• 工件类型界定拓扑方案一个抽象的类型。

    Artifact type is defined as an abstract type in the topology schema.


  • 洛杉矶历史上最大山火界定纵火

    The largest wildfire in the history of Los Angeles County is being classified as arson .


  • 界定信息学社会中的技术应用及相关器物

    Informatics technology is defined as the technological applications (artifacts) of informatics in society.


  • 民族主义一般界定民族意识基础纲领理论

    Generally speaking Nationalism is defined to be a kind of creed or theory which base on national consciousness.


  • 相应地,“者”可以界定“繁殖最多后代子孙”的个体

    Correspondingly the fittest individual can be defined as "the one that produces the most grandchildren".


  • 占有制度物权辅助制度,占有应被界定为一种事实状态

    System of possession should be oriented as secondary to the rights over things and represent a state of reality. It should take up a position similar...


  • 猜想就是睡眠——如果在活跃期睡觉界定种惰性状态

    I suppose this was my form of sleep -if sleep was defined as the inert state between active periods.


  • 鉴于网站已初见端倪,这项工作被界定针对网站公司外部品牌推广。

    As the new website began taking shape, all of this work defined the external branding for the new site and for the company.


  • 美国中国医疗保健供给体制医疗保健的概念界定医疗市场一种商品

    Both the American and Chinese systems of health care delivery are organized around the concept of health care as a commodity in a medical marketplace.


  • 传统意义上汇率制度界定为有关汇率决定及其调节一系列制度性安排规定

    On the traditional meaning, exchange rate regime is a series of arrangements and regulations on how to determine the level and the pattern of the exchange rate by the monetary authorities.


  • 信息通信技术界定信息科学技术与其他相关技术尤其是与通信技术组合

    Information and communication technology or ict is defined as the combination of informatics technology with other related technologies specifically communication technology.


  • 信息通信技术界定信息科学技术与其他相关技术尤其是与通信技术组合

    Information and communication technology, or ICT, is defined as the combination of informatics technology with other, related technologies, specifically communication technology.


  • TDI界定人类个体寿命期间没有明显健康风险每天摄入量的最高数值。

    The TDI is defined as the estimated maximum amount of an agent to which individuals in the population may be exposed daily over their lifetimes without appreciable health risk.


  • 最佳大小资源所以被界定最小尺寸的资源必须保持项目持续时间减少到最低限度。

    The optimal size of resource is, therefore, defined as the minimum size of resource required to keep the project duration a minimum.


  • 美学以个性生命体验关心精神状态心理发展趋向界定非理性美学。

    Sartre's aesthetics is defined as irrational aesthetics on account of its individual life experience and the trend of caring about the people's mental outlook and psychological development.


  • 直到第六本书面世,斯内一直很明显地被界定为一个讨人喜欢的家伙在本质上却是好人

    So, until the events of volume six, it was always made plain that Snape might be an unlikable fellow, but he was essentially one of the good guys.


  • 人民币有管理浮动汇率制度1999年IMF各国汇率制度重新评估时界定严格盯住汇率制度

    In 1999 IMF reassessed all countries' exchange rate regime and the renminbi was defined as pegged exchange rate system.


  • 重大自然灾害合同法界定为不可抗力,法定的免责事由免除当事人合同履行的法律责任。

    The grave natural disaster is regarded as the irresistible force written in the contract law, and so it can be an exemption when the contract cannot be observed.


  • 药物成瘾一般界定强迫性药物寻求药物摄入的模式,是一个偶尔用药逐渐过渡强迫性用药模式的过程

    Drug addiction is defined as compulsively behavioral patterns drug-seeking and drug-taking, a process from casual to compulsive patterns of drug use.


  • 本文通过理想玩具”各项特征进一步讨论,发现特殊幼儿家长的玩具购买可以界定四种不同决策类型

    However, by a further discussion about the characteristics of "ideal toys" this paper concludes that four different decision types can be defined in such purchase behaviors.


  • 沃纳菲尔特资源宽泛定为任何可以特定企业优势劣势东西”(1984,第172)。

    Wernerfelt broadly defines a resource as ‘anything which could be thought of as a strength or weakness of a given firm’ (1984, p. 172).


  • 行政主体学界界定享有实施国家行政权力权能行政法人组织。

    Administrative subject has been defined by legal world as legal entity of administration sharing and exercising national administrative right and power.


  • “布里根杜马”历来前苏联史学界定为“咨询性杜马”,本文根据史实得出不同结论俄国立法机构构筑了此后立法性杜马的框架

    The author has come to a different conclusion based on historic fact that it is a quasi legislative assembly body in Russia, which builds up the framework of legislative Duma afterwards.


  • 这个意义上金融稳定泛泛界定为不仅仅是避免那些危及各种支付制度造成各种经济活动中断银行故障

    In this context, financial stability is defined broadly to encompass not just the avoidance of bank failures that threaten payment systems and cause disruptions in economic activities.


  • 界定职务犯罪概念应当现行刑法规定依据;职务犯罪的概念应当有广义狭义。职务犯罪与“公务犯罪”、“身份犯罪”之间存在包容和包容关系。

    Provisions of current criminal law should be the basis to define the concept of official crime and the conception should divide into broad sense and narrow sense.


  • 界定职务犯罪概念应当现行刑法规定依据;职务犯罪的概念应当有广义狭义。职务犯罪与“公务犯罪”、“身份犯罪”之间存在包容和包容关系。

    Provisions of current criminal law should be the basis to define the concept of official crime and the conception should divide into broad sense and narrow sense.


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