• 根据西森的说法,首歌可能一首风笛曲。

    According to Matheson, the song may actually be a pibroch.


  • 6月23日上午韦恩西森成了终身素食者

    By the morning of June 23, Wynn and Hissom were Vegans for life.


  • 问到拉尔·瓦尼多少岁,西森回答说:”就算他70

    When asked how old Lalvani is, Hissom replies, "Let's just say 70."


  • 这个故事根据理查德·西森小说第三次电影改编的。

    The story is based on a Richard Matheson novel, and this is its third film adaptation.


  • 这个故事根据理查德·西森的小说,第三次电影改编的。

    The story is based on a Richard Mathesonnovel, and this is its third film adaptation.


  • 西森怀着极其复杂感情,看着梅花撒落在绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。

    With tangled emotions, Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse, colored primroses, which he himself had brought here and set.


  • 西森(瑞士信贷):市场一个什么样数千认为未来喜欢聚集

    DAN MATHISSON (Credit Suisse) : the market is an aggregation of what thousands of people think the future is going to be like.


  • 知识人士鲁斯迪摩尔马克西所那里了解事实好像不是这样的。

    From what I have learned from knowledgeable guys like Rusty Moore and Mark Sisson that doesn't seem to be the case.


  • 西森怀着极其复杂感情,看着梅花散落亲自移植过来的绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。

    With tangled emotions, Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse, coloured primroses, which he himself had brought here and set.


  • 切克沙镇警长·西森警察罗德·库库,他们听到别克全州警报等着拦截

    Joe Sisson, Chickasha police chief, and Officer Harold Kuku had heard the statewide alarm for the Buick and were waiting for it.


  • 西森否认媒体这个主题含糊不清的结论,并认为这GDP数据比较得来的结果。

    Matheson dismisses the media's verdict that this subject is' woolly, 'giving results that will be ill-defined compared to the hard data gathered by GDP.


  • 对于吉尔·西森来说,取决于支持的德比足球队是否赢球(“可能意味着一个可怜家伙”)。

    For Jill Matheson, it's seeing her soccer team, Derby County, win (" Which probably implies that I'm a pretty miserable bugger ").


  • 西目前的体重200以上必须年内减掉50并且每周网站报告她的食物摄入量锻炼情况。

    Sisson, who tips the scales at just over 200 lb., will have to lose 50 lb. in a year and check in with the site about her food intake and physical activity every week.


  • 最新发行影片传奇》(1954年理查德·西森)中,类似于僵尸突变体癌症治疗实验中产生的。

    In the most recent film version of "I Am Legend" (a 1954 story by Richard Matheson), the zombie-like mutants are the result of an attempt to cure cancer.


  • 西森斯的失礼不是英国广播公司第一身陷来自皇家压力,2005年威切尔滑雪胜地克罗斯特进行新闻访问时,查尔斯王子大骂记者也非常出名。

    Sissons' gaffe is not the first time the BBC has come under fire from the royals, with Prince Charles famously caught slating Witchell during a press-call at the ski resort of Klosters in 2005.


  • 西·汤姆16岁戏剧还需要通过更多资格考试

    Lucy Thomson, 16, wants to study theatre but needs more qualifications.


  • 可能西尖叫着那场大火当中。

    There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson scream and die in that fire.


  • 加州圣塔克拉利塔房地产经纪人特蕾西·汉普买房时,很多方面孩子们没有考虑到。

    Many of the aspects of home buying aren't a consideration for children, said Tracey Hampson, a real estate agent based in Santa Clarita, Calif.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学麦库西克·内遗传医学研究所注册营养师安吉拉·皮皮托内说:“典型美国人饮食蛋白质的含量我们想象的要。”

    "The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think," says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone with Johns Hopkins McKusick Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine.


  • 我们玛丽球场青年足总杯比赛对阵西不可思议的第一次那只虚弱踢进致胜的一球。

    We were playing Arsenal in an FA Youth Cup game at St Mary's and Theo scored the winning goal with his weaker foot after an incredible first touch.


  • 弗朗西斯·克里克发现DNA结构是所有生物遗传信息载体

    Watson, together with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA, the genetic information carrier of all living organisms.


  • 西看到朋友艾莉带着她的狮子狗散步时总是微笑打招呼:“艾莉,你好!”

    When she saw her friend Allison walking her little poodle, she would smile and say, "Hi, Allison!"


  • 西尔维娅保罗·卡斯特一对来自英国剑桥退休夫妇,最近纳米比亚度假了16天,在那里进行了观之旅。

    Sylvia and Paul Custerson, a retired couple from Cambridge, England, recently took a 16-day vacation to Namibia, where they went on bird-watching excursions.


  • 克莱大学心理学西·普里认为,派勒斯的故事证明一点勇气并非来自无畏而是来自道德义务

    According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.


  • 完成返回加拿大的整段旅程,帝王蝶可能会经历四到五代。”薛西斯戈灰蝶协会濒危物种项目的负责人萨琳娜·杰普说道。

    "It might take the monarchs as many as four to five generations to complete the journey all the way back up to Canada," says Sarina Jepsen, who directs the endangered species program for the Xerces Society.


  • 10月,出版了自己著作《维索斯·西洛斯》。

    In October he published his book " Versos Sencillos".


  • 范佩西已经呆了并且正在到达巅峰状态

    Van Persie has been at Arsenal for seven years and is approaching his peak.


  • 喜欢喝酒所以告诉喝酒多加小心。”首相西一个电视采访中如是说

    "He loves to drink, so I once told him to be careful about his drinking," Yoshio Mori, a former prime minister, said in a TV interview.


  • 德拉克斯首席执行官德西·汤普承认电厂可能最终需要安装CCS设备,但是没有什么时候安装可行或者合算

    Dorothy Thompson, chief executive of Drax, accepted that the plant might eventually need to fit CCS but did not say when this would be feasible or economic.


  • 西声称乐意把球队认真买家安杰里尼只是在打免费广告而已

    Sensi maintains that she is happy to sell to a serious bidder but claims Angelini is simply seeking free publicity.


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