• 昨晚袭击西部群岛风暴现在已经平息

    The storm that raged through the western islands last night has now died clown.


  • 870年代末以后维京人开始永久定居英格兰马恩北部西部群岛、法群岛冰岛上建立起殖民统治。

    From the late 870s Vikings settled permanently in England, and also founded colonies in the Isle of man, the Northern and Western Isles, the Faroes, and Iceland.


  • 阿尔潜水研究开曼群岛海槽这是西部加勒比海底面上转换边界

    The submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea.


  • 三十七年前过斐济,在玻里尼西亚大三角西部边缘太平洋这个群岛父母一同体验我的第一次冒险之旅。

    Thirty-seven years ago, I came to Fiji, an archipelago in the South Pacific at the western edge of the Polynesian triangle, with my parents and had my first taste of adventure travel.


  • 舍德兰群岛( Shetlands)西部石油管道。 在发现新型油田前景下,得不到利益诱惑的众多企业愿意修建任何管道。

    There are no pipelines west of the Shetlands, and without the prospect of giant new fields to lure them, companies are reluctant to build any.


  • 婆罗洲位于马来群岛太平洋西部座岛屿菲律宾西南面苏禄爪哇之间

    An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas southwest of the Philippines.


  • 据报道,苏门答腊岛西部一些偏远群岛上发生的地震海啸造成100多人死亡

    More than 100 people were reported to have been killed by an earthquake and tsunami in a remote group of islands west of Sumatra.


  • 另外詹姆斯?库克夏威夷群岛阿拉斯加南部加拿大西部探险时所用的船只。

    The other was james cook's ship which explored the hawaiian islands southern alaska and western canada.


  • 巴布亚新几内亚太平洋西南部一个岛国包括几内亚半部俾斯麦群岛、所罗门群岛西部邻近一些岛屿

    Papua New Guinea: an island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising the eastern half of New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the western Solomons, and adjacent islands.


  • 菲律宾群岛中国东南太平洋西部

    The Philippines are in the western Pacific Ocean southeast of China.


  • 海啸袭击印度尼西亚西部明打群岛之后灾难规模已经初见端倪

    Three days after a tsunami struck the remote Mentawai island chain in western Indonesia, the full scale of the disaster is emerging.


  • 然后法国官方同一天宣布,塞内加尔西部佛得角群岛海岸远处发现像是”“北冰洋”号的货船,尽管没有进一步的确认消息

    Then, French officials reported the same day that a ship "resembling" the Arctic Sea had been spotted off the Cape Verde islands, west of Senegal, though there was no immediate confirmation.


  • 销售主要范围西部非洲法属圭亚那群岛

    Sales are the main areas of West Africa, French Guiana Islands and other places.


  • 希腊西部岛屿位于爱奥尼亚群岛上。传说荷马的奥德赛英雄家园

    An island of western Greece in the Ionian Islands. According to tradition, it was the home of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's Odyssey.


  • 斯兰印度尼西亚东部个岛屿,位于几内亚以西摩鹿加群岛。与太平洋西部一部分兰海搭界。

    An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.


  • 印度尼西亚东部一个岛屿,位于几内亚以西摩鹿加群岛。与太平洋西部一部分希兰海搭界

    An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.


  • 伊斯雷苏格兰西部布里底群岛南部个岛屿。农业渔业酿酒业经济十分重要。

    An island of the southern Inner Hebrides of western Scotland. Farming, fishing, and distilling are important to its economy.


  • 伊斯雷苏格兰西部布里底群岛南部个岛屿。农业渔业酿酒业经济十分重要。

    An island of the southern Inner Hebrides of western Scotland. Farming, fishing, and distilling are important to its economy.


  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚西部岛屿位于太平洋中,夏洛特皇后群岛最大最北端岛屿。

    An island off western British Columbia, Canada, in the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest and northernmost of the Queen Charlotte Islands.


  • 苏格兰西部一个洞穴,位于赫布里底群岛中的斯塔岛上。因罕见美景著名

    A cavern of western Scotland on Staffa Island in the Inner Hebrides. The cave is noted for its unusual beauty.


  • 西部西南部中美洲墨西哥相邻,大安的列斯群岛地列斯群岛

    It is bounded by Mexico and Central America to the west and southwest, to the north by the Greater Antilles, and to the east by the Lesser Antilles.


  • 马来西亚群岛西部一系列岛屿。

    Of or relating to Malaysia, the Malay Peninsula, or the Malay Archipelago.


  • 美国块未合为一体领土,太平洋西部马里亚纳群岛最大岛屿,位于群岛南端

    An unincorporated territory of the United States, the largest and most southerly of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean.


  • 位于西印度群岛一个国家伊斯帕·尼尔·奥拉群岛西部两个近海岛屿组成。

    A country of the west Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands.


  • 凯尔特 人民族一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部不列颠群岛加拉提亚东南部。

    One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaul.


  • 大西洋西部一海湾南美洲西印度群岛环绕

    An arm of the western Atlantic Ocean bounded by the coasts of Central and South America and the West Indies.


  • 分布沿海国家卡塔尔西部海岸哈瓦群岛早就成了卡塔尔邻国巴林(巴林控制着这些岛屿)主权争议主题

    Strung out along the west coast of the Gulf state of Qatar, the Hawar Islands have long been the subject of disputed sovereignty with neighbouring Bahrain, which controls them.


  • 苏格兰西部布里底群岛苏格兰本土东北部奥克尼郡设得兰群岛

    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.


  • 苏格兰西部布里底群岛苏格兰本土东北部奥克尼郡设得兰群岛

    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.


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