• 诉讼欺诈一种独特危害社会行为

    Litigation fraud is a special act which does great harm to the society.


  • 第二部分诉讼欺诈行为定性争议评述

    Second part: Controversy about how to determine the nature of litigation fraud and comment.


  • 基础上笔者设计诉讼欺诈具体法条。

    On this basis, the author specifically designs to suit the articles of law of litigation fraud.


  • 诉讼欺诈行为侵犯双重具体社会关系直接客体单一客体

    The act of litigation fraud infringes upon bilaterally concrete social relations, but its direct object of crime is single.


  • 在民事经济纠纷及其诉讼日益复杂化多样化今天诉讼欺诈现象日趋严重

    Nowadays, with the economic disputes and litigations increasingly complex and diverse, litigation fraud becomes more and more serious.


  • 诉讼欺诈行为社会危害极大目前司法实践对于诉讼欺诈行为的处罚力度远远不够

    Litigious frauds do great harm to the society, but penalty for which from the judicial department is far away from enough at present.


  • 但是诉讼领域出现一些滥用诉权侵害他人合法权益现象诉讼欺诈就是典型一例。

    However, in the field of litigation there has been the phenomenon of some abusment of the right to appeal against others'legal rights, litigation fraud is a typical case .


  • 诉讼欺诈行为不仅破坏了司法机关正常司法活动侵害国家集体或者他人合法权益

    Fraud litigation actions not only undermined the normal judicial activities of the judiciary, but also against the state, the collective or the legitimate rights and interests of others.


  • 第二部分重点讲解诉讼欺诈概念构成要件、特征表现形式等,法律角度对其下定义

    The second part focuses on the concept, constitutions, characteristic and forms of litigation fraud, make the definition in the eye of law.


  • 第三部分诉讼欺诈进行定性分析确定与非罪界限,与几种相似常见的比较根据上述理论对本案例进行分析。

    The third part analysis how to determine the character of fraudulent activities in litigation, distinguish crime from nonprime, contrast the similar activities and analysis the typical case.


  • 指控欺诈案件遵循诉讼程序

    This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.


  • 一个欺诈重罪犯提起诉讼我们期待法庭上辩护

    This is a fraudulent lawsuit brought by a convicted felon, and we look forward to defending it in court.


  • 6月6日,一致否决了一个低级法院裁定——限制投资者石油服务公司Halliburton提起市场欺诈诉讼

    On June 6th it unanimously threw out a lower court's decision that restricted the ability of investors to bring a "fraud on the market" lawsuit against Halliburton, an oil-services firm.


  • 12月份提起的诉讼宣称,Match.com超过一半资料都是无效虚假或是具有欺诈的。” 这起诉讼正向达拉斯地方法院申请成为集体诉讼

    A lawsuit filed in December and seeking class-action status in U.S. District Court in Dallas alleges more than half the profiles on Match.com are 'inactive, fake or fraudulent.'


  • 上一年律师们威胁发起“不公平欺诈”的集团诉讼除非迪斯尼同意针对2004年以后购买音像制品全额退款

    Last year, lawyers threatened a class-action lawsuit for unfair and deceptive practices unless Disney agreed to refund the full purchase price to all who bought the videos since 2004.


  • 参与此案法律界人士SEC起诉书列出证据足以支持它控告高盛欺诈民事诉讼

    Several lawyers not involved in the case said the evidence, as laid out in the SEC's complaint, is deep enough to support the civil fraud charges.


  • 公司刚指控花旗集团欺诈诉讼中败诉。

    It recently lost a related court case against Citigroup, which it had sued for fraud.


  • 结语主要总结构建我国证券欺诈群体诉讼制度合理性该问题前瞻性

    The conclusion of this thesis includes discussions on the rationality and the forward-looking of constructing the system of litigations of security fraud.


  • 格林伯格英国马丁o沙利文(Martin Sullivan)取代,而现在仍身陷纽约州总检查长略特o斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)提起的民事欺诈诉讼之中。

    Mr Greenberg, who remains embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit brought by Eliot Spitzer, the former New York attorney-general, was replaced by Martin Sullivan, a Briton.


  • 信用证欺诈司法救济措施可以诉讼诉讼中采取

    The Judicial Remedies measures can be adopted before or during the litigation.


  • 诉讼宣称只有在主要外部审计人员专业人士顾问的大力协助下,富公司欺诈计划才能如此深入地实施。

    The lawsuit alleges that the degree of Refco's fraud scheme could only have been accomplished with the "active assistance of Refco's cadre of outside auditors, professionals and advisers."


  • 投资者信心需要一定透明度,要对有效监管能发生欺诈诉讼及时到位充满信心。

    Investor confidence requires a certain degree of transparency, and confidence that effective oversight is in place when allegations of fraud occur.


  • 因此我们英国诉讼很少有诉讼成功除非明显欺诈

    So we get such lawsuits in the UK, but in fact very few of them are successful, unless it is obvious fraud.


  • 那么即使犯罪诉讼是有根据的,但除非恐吓轻佻欺诈则不构成恐吓

    However , a threat to bring a civil lawsuit does not constitute duress unless such a suit is frivolous or brought in bad faith.


  • 美国证券集团诉讼制度实乃美国联邦集团诉讼规则在证券欺诈领域具体适用

    The US securities Class Action Institution virtually referred to the application of Federal Rules of Class Action to the field of securities fraud.


  • 具体恶意诉讼类型可以其分为滥用起诉型、滥用防御权型、滥用诉讼程序型、虚假诉讼型、单方欺诈重复诉讼型。

    Malicious litigation can be divided into six types, abusing of the right to sue, abusing of the defensive right, abusing of judicial proceeding, false lawsuits, mendacious suit and repeated suit.


  • 美国布鲁克林检察官已经涉嫌欺诈手段诱使一些机构投资者购买高风险拍卖利率证券经纪人提起诉讼

    The U. s. Attorney in Brooklyn has brought charges against brokers who allegedly tricked some institutional investors into buying risky auction-rate securities.


  • 美国布鲁克林检察官已经涉嫌欺诈手段诱使一些机构投资者购买高风险拍卖利率证券经纪人提起诉讼

    The U. s. Attorney in Brooklyn has brought charges against brokers who allegedly tricked some institutional investors into buying risky auction-rate securities.


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