• 西班牙马略卡岛一港口码头上的游艇法拉跑车

    Marina, port Portals at Majorca, Yachts, sport car, Ferrari Testarossa.


  • 康塔多本周西班牙巴里阿里群岛队友一起训练

    Contador is training this week with his team on the Spanish Balearic island of Majorca.


  • 西班牙:“他们拥有很多年轻人意味着压力可能影响他们。”

    Speaking to Spanish newspaper Marca, he said: "They have a lot of young players. That might mean the pressure could affect them."


  • 我们个人愿意漫步莫扎特咖啡馆吃豪华早餐然后西班牙学校去骑利比

    Three of us opt to stroll to the Mozart Café, indulge in a luxury breakfast, then head to the Spanish Riding School with its Lipizzaner horses.


  • 经停西班牙卡岛期间,会见西班牙外交大臣并与对方就中西及中欧关系交换看法

    While stopping over Mallorca, Spain, he met with Spanish foreign minister and exchanged views on China-EU relations.


  • 西班牙推测名巴西边锋可能未来几个小后就离开西班牙首都,踏上英格兰首都之

    Spanish daily Marca have speculated that the Brazilian winger could be on his way out of the Spanish capital headed for the English capital in a matter of hours.


  • 萨拉戈萨的队医罗伯特·拉瑟拉西班牙报这样说:“看起来或许有点他那其实是壮。”

    Zaragoza's fitness coach Roberto Lasierra responded, telling Spanish newspaper Marca: "he may look fat, but actually he's a brick."


  • 德里-我们永远不会卖掉卡卡”,留在米兰很多很多年”:鲁斯科尼西班牙报澄清。

    MADRID - "We shall never sell Kaka" who will remain at Milan "for many more years" : this was declared by Silvio Berlusconi to the Spanish newspaper 'Marca'.


  • 西班牙电台26报道,阿根廷国家队主教练拉多纳承诺如果能够7月12日夺得南非世界杯冠军围着布宜诺斯艾利斯方尖碑裸奔。

    Argentina coach Diego Maradona has promised he will run naked around the obelisk of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the World Cup trophy on July 12 in South Africa, the Radio Marca reported Wednesday.


  • 铜牌获得者分别是打败巴西选手埃迪南希-席尔瓦韩国选手郑敬美,以及一个“有”击败西班牙选手丝特-圣米格尔的法国选手斯特凡妮-波萨

    Winning bronze were the Republic of Korea's Jeong Gyeong-mi, who pinned Brazil's Edinanci Silva, and Stephanie Possamai of France, with a waza ari over Spain's Esther San Miguel.


  • 1530年,西班牙其他永久租给耶路撒冷·约翰骑士团,直到1798年,拿破仑攻占

    In 1530, the islands were given by Spain to the Order of Knights of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in a perpetual lease. Their reign ended when Napoleon conquered the islands in 1798.


  • 据悉,托雷斯上周接受西甲联赛官网采访,他当时使用西班牙语。之后,有工作人员将托雷斯西班牙语版本的采访翻译英语,放在托雷斯的个人网站上,其中就有关于切尔西球员的评价,托雷斯称切尔西的中场球员“年事已高,速度偏慢”,并且称购买同胞塔是正确的选择。

    The striker spoke to the official website of Spain's Primera Liga last week, with an English translation later appearing on the striker's personal website.


  • 作为一个美国人热爱只有西班牙个月所产生的那么一点。

    As an American, my devotion to Real was only as deep as my four months in Spain could engender.


  • 因·哈德:在西班牙之前·比丘就可能已经遗弃即将被放弃是因为1525年左右一个内战

    Reinhard: Machu Picchu was probably abandoned or began to be abandoned already before the Spanish came, and that's because around 1525 there was a civil war.


  • 西班牙到达后年后的1532年,印加故意烧了·比丘周围森林

    After the Spanish arrived seven years later, in 1532, the Inca deliberately burned the forest around Machu Picchu.


  • 或许,应该感谢印加隐藏这个城市而做出努力西班牙从未发现丘比丘

    Perhaps, thanks to the Inca's efforts to hide the city, the Spanish never found Machu Picchu.


  • 最终大发慈悲,接受贝尼特斯整个夏天一直不肯降低报价阿隆索明天西班牙首都体检。

    Alonso will undergo a medical in the Spanish capital tomorrow after Real finally relented over an asking price that benitez had steadfastly refused to lower all summer.


  • 航空调度员罢工已经导致德里卡岛、米诺卡岛、伊比沙加纳利群岛、加利西亚地区所有西班牙航空机场关闭

    The action has caused the closure of the airports of Madrid, Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza, the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia, as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace.


  • 雄伟的皇主场内西班牙赢得他们第一次,也是迄今为止,唯一重要国际比赛奖杯

    Spain had won their first and to date, only major international trophy with the majestic Bernabeu as the backdrop.


  • 模拟中得出重要观察阐述的最好的几年西班牙生态学家罗蒙··列夫。

    The other important point one can extract from May's simulations was best articulated in an observation made a few years earlier by the Spanish ecologist Ramon Margalef.


  • 现在,当然有一些西班牙公司成为他收入来源。

    Now that he is in Real Madrid, he will surely add several Spanish companies to the group.


  • 欧洲大陆火车旅行热中西班牙可谓一当先,上个月新开通了德里巴塞罗纳间的高速列车,全程只需35分钟,比原来整整缩短两个小时

    Spain, which is at the forefront of the rail boom, got high-speed service connecting Madrid and Barcelona last month.The journey was slashed by two hours: Now it takes just two hours, 35 minutes.


  • 对夫妇曼哈顿西班牙略卡岛都自己的,在加拿大魁北克还有一个农场

    The couple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca, Spain, and a farm in Quebec, Canada.


  • 实际上曾经也有过一段自己培养球员历史,1966年登顶欧洲之巅的时候整球队都来自于西班牙的本土球员。

    Madrid in fact have a much longer tradition of producing their own players and the 1966 European Cup was won with a team entirely composed of Spanish players.


  • 丘比丘建于1450前后,与印加王国相同高度上,在之后不到100年时间里,西班牙的入侵导致了帝国瓦解,这座古城也成为废墟,遭到了遗弃。

    Machu Picchu was constructed around 1450, at the height of the Inca empire, and was abandoned less than 100 years later, as the empire collapsed under Spanish conquest.


  • 二战之前巴塞罗那仅仅夺得一次西班牙联赛冠军并且不是1956年曼联1968年就获得过欧洲冠军那样,他们直到1992年才第一次夺得欧洲冠军。

    Barcelona only won the Spanish league title once before the War and didn't win the European Cup until 1992, unlike Real Madrid in 1956 and United in 1968.


  • 英超再次成为最大的赢家,共有4支球队进入10强,其中,曼联居首、切尔西第3巴萨10名中的西班牙独苗,位列第2,到了第42位!

    Manchester United takes first place and Chelsea 3rd. Barca, ranked 2nd, is the only Spanish team to make the top 10, while Real Madrid dropped to 42nd lace.


  • 巴萨还有一个巨大优势它们西班牙联赛转播收入获得极高分成。

    Barca and Real also have an advantage in that they receive a hugely disproportionate share of the revenues from televising La Liga, the Spanish premier league.


  • 巴萨还有一个巨大优势它们西班牙联赛转播收入获得极高分成。

    Barca and Real also have an advantage in that they receive a hugely disproportionate share of the revenues from televising La Liga, the Spanish premier league.


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