• 裂纹阶段疲劳裂纹裂纹形式向内扩展

    In the steady propagating stage, the fatigue crack extended in a toughness tearing way of crystal penetrating.


  • 疲劳裂纹形成阶段重要特征

    The formation of fatigue cracks became the most important features in this stage.


  • 对于裂纹扩展分析研究还是处于初期阶段,还有许多事情有待认识完成

    The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done .


  • 基于梯度塑性理论,分析应变软化真实裂纹扩展阶段局部化张拉位移转角

    The tensile displacement and angle of rotation of tensile strain localized band are analyzed in strain softening stage and in real crack propagation stage based on gradient-dependent plasticity.


  • 分析结果表明,非线性阶段CT尺度裂纹扩展变形混凝土强度和变形有决定性影响

    It is concluded that the expansion and deformation of cracks in CT scale play decisive roles influencing the strength and deformation of concrete in nonlinear stage.


  • 集结部分出现部分微裂纹愈合密度反向变化有助于解释一些前兆记录在短临阶段记录中出现反向现象

    The part out of nucleation where some microcracks heal and the density change reversibly may be helpful to interpret the phenomenon that some precursors records appear reverse change.


  • 有些船舶不同船龄阶段船体结构出现疲劳裂纹特别是船底舷侧中较为突出。

    Endurance cracks may appear in the hull structure at different ship-ages for some ships, especially at the vessel bottom and the longitudinal bone on board side.


  • CT尺度裂纹演化破坏阶段由于岩石损伤高度局部发射率参数不能精确反映岩石破坏细观机制。

    At the process of ct crack and rapture evolution, the acoustic emission can not precisely reflect the meso-mechanism of rock deformation and rapture because of localization of damage.


  • 高倍下观察断口发现解理特征裂纹扩展最后阶段塑性撕裂特征。

    According to the observed morphology on the fracture surface, the fracture surface had pseudo-cleavage feature and plastic tearing feature in the last stage of crack growth in high magnification.


  • 但是发射信号起始不是裂纹点,失稳阶段不能临界扩展阶段等同。

    But the beginning of the acoustic emission sign is not the cracking point of main crack, and the preinstability stage may not be equal to the subcritical growth stage.


  • 疲劳裂纹扩展阶段裂纹尖端附近为形成铁素体晶粒位错

    Dislocation cell and sub grain formed in ferrite grain are found at the stage of fatigue crack propagation in the area of crack tip.


  • 裂纹扩展不同阶段阳极溶解交互作用相对贡献大小不同。

    On the different stages of crack growth, the relative contribution of interaction between hydrogen and anodic dissolution is different.


  • 因而可以推断干燥过程不是水稻应力裂纹形成的主要阶段,其应力裂纹的形成主要出现在干燥结束后吸湿过程中。

    It is concluded that the rough rice may be fissured after drying or during moisture adsorption. Through the experiments, the rough rice fissuring mechanism has been studied.


  • 裂纹较小阶段疲劳裂纹的扩展显微组织多相界的影响。

    When the crack is small, the fatigue crack growth is obviously influenced by microstructure features and multiple phase boundaries.


  • 疲劳裂纹萌生阶段整个疲劳破坏过程中占有极为重要地位,而萌生阶段裂纹体损伤规律裂纹断裂力学方法无法确定的。

    Fatigue crack initiation is an important period in the whole fatigue life. The damage regularity of crack initial period cannot estimate with fracture mechanics which is used in large crack.


  • 材料硬化阶段,含层间裂纹的层板裂尖前缘应力奇异总是存在的;

    The numerical results indicate that FEM is efficient to analyze stress singularity, and the stress singularity always exists in the hardening phase


  • 加入0.3 ?合金不论在裂纹萌生阶段还是裂纹扩展阶段,其疲劳抗力优于其它成分的合金

    The thermal fatigue resistance of alloy with 0.3? Addition is superior to that of other alloys, during crack initiating and propagating.


  • Q-P工艺明显提高300M裂纹形成扩展的能力,延长材料均匀塑形变形阶段推迟颈发生。

    Q-P process significantly improve crack initiation and propagation resistance of 300M steel, and extend the uniform plastic deformation stage of the material, and finally put off the necking creation.


  • 这些结果印证应力值过大叶片产生裂纹主要原因,从而水轮机设计阶段进行优化提供可能

    These results confirm the statement that the reason of cracks is not the static stress but the high dynamic stress, so it is possible to optimize the turbine at designing stage.


  • 这些结果印证应力值过大叶片产生裂纹主要原因,从而水轮机设计阶段进行优化提供可能

    These results confirm the statement that the reason of cracks is not the static stress but the high dynamic stress, so it is possible to optimize the turbine at designing stage.


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