• 了提供词典汇编信息外,这个研究尝试多功能的西手语词典

    Rather than just providing the lexicographic information; this study attempts to make a multi-media base dictionary of ShSL.


  • 对比研究表明新生代西抬升阳坳陷沉降之间存在-坳耦合关系。

    Comparison study shows that the uplifting of the West Shandong Rise at Cenozoic coupled well with the subsidence of the Jiyang Depression.


  • 对比研究表明新生代西抬升阳坳陷的沉降之间存在耦合关系。

    Comparison study shows that the relatively rapid uplifting events in Cenozoic coupled well with the subsidence of Jiyang Depression.


  • 1844年的今天,有影响力北美兄弟会“德耳塔·卡帕·厄西隆耶鲁大学成立

    1844 - Influential North American fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon is founded at Yale University.


  • 欧元符号希腊语字母第五字厄普西隆E条平行线结合,分别象征欧洲文明欧洲欧元稳定

    The glyph is "a combination of the Greek epsilon, as a sign of the weight of European civilization; an E for Europe; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro".


  • 目的探讨5-HT3型受体特异性拮抗剂奥丹西隆吗啡诱导的条件性位置偏爱CPP效应影响及其可能机制

    OBJECTIVE:To elucidate the effect of ondansetron(OND), a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, on the morphine-induced conditioned place preference(CPP) in mice and its possible mechanism.


  • 耶鲁大学在经过一个充分审讯后执行委员会发现德耳塔·卡帕·厄西隆分会几个兄弟会成员已经威胁和胁迫他人违反有关规定。

    Yale said after a full hearing its executive committee found that the Delta Kappa Epsilon chapter and several fraternity members had threatened and intimidated others, in violation of its regulations.


  • 他们饭盒涂成醒目红色,印上电视电台中的牛仔霍帕·西照片

    They covered lunch boxes with striking red paint and added a picture of TV and radio cowboy Hopalong Cassidy on the front.


  • 俄亥俄州克利夫兰西大学团队该项目的初步研究中,用年时间研究了大约200一模一样双胞胎

    In the first study of its kind, Guyuron and his team at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, studied nearly 200 pairs of identical twins over two years.


  • ·伯格警告在皇后区弗朗西预备学校另外17学生并且该校大约有100名学生已经得病接受病毒测试

    Bloomberg warned that there are another 17 students from the school, St. Francis Preparatory school in Queens, and as many as 100 of the students have fallen ill and will be tested for the virus.


  • 再者,卡尔德·加西杜埃尼亚斯认为内膜损伤使污染粒子更易于进入通往脑部嗅觉通路。

    Moreover, Calderón-Garcidueñas has linked the pollutants with a breakdown in the lining of the nose, which could facilitate particles' access to olfactory highways serving the brain.


  • 罗纳尔多,卡卡,本马,哈维·阿索,拉萨纳·迪亚拉,西利亚斯.…..也许还要段时间磨合,进球肯定不会少。

    Ronaldo, Kaká, Benzema, Xabi Alonso, Lass, CasillasIt might take a while to get it really right but they will score plenty of goals.


  • 电子游戏设计师、美国卡内基·梅大学研究人员杰西·谢尔如是说,游戏设计师以及心理学家坚信,使公民更健康提高工作效率、有事可做关键游戏引入生活

    He and a bevy of game designers and psychologists are convinced that the key to a society of healthier, more productive and more engaged citizens lies in bringing gaming into daily life.


  • 患者西爪哇名20岁男子

    The patient is a 20-year-old male from Bandung, West Java.


  • 最喜欢球员西班牙西利亚斯拉莫斯和阿尔巴罗。

    My favourite players are the Spanish ones, Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Xavi Alonso, Arbeloa.


  • 西-卡尔德,作为NBA里其中一位顶级传球手.可能会考虑是否自己传球.

    One of the top passing guards in the N.B.A., Jose Calderon of the Toronto Raptors, may want to consider whether he would be willing to pass the ball to himself.


  • 大规模预防接种运动正在西韦勒(法国无国界医生组织)进行,并且预定于3月中博尔朱巴、尼穆莱贝克开始。

    Mass vaccination campaigns are ongoing in Aweil West (MSF-France) and scheduled to start in Bor, Juba, Nimule, and Rumbek in mid-March.


  • 另外2例发生西爪哇的一名10岁女童及其18岁哥哥

    Two additional cases occurred in a 10-year-old girl and her 18-year-old brother from Bandung, West Java.


  • 连字符理由特雷西·麦克格雷迪、德维恩·韦德·威廉姆斯、德里克·罗斯杰森·基德拥有大致相同绰号

    Hyphenates: There is no earthly reason that Tracy McGrady, Dwyane Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, and Jason Kidd should all have basically the same nickname.


  • 靠近依撒加尔边界西界是则步

    And by the border of Issachar, from the east side to the west side, one portion for Zabulon.


  • 在闷平桑德兰以及2 - 2踢和西之后他们英超连平。

    It was their third consecutive league draw, following a stalemate with Sunderland and a 2-2 against West Bromwich Albion.


  • 靠近则步边界西,是加得

    And by the border of Zabulon, from the east side to the side of the sea, one portion for Gad.


  • 皇马中场索对AS表示永远感激利物浦毕竟西·塞德的俱乐部到了很多东西

    Real Madrid midfielder Xabi Alonso has told as that he will always be grateful to Liverpool after learning a lot at the Merseyside club.


  • 认为由北东向西右行走剪切作用是欧亚大陆阿尔泰山脉西南麓主要机制

    The uplifting, right-lateral strike-slip shearing, tilting and southward shearing of the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang have affected, since Oligocene, the drainage systems evolution and development.


  • 位于青藏高原北缘西盆地新生代沉积比较敏感全面记录高原北部构造运动过程

    The sediments of the late Cenozoic in the Jiuxi basin, located in the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau, have sensitively and completely recorded the uplifting process of northern plateau.


  • 利物浦主帅拉法·贝尼特斯否认打算卖掉的传闻,名前皇家社会球员重申了愿意留在西·塞德的想法。

    Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez dismissed Suggestions he was looking to sell Alonso and the former Real Sociedad man has confirmed his intention to remain on Merseyside.


  • 九丈沟金矿床矿区位于华熊西缘,马超营断裂带北侧

    This gold deposit is located on the west of Huaxiongtai promontory and the north of Machaoying fracture zone.


  • 新疆西昆仑奥依塔克-恰尔阿克塔什-萨落依成矿发现多处火山岩块状硫化物铜矿床。

    Lots of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits were found along the Aketashi-Saluoyi metallogenic belt in the Aoyitake-Qiaerlong rifted depression within the West Kunlun Mountains of Xinjiang.


  • 新疆西昆仑奥依塔克-恰尔阿克塔什-萨落依成矿发现多处火山岩块状硫化物铜矿床。

    Lots of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits were found along the Aketashi-Saluoyi metallogenic belt in the Aoyitake-Qiaerlong rifted depression within the West Kunlun Mountains of Xinjiang.


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