• 因此计算薄板内力时,主要是计算弯矩扭矩

    Thus, when we calculate the interior force of sheet, we mainly calculate bending moment and twisting moment.


  • 条件(4)符合计算弯矩有效深度符合6.1条,应适用最远一层张力。

    Where condition (4) above is not fulfilled, the effective depth of the steel for the calculation of bending resistance in accordance with 6.1 should apply to the layer furthest from the tension face.


  • 本文根据分析结果拟合得到了适用于钢桁架或实腹钢梁混凝土墙体之间连接约束弯矩计算公式

    Based on analysis results, a formula for the calculation of restraining moment of single-plate connection between steel truss (steel girder) and RC wall is derived.


  • 因此必要提出一个统一裂缝闭合弯矩计算公式

    So it's essential to bring forward a uniform formulas to calculate the crack closing moment.


  • 本文采用材料力学中梁的受力分析方法给出了容器中支座反力最大轴向弯矩计算方程

    In this paper, the beam analysis method was applied to derive the equations for calculating the support forces and maximum axial moments acting on the vessels.


  • 本文给出船级社规定模型计算舵杆中的弯矩剪力公式

    This paper introduces the bending moment and shearing force calculation formula of rudder and rudderstock according to the model required by classification society.


  • 计算结构运动刚体之间冲击力时程曲线、中的剪力弯矩分布件中的轴分布。

    The impact force-time history between the structure and the moving rigid-body, shear force and bending moment distribution along the beams, axial force distribution along the bars were calculated.


  • 分析试验结果基础上,提出了确定裂缝闭合弯矩(应力)的力学模型计算公式。

    Based on the test results, the calculation model and the method for predicting crack closing moments (or stresses) are presented.


  • 根据地基规范中柱下单独基础设计方法,通过理论推导,给出了类基础底面尺寸基础高度、基础底板弯矩直接计算公式。

    According to separate under-based design methods, the direct calculation formulae of the basic bottom size, the basic height, and the foundation slab moment are put.


  • 平衡方程出发应用奇异函数计算其在最大弯矩极限条件极限荷载

    Based on the equilibrium equation of annular plates, the limit loads of annular plates under ultimate condition of the maximal moment were calculated by singular function.


  • 根据壳体理论支撑受力机理进行分析简化计算得出钢支撑力和弯矩共同作用下,轴向正应力线性分布

    On the basis of theory analysis, it is deduced that the axial stress is linear distribution, when the steel support is loaded by axial force and moment.


  • 该法适用简单,可用于快速近似计算连续弯矩

    This approximate method is simple and suitable for fast calculation on the bending moment of continuous beams.


  • 文章通过计算分析,发现可以支座负弯矩调幅小梁间距办法满足侧向稳定要求

    This paper can satisfy the requirement with steady lateral buckling with the method that scales down the bending moment and abate the space between beams.


  • 本文主要讨论计算单位弯矩图可采用不同基本结构方法

    The method of using various released structures in the moment diagram of each unit in force method is discussed in this paper.


  • 分析了地表水平变形、地表曲率变形引起建筑物附加作用力层间水平砌体带所受附加剪力及其产生的附加弯矩给出了计算公式

    The extra effect and shear force of buildings caused by level and curvature distortion of the earth's surface is analyzed, and the calculation formula is given.


  • 根据混凝土非线性本构关系提出了加固开裂弯矩极限弯矩刚度计算方法,并将理论值试验值进行对比分析。

    Calculating methods of cracking moment, ultimate moment, stiffness of the beams strengthened by steel plate are offered according to the non-linear relationship between stress and strain of concrete.


  • 基础上导出计算曲轴的连续梁全弯矩方程

    The all-bending moment equation for dual continuous beam is derived on this basis.


  • 现有经验方法无法准确计算同时传递竖向剪力不平衡弯矩钢筋混凝土柱中节点极限承载力

    The existing experimental method cannot accurately calculate the ultimate carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete slab column connections subjected to moment and shear.


  • 利用电子计算弯矩曲率曲线全过程作了理论分析试验结果进行了比较,两者比较接近

    The complete moment-curvature curves are obtained from theoretical analysis by using electronic computer, and they are almost in agreement with the experimental curves.


  • 计算结果表明:转臂上施加一定反向弯矩有效减小薄率。

    It shows that pipe bending by using induction heating applied a counter torque can efficiently reduce the thinning ratio of pipe wall thickness.


  • 编制了钢筋混凝土截面弯矩-曲率关系计算程序

    A computer program to calculate the moment-curvature relationship of reinforced concrete beam section is compiled.


  • 基于弹性无限空间幂级数不能计算格构弯矩区段,数值分析结果不符。

    The negative moment of the beam can not be concluded by the method based on the half-space elastic foundation theory, but the negative moment is proved by the numerical analysis.


  • 使用荷载阶段进行研究给出计算结果外,给出弯矩-曲率曲线极限变形计算

    Besides the research and calculation materials for the stage of working load, the complete moment-curvature curve and the calculation of ultimate deformations are provided too.


  • 简化后开裂弯矩计算公式形式比较简单,计算结果试验结果基本吻合

    The simplified calculation formula form of cracking moment is simple and the analytical results agree well with that of experiments.


  • 为此,导出了竖向附加弯矩法兰盘约束弯矩计算方法提出了径向联系筋形式数量

    The methods for calculation of additional vertical bending moment and confining bending moment of flanges are deducted, and the type and quantity of radial reinforcements are proposed.


  • 本文分析并推求了均布荷载平面弧形弯矩、扭矩计算公式,提出弯矩简化计算方法

    Internal force of curve beam under uniform load is analyzed in this paper, and simplified method of computing moment is given.


  • 研究表明这种组合线形不能等效荷载计算预应力作用,而采用约束次弯矩法来计算

    Researches show that the equivalent load method couldn't be used to calculate the prestressing action in the combination form, but the method of restraining secondary moments should be used.


  • 根据截面受弯承载力计算理论,运用混凝土力学分析方法导出高强混凝土开裂弯矩计算

    According to the calculation theory of normal section bending bearing capacity, the calculation formula of cracking moment of high-strength concrete beam was derived by the concrete mechanic method.


  • 根据截面受弯承载力计算理论,运用混凝土力学分析方法导出高强混凝土开裂弯矩计算

    According to the calculation theory of normal section bending bearing capacity, the calculation formula of cracking moment of high-strength concrete beam was derived by the concrete mechanic method.


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