• 粗细解舒率、解舒极显著正相关性。

    There are remarkable relations between the size of wrinkles and the cocoon reelability, the length of non broken cocoon filament.


  • 本文就触处理解舒生丝抱合力影响了探讨。

    The effect of direct steaming pretreatment of cocoon on cocoon reelability and raw silk cohesion is discussed.


  • 经济性状具有,茧层率茧丝解舒净度质优特点

    As to the economic characteristics, they had the features of big cocoon, high percentage of cocoon shell, long silk length, easy seperating of cocoon, good purity and superior quality.


  • 解舒丝绸生产中的关键指标正确判别有效添绪,提高解舒率指标检测准确性

    Reelability percentage is the key indicator of silk products. Correct confirmation number of end feeding is helpful to improve test accuracy of Reelability percentage.


  • 结果表明中管理期间适时关闭门窗提高蚕茧的上车、出率、解舒、洁净成绩。

    The results indicated that reasonable closing the windows and doors of cocooning room could improve the cocoon quality such as reelable cocoon rate, reelability percentage, raw silk rate and neatness.


  • 恶劣上蔟环境中结成的蚕茧,茧浓,茧层触紧硬而弹性缫丝时解舒差。

    The cocoon spun in poor mounting conditions shows yellow and dark colour, tough hand feeling and weak elasticity, resulting in more dropped ends and lower reelability percentage during silk reeling.


  • 文摘前文已经给出连续型解舒分布基础,给出解舒丝长的特征函数讨论应用的问题。

    Abstract: in this paper, basis on the distribution of non - broken filament length of cocoon, we gave the characteristic function, and discussed on its application.


  • 针对蚕茧解舒问题根据人工饲育天蚕茧的特性,采用煮茧湿处理筛选出煮茧药剂,确立了天蚕茧解舒新工艺。

    With a view to tackling the tough problem in Yamamai cocoon reeling, a new reeling process is established by wet heat treatment prior to cocoon cooking and selection of new cocoon cooking chemicals.


  • 针对四川地区蚕茧解舒较长时期内持续处于线的现状,阐述了解舒率不高的主要成因探索了提高解舒率的途径主要措施

    Targeting the long_standing lower cocoon reelability in Sichuan area, investigations are made on the major causes, and the measures to improve reelability.


  • 尽管人们不大相信来世,但是他们都能坦然地祈求面对天国使者来为他们死亡痛苦认清生命意义

    Even when people do not much believe in the hereafter, they easily invoke or envisage heavenly beings to ease death and make some sense of life.


  • 如果你们黑暗太空为了你们的那么将你们的曙光倾入太空是为了你们的欣悦。

    And if it is for your comfort to pour your darkness into space, it is also for your delight to pour forth the dawning of your heart.


  • 但是尔茨暗示太空总署真正结束关于月球不对称之谜争论可能还要更多的工作。

    But Schultz hinted that the space agency may have to do a bit more to really settle the debate over the cause of the moon's puzzling asymmetry.


  • 降低要求重密码来电数目,借此服务台的密码作业成本

    Helps reduce password-related help desk costs by lowering the number of password reset calls.


  • 疲惫模式针对太阳穴按摩,可紧绷压力造成头痛

    The RELIEF Programme targets the "Tài Yáng" acupressure point to help relieve headaches caused by tension and stress.


  • 活力重现模式的振动功能,可刺激主要穴位,不仅能促进血液循环,更能帮您疲惫。搭配轻柔自然天籁音乐能有效放松心情、恢复活力。

    The ENERGISE programme's vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue, while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels.


  • 专家提出土豆一碗白米饭中含有水化合物足以紧张一天带来的焦虑

    Experts suggest that the carbohydrates present in a baked potato or white rice are enough to relieve the anxiety of a stressful day.


  • 表皮细胞产生的黑素增加了皮肤上的黑斑。应用冷敷服用止痛药能某些晒伤疼痛

    Pigment cells in the skin increase melanin production (" tan "). Cold compresses and analgesics reduce pain.


  • 或许精神崩溃时候使记忆暂时脱离现实得到歇斯底里的事后的痛楚需要药物控制

    Maybe the time of snap, will make anamnesis awhile divorce from reality, gotten hysterical Shu untie, But matter hind pain-suffering just need depends drug come control.


  • 功效松弛神经系统减轻压力安宁镇静消除疲劳肌肉酸痛

    Function: Relaxes nervous system, relieves the stress, sedation, removes the tiredness and relieves muscle ache and pain.


  • 所有这些基因都负责熟知药品诸如抗抑郁药精神抑制药包括曲坦安理申等在内的止片)的分子靶标编码

    The genes all encode molecular targets of well-known pharmaceuticals, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics and pain relievers including Prozac, Imitrex, and Aricept.


  • 如果只是压力长期其实这种驼背”可以透过伸展运动矫正僵硬肌肉扩胸伸展开阔心胸心情也会更好

    If the pressure is large or long-term bent back, in fact, the "hump-back" through stretching exercises to correct, relieve muscle stiffness, chest extended, open-minded, would feel better Oh!


  • 促进循环代谢,防止水肿。静脉曲张肿胀

    Promotes circulation. Prevents edemas and lessen varicosity and swell .


  • 怡人花果香气,有效日常生活压力

    Delectable fruit fragrance can help to relax daily life pressure.


  • 使用于皮肤表面有效炎症反应止痒

    The compound fluconazole ointment is applied to the surfaces of the skin and the auditory canals and can effectively relieve inflammatory reactions and itch.


  • 使用于皮肤表面有效炎症反应止痒

    The compound fluconazole ointment is applied to the surfaces of the skin and the auditory canals and can effectively relieve inflammatory reactions and itch.


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