• 公司可以降低补缴法案考虑

    The lower the company can bring down the repayable bill, the better it will be considered.


  • 一般来说企业会计纳税申报发生报、漏报、迟报,补缴税款

    Generally speaking, the enterprise accounting tax declaration such as the occurrence of false negatives and false positives, delaying the payment of taxes.


  • 如果这样了,你可能会受到高额罚款自掏腰包重新补缴这笔资金

    However, if you do so, you may be subject to heavy fines and be held personally responsible for the repayment of the money.


  • 北京市相关区县城镇职工补缴基本养老保险费的历年费用标准正式出炉

    The standard for supplementary payment for old age endowment premiums over the years has been declared officially for the urban employees in relevant counties and districts in Beijing.


  • 此外中国大陆海外汇款手续较为复杂,注册费差额将在到会时补缴

    What's more, there are troublesome procedure to remit money abroad, and my register fee willl be made up after my arrivial at the meeting.


  • 出口货物办理退税后发生退货或者退纳税人应当依法补缴已退的税款。

    If the exported goods are returned by the buyer or the Customs authorities subsequent to the refund of VAT, the taxpayer shall repay the VAT refunded in accordance with the law.


  • 办理出口退税的,外贸企业申报纳税当月税务机关补缴退税款

    If a foreign trade enterprise has obtained the export tax rebate, it shall pay the tax rebate to the tax organ in the current month that it files the tax return.


  • 其二,“当年中断缴费规定补缴的,当年缴费工资指数计算”。

    Secondly, "Interrupt capture to expend in those days and did not press formulary filling capture, in those days capture expends wage index with 0 computation " .


  • 出口货物办理退税发生退货或者退补缴已退回税款的,作相反会计分录

    Export goods for tax refund happened after refund or shut out tax refunded, capture the contrary in accounting entries.


  • 纳税人律师税务局检查中提出要我们补缴未扣税款并加滞纳金罚款

    Taxpayer: Good morning, Mr. Li. The tax authority inspected my company yesterday. They noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.


  • 土地使用权受让人经批准改变土地使用权出让合同指定土地用途,按规定补缴的价款。

    This refers to the price paid by the transferee of the right to use land when he is authorized to change the usage of the land specified in the contract for the transfer of right to use land.


  • 缴费标准各地根据参保人员负担能力年龄情况合理确定鼓励有条件的单位对补缴费用给予适当补助

    The payment standard will be determined rationally by local governments according to the payee's affordability and age, urging all companies that can afford to, to subsidize their retirees' payments.


  • 86岁的老人威廉·格蒂明白人们为何的行为大惊小怪,他只是补缴了60年前忘记1美元违规停车罚单。

    William Fogarty doesn't understand the fuss. He just forgot to pay a parking ticket.


  • 欧盟委员会专注于苹果知识产权资产税务待遇,这是一个备受争议领域很可能导致苹果被要求补缴大量欠税

    The commission is concentrating on the tax treatment of Apple's intellectual propertyassets, a hotly disputed area likely to lead to a large claim for back taxes.


  • 欧盟委员会专注于苹果知识产权资产税务待遇,这是一个备受争议领域很可能导致苹果被要求补缴大量欠税

    The commission is concentrating on the tax treatment of Apple's intellectual propertyassets, a hotly disputed area likely to lead to a large claim for back taxes.


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