• 瓜迪奥拉在主教练时期第一面对希洪就赢了个6 - 1。普雷西亚多球队并非总是那么对付

    The first time Guardiola faced Sporting as a manger, his side won 6-1, but it has not always been so easy to break down Preciado's teams.


  • 西亚发出了声做作的呻吟

    Dorothea let out a histrionic groan.


  • 土耳其的卡帕西亚,一名男子推倒了他家的一堵墙,发现了一座巨大的地下城市。

    In Cappadocia, Turkey, a man knocked down a wall of his home and discovered a huge underground city.


  • 我们跟随RonaldMessier 教授马德里向南前往历史悠久的托莱罗马梅里达安达西亚探索历史遗迹和建筑。

    As we travel south from Madrid with Prof. Ronald Messier to historic Toledo, Roman Merida and into Andalucia, we explore historical monuments and architecture.


  • 2月20日,马来西亚被认为一年没有发生该病之后报告了禽类中一例新的发病。这些近期形势差别很大。

    The situation in these recently affected countries varies greatly.


  • 米尼加荒凉间歇泉出发驶至卡帕西亚童话般的烟囱世界我们展示了自然10奇异风景

    From the geysers of Dominica's Valley of Desolation to the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia, we showcase 10 of the world's most bizarre landscapes.


  • 大学罗莎·鲁加尼西亚·若格林利用小鸡这种习性考察了小鸡是否简单算术题

    Rosa Rugani and Lucia Regolin at the University of Padua took advantage of this quirk to test whether chicks could perform simple calculations.


  • 尼克西亚的卡里区的一家烤肉店装修仅仅开业,今天记者。 小店烤鸡的味道相当不错

    FOR a restaurant built in ten days flat and opened only five days before your correspondent’s visit, the Corado kebab house in Nicosia grills a pretty good chicken.


  • 半岛电视台报道洪都拉斯萨尔瓦地马拉以及印度尼西亚已经采取措施控制高涨食品价格对于农民以及消费者影响

    Al Jazeera is also reporting that Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Indonesia have all taken measures to limit the effect of food prices on farmers and consumers.


  • 据不完全统计结果显示,来自内陆地区印第安人绝大数倾向托莱西班牙人后裔西部沿海地区人口则是西亚的支持者。

    With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors.


  • 智利萨尔瓦柬埔寨韩国新加坡马来西亚努力使中等教育能够提供工作场所所需要技能知识从而提高课程相关性

    Chile, El Salvador, Colombia, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia are all moving to gear secondary education toward skills and knowledge sought in the workplace, thereby improving curriculum relevance.


  • 主力位置受到来自巴伦西亚俱乐部前锋罗伯托 索尔达的冲击。后者在赛季已经打入六个进球

    Torres did not make the matchday squad for Spain’s previous match and his place was under threat from inform Valencia striker Roberto Soldado, who has scored six goals this season.


  • 西亚.拜,是救援中心真心希望项目工作人员病人们涌向她们中心寻求帮助使她得以她目睹海地此次地震中所遭受的巨大破坏。

    Licia Betor, who works for the Real Hope For Haiti Rescue Center, has witnessed the devastation in Haiti as patients come to their center for help.


  • 他们中大部分抵达马来西亚或者印度尼西亚那里蛇头已经打点好一切。无论危险,蛇头也会把这些一心想寻求安全和更好生活小船送往澳大利亚水域

    Most travel to Malaysia or Indonesia where people smugglers have established the logistics, however dangerous, to ferry people in search of safety and a better life into Australian waters.


  • 目前粮农组织在以下国家开展项目巴林喀麦隆哥伦比亚哥斯达黎加古巴印度尼西亚伊朗墨西哥尼日利亚菲律宾特立尼达巴哥以及委内瑞拉

    Countries where FAO is implementing the project are Bahrain, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.


  • 2005年6月15日|巴西萨尔瓦·巴西亚-可能拯救数百万生命疫苗正在研究之中在下个十年问世

    June 2005 | Salvador da Bahia, Brazil - Many new vaccines that have the potential to save millions of lives are in the research pipeline and will become available over the next decade.


  • 巴厘(BaLi)印度尼西亚著名旅游区,是爪哇以东巽他群岛中的一个岛屿,面积5560平方公里人口约280万。

    BaLi (BaLi) Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km2, a population of about 2.8 million.


  • 印度尼西亚有50万个领导企业韩国40万个。

    More than half a million enterprises in Indonesia and nearly 400, 000 in Korea are headed by women.


  • 科莫巨蜥印度尼西亚科莫岛、林卡岛、弗洛勒斯岛以及基里·莫堂岛上发现的。由于栖息地受到破坏以及外来物种的入侵,现在科莫巨蜥的数量已经减少到了大约6000只。

    The dragon is found on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Gili Motang and Flores, but its Numbers have dwindled to around 6, 000 as a result of poaching and invasive species.


  • 来自印度尼西亚Teddy Boen以及来自巴巴格林·纳达的TonyGibbs阐述了建造能够抵御海啸地震其它自然灾害的卫生设施问题。

    Teddy Boen, from Indonesia, and Tony Gibbs, from Barbados and Grenada, talk about building health facilities to withstand tsunamis, earthquakes and other disasters.


  • 罗得西亚人就根本不平凡只要看看最近一诺贝尔文学奖的得主瑞丝•莱辛(DorisLessing),声名显赫芭蕾舞舞蹈家默尔•帕克(Merle Park),你就会发现罗得西亚人并不简单。

    Many Rhodesians were far from ordinary: just look at Doris Lessing, the latest Nobel laureate for literature, or Merle Park, a ballet dancer of renown.


  • 马来西亚媒体报道称,警方同时也在搜寻名男性嫌疑人暗示这场阴谋涉及到的人数一开始表现出来的要

    The news media in Malaysia reported that the police were also looking for four male suspects, suggesting that the plot was more involved than initially indicated.


  • 彼得兔子本杰明兔子回来了,而且他们土耳其卡帕西亚发现兔子乌托邦。

    Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny are back at it again and have found bunny Utopia in Cappadocia, Turkey.


  • 每年数千游客前往印度尼西亚东部地区观看自然栖息地科莫

    Thousands of tourists visit the area in eastern Indonesia each year to see the lizards in their natural habitat.


  • 在麦德林举行葬礼上亲友们抬着安娜·法布里西亚·科尔棺材

    The coffin of Ana Fabricia Cordoba is carried by relatives and friends during her funeral in Medellin.


  • 受灾最严重的国家印度尼西亚斯里兰卡印度泰国据报道死亡几百万无家可归

    The countries hardest hit were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. More than one hundred thousand people are reported dead. Millions of people have been left homeless.


  • 受灾最严重的国家印度尼西亚斯里兰卡印度泰国据报道死亡几百万无家可归

    The countries hardest hit were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. More than one hundred thousand people are reported dead. Millions of people have been left homeless.


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