• 词形词性语法位置之间密切联系不能选用任意词性填充某一语法位置

    Word form, word class and the grammatical position of words in a sentence are closely related. Words cannot be chosen freely to fill in a grammatical position of a sentence.


  • 英汉语言模态句中否定词语义错位与其语法位置无关双重否定否定词语法位置密切关系。

    It also discovers that the grammatical placement has nothing to do with the semantic misplacement, but exerts remarkable effect on the occurrence of the double negative modalized statements.


  • 我们只是语法放到位置

    We're just going to put grammar in its place.


  • 条消息翻译成其他语言之后,有可能需要根据目标语言语法更改替换变量位置顺序

    When a message is translated into another language, the position and order of the substitution variables might have to change to meet the syntax requirements of the target language.


  • 清单2语法可以看到基本select语句需要SELECTFROM语句;必须指定选择数据指明感兴趣数据的位置

    FROM the syntax in Listing 2, you can see that a basic select statement requires only a select and a FROM; you must specify what data to select and indicate the location of the data of interest.


  • 这个例子中显示是个语法错误并且高亮显示它的位置以便修改

    In this case it says, this is a syntax error, and it's actually highlighting where it came from so I can go back and fix it.


  • 意味着所有WSDL文件可以拥有同样语法内容除了Web服务名称位置

    This means that all WSDL files can have the same syntax and content, except for the name and location of the Web services.


  • 可以任意一本gettext联机手册中了解关于位置语法更多信息(请参阅参考资料)。

    You can learn more about the positional syntax in any of the online manuals for gettext (see Resources).


  • Ruby_parser能提供抽象语法节点源码位置Ruby代码分析或者 代码转换工具必需信息。

    Ruby_parser also provides source locations of AST nodes, which is obviously necessary for code analysis or code transformation tools in Ruby.


  • 指定某个现有Jazz服务器位置有关 URI语法请参阅Team Concert客户端设置指南)。

    Point the location to an existing Jazz server (see Team Concert Client Setup Guide for the syntax of the URI).


  • 源代码工具来说至关重要,因为虽然纯粹语法树结构信息有用,但是如果工具无法了解节点在源码中的位置就不能对源码进行修改

    This is crucial for source tools - pure structural information is useful, but if the tool doesn't know where a node is, it can't modify it in the file.


  • 如果字符串包含多个动态元素,则msgfmt支持扩展标记语法,该语法允许指定字符串每个动态元素位置

    If your string contains more than one dynamic element, MSGFMT supports an extended markup syntax that allows you to specify the position of each dynamic element in the string.


  • NetSearchExtender支持缩写XPath位置-步骤语法允许使用(/)属性轴(@)。

    Net Search Extender supports the abbreviated XPath location-step syntax and allows for the use of the child axis (/) and the attribute axis (@).


  • 图表标题写作涉及到书写格式语法结构中心位置缩略词、常用句式等。

    The title of the figures and tables includes writing forms, grammatical structures, important words position, abbreviations and sentence patterns.


  • 本文主要讨论重叠式不同句法位置上表现出语法意义以及这些语法意义形成条件

    This paper has discussed mainly the grammar meaning that this structure embodies on the different location of sentence structure and the produce condition of this kind of grammar meaning.


  • 但是大多数学者认为与他词义接近词源来自于古希腊古罗马语法标记,这些标记标识出演讲中需要提高或者降低说话声位置

    However, most scholars agree that their closest ancestors are the classic Greek and Roman grammatical signs that indicated important points of declamation by recording the rise and fall of the voice.


  • 可以使用其中重要功能(调试器)观察程序运行时行为确定语法错误位置

    You can use the most important of these, the debugger, to observe the run-time behavior of your program and to determine the location of semantic errors.


  • 位置动词可以表示动态也可以表示静态特点引起众多语法学者关注

    Positional Verb (some consider it Adherent Verb) has drew much attention of many grammarians for that it could be dynamic and static in connotation.


  • 规定语法描写语法英语语言研究与教学占有同等重要位置

    Descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar both are very important in English studies.


  • 第四部分句法位置语义泛化认知角度、语境因素六个方面分析探讨了“语法动因及其机制

    The fourth part from the syntactic, semantic generalization, cognitive position Angle, context factors is discussed from six aspects: "see" the reason and mechanism of grammar.


  • 本文主要讨论了重叠式不同句法位置上表现出语法意义以及这些语法意义形成的条件。

    The paper discusses the reduplicative forms, grammatical meanings and the syntactical functions of disyllabic nouns, the meanings and functions of the reduplication form are highlight.


  • 结果发现句子语境位置语境与目标之间的语法关系对于词汇选择起着重要的作用

    The results indicated that the context location and syntactic bias had a great influence on the word choice task.


  • 结果发现句子语境位置语境与目标之间的语法关系对于词汇选择起着重要的作用

    The results indicated that the context location and syntactic bias had a great influence on the word choice task.


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