• 然后伙伴们将会几乎在瞬间衰变大批寿命更短粒子,其中有一些检测出来

    Both it and its companions would then decay almost instantly into a plethora of less fleeting bits, some of which could be detected.


  • 不过不止这种方式,粒子还有另外其它衰变方式。

    Not only that, but there are three ways that particles can decay.


  • 基本粒子自己“决定自旋方式宇宙射线自己决定何时衰变

    An elemental particle "decides" which way to spin. A cosmic ray decides when to decay.


  • 阿尔法粒子它们放射性衰变产物

    Alpha particles are these helium nuclei, and they are the result of radioactive decay.


  • 依据宇宙射线留下轨迹霍夫曼采用了各种测量办法努力鉴别这些宇宙射线衰变创造基本粒子

    Hoffmann undertook various measurements and attempted to identify the elementary particles created when the cosmic rays decayed, based on the tracks they left.


  • 之所以称为“作用”,为了指出粒子受到基本中的另一种——放射性衰变所产生的弱核力(四大基本力是:引力、电磁力、强力、力)。

    By calling themweakly interacting”, physicists mean that the particles experience another of the four fundamental forces, namely, the weak nuclear force that is responsible for radioactive decay.


  • 但是它们可能导致质子衰变如果这个假设被证明正确的,这将是问题因为现有粒子物理标准模型中质子是不能衰变的。

    But they could cause a proton to decaya very big deal, if it turns out to be correct, since proton decay isn't allowed under the current Standard Model of particle physics.


  • 子核在衰变发射放射性阿尔法粒子,这些粒子附着于空气中的浮质灰尘其它粒子

    As radon progeny decay, they emit radioactive alpha particles and attach to aerosols, dust and other particles in the air.


  • 几年前,科学家就宣称发现两种元素例如,1999年,俄罗斯物理学家用高能粒子- 48冲击钚- 244,产生很快衰变第114号元素的原子

    Evidence for the two elements has been mounting for years. In 1999, for example, Russian physicists bombarded plutonium-244 with calcium-48 to produce a single atom of rapidly decaying 114.


  • 那些精细分析没有发现这种假设粒子所以也许因为某些原因并不夸克

    Those more-refined analyses have not seen the hypothetical new particle, so for some reason it must not decay into bottom quarks.


  • 质量极小且带电的中微子,是在核反应粒子衰变中产生的。

    Neutrinos, which have no charge and very little mass, form out of nuclear reactions and particle decays.


  • 我们发现第一衰变方式——阿尔法衰变——放射性粒子产生分子!

    The first type discovered -- alpha decay -- is when a radioactive particle emits a Helium nucleus !


  • 随后物理学家们通过研究它们衰变后产生那些我们熟悉得多的粒子来对它们进行分类。

    Physicists then try to identify those particles by studying the combinations of more-familiar particles into which they decay.


  • 如果衰变产物出现意味着它们时光倒流回去其他维度粒子产生的,这些粒子则出现产生它们碰撞之前

    If that happens, it means that they will have been produced by particles that have gone back in time - or through another dimension - to pre-date the collision that produced them in the first place.


  • 发现应该许多能为LHCb所能观察到的粒子 衰变中的第一次发现。 所谓LHCb大型强子对撞机的 美粒子实验

    The find should be the first of many beauty decays that LHCb, the LHC's beauty experiment, will observe, and demonstrates the detector is working as planned.


  • 同时个反“X”粒子要么成一个反中子,要么衰变两个未知的粒子:反“Y”粒子反“θ”粒子

    Meanwhile, the anti-X particle decays either to an antineutron or to two "hidden" antiparticles: anti-Y and anti-theta.


  • 放射性衰变产生正电子冷却后形成个由大约100万个正电子组成体积同样大小的粒子云团,这团正电子被存放在相邻的一个容器中。

    The positrons, produced by the decay of radioactive sodium, are cooled into a similarly sized cloud of around 1m particles and held in a neighbouring trap.


  • 这些粒子中的一部分稳定并且构成普通物质其它只存在秒钟几分之一,然后衰变稳定粒子

    Some of these particles are stable and form the normal matter, the others live for fractions of a second and then decay to the stable ones.


  • LHCb着眼于许多这样粒子衰变解释反物质是这样发生。反物质总是与物质一起产生构成我们宇宙

    LHCb will look at many such decays in order to shed light on what happened to the antimatter that should have been created alongside the matter that makes up our universe.


  • 它们预测质子应该衰变更轻粒子

    They predict protons should decay into lighter particles.


  • 衰变中,出现产物粒子较大的自由度

    In a three-body decay, the emerging particles have more freedom.


  • 介子两体轻子衰变过程粒子物理一个很重要研究课题任何理论上突破都会引起广泛的关注。

    Studying the non-leptonic decay of B meson is an important task in particle physics, and any breakthrough in theory may take new blood to this field.


  • 1995年以来B介子工厂其它B相关大型实验推动,关于B介子衰变CP破坏的研究成为国际粒子物理研究热点之一。

    Since 1995, by the promotion of B factory and other large B experiments, the study of B meson decays and CP violation have become one of the hot topics of the international particle physics research.


  • 粒子发生衰变本身蜕变为其它较轻粒子正常的事

    The "normal" thing is for a particle to undergo decay and transmute itself into other lighter particles.


  • 工作原理不同核素衰变过程释放出粒子射线能量不同的。

    Its working principle is nuclides in the process of decay, the releases of particles or ray energy is different.


  • 它们衰变期间会放出对人体有害粒子粒子射线

    These radionuclides undergo radioactive decay, by emitting harmful alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays.


  • 而且,在弱相互作用重粒子超级弱相互作用重粒子过程中,应该产生光子电子副产品并且这些粒子与质量较原子核发生碰撞,将它们撞碎。

    In addition, the decay from WIMP to super-WIMP should have produced photons or electrons as a by-product, and these particles can smash into light nuclei and break them apart.


  • 而且,在弱相互作用重粒子超级弱相互作用重粒子过程中,应该产生光子电子副产品并且这些粒子与质量较原子核发生碰撞,将它们撞碎。

    In addition, the decay from WIMP to super-WIMP should have produced photons or electrons as a by-product, and these particles can smash into light nuclei and break them apart.


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