    Wardhaugh's reference to the Belfast research appears to suggest that the whole thing was undertaken as an investigation of social network.


  • 伊拉·斯莫斯医学中心病毒学主任埃伯·欧斯·斯,同事一起设计出流感游戏说:“其实就是现在发生的事,真实世界的现况。”

    "It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world," said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed "the Great Flu" game with colleagues.


  • 某些地方核污染可以希沃/小时来计算,“这危险。” 参与制定核政策的某官员说道

    Radiation in some parts of Fukushima city can be measured in the millisieverts per houra dangerous level, says an official dealing with nuclear policy.


  • 先生说:“最终我们的目标一旦达到某种水平,你就睡继续得到认证。

    Ultimately, where we want to be is, once you're performing at a certain level, you continue to be recertified,” Mr. Horst said.


  • 科奇和库迪奇属于西部低地大猩猩它们的兄妹。它们的母亲野生动物园下它们,但由于是第一次作母亲,所以将孩子遗弃

    The western lowland gorillas, who share the same father, were rejected by their separate first-time mothers after they gave birth to them at the park near Canterbury, Kent.


  • 莫西·索尔教授研究结果表明旨在预防或扭转与年龄有关的症状的治疗应尽早开始而非等到退休

    Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent orreverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners.


  • 认真地说现在作者尽全力能有多少的和弗罗斯康拉德亨利.詹姆斯福德.马多斯.福德,或者PG·沃德斯一样优秀呢?

    Seriously, how many authors today are writing better than Forster, Conrad, JM Barrie, Henry James, Ford Madox Ford or even PG Wodehouse at their best?


  • 罗密怀恩·是否戒酒:“她知道。”

    When Romete asked Winehouse if she was going to stop drinking: "she said she didn't know."


  • 喜剧”:带有“有趣的漫画带有哲理的漫画的喜剧类小说。埃米斯,经过果戈理和米福德沃德·斯。

    Comedy tied together "funny" comics and comics more philosophical, ranging from Amis to Wodehouse via Gogol and Mitford.


  • 德国,库农场种放养聚集在一起德国圣诞受欢迎菜肴

    Kuhhorst, Germany: Free-range geese are herded together at a farm. Goose is a popular dish in Germany for Christmas day.


  • 莫西·索尔教授研究结果表明旨在预防扭转年龄有关的症状的治疗尽早开始,而非等到退休

    Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent or reverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners


  • 莫西·索尔教授研究结果表明旨在预防扭转年龄有关的症状的治疗尽早开始,而非等到退休

    Professor Timothy Salthouse said the results suggested that therapies designed to prevent or reverse age-related conditions may need to start earlier, long before people become pensioners


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