• 衣橱慢慢转过来,一起的是那面全身镜子

    The wardrobe door swung slowly toward him, and with it the full-length mirror.


  • 其实,可以看到好多衣角孤零零地露衣橱都关不上。

    Actually, in some, you can even see corners of clothes hang out forlornly over the shelf edge, constantly being squashed because it's stopping the door from fulling closing.


  • 梳妆台上衣橱着,睡觉婚礼服面纱放进橱里。

    There was a light in the dressing-table, and the door of the closet, where, before going to bed, I had hung my wedding-dress and veil, stood open;


  • 她也深谙美观实用的结合,瞧两个嵌入式衣橱还有那让人惊叹好想知道是谁的。

    And with knowing how to combine functionality with style I mean these two great build-in closets, the white doors are amazing, I would love to hear who made them for her.


  • 一个整齐有序衣橱不仅快速找到找的东西打开的时候,成为一道靓丽的风景

    Not only will a well-organized closet help you find things, but it will make it a much more pleasant view when you leave the door open!


  • 看看不能弄衣架(更好的情况是:如果或者衣橱,把它利用起来!)

    See if you can fit a coat rack (or better yet, start using the coat closet if you have one) next to or behind the door.


  • 新做的收纳盒放袜子首饰还有其他五花八的的小东西,你漂亮的大衣橱都会感谢的!

    Use your newly-crafted organizers for socks, jewelry and miscellaneous items. Your armoire will thank you!


  • 主人套房(镜像)(走入式)衣橱,双洗脸盆浴缸卫生间面积3间浴室

    The master suite has his (double mirrored door) and her (huge walk in) closets, double wash basin, and a Private sunken tub, and toilet area. 3 bathrooms total.


  • 试试能否把那个大衣橱打开尽管她几乎肯定衣橱锁着的。

    She stayed behind because she thought it would be worth while trying the door of the wardrobe, even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked.


  • 不过遇到心情沮丧郁郁不快时,我需要把衣橱一下拉开那里藏在所有别的衣服后面,着米歇尔·蒙田披风微微地散发出樟脑气息。

    But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel DE Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.


  • 可以通过角落衣橱衣柜推拉传统长期光滑货架等等

    This can be achieved through corner wardrobes or wardrobes with sliding and conventional doors, long sleek shelves, low cots and so forth.


  • 不过心灰意懒,怅然若失之际,我便轻轻打开衣橱,在精彩纷呈的里面,就米歇尔蒙田披风,还微微地散发出樟脑的气息呢。

    But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden behind everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel DE Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.


  • 扫视一下房内华丽装饰布置留意到一个漂亮的大衣橱巨型黎巴嫩雪松木制成手工雕花精致优雅,还配上了玻璃

    Scanning the room's magnificent furnishings I noticed a beautiful armoire, elegantly hand carved from giant Lebanese cedar with glass doors.


  • 回过头去看,在那儿黑乎乎树干中间,她仍然可以看到衣橱甚至可以瞥见她出发的间空屋子

    She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree trunks, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out.


  • 某人:"找了一个通向卫生间的,第二衣橱

    The person says, " Well, there's one door that leads to the bathroom. There's a second door that goes into the closet."


  • 某人:"找了一个通向卫生间的,第二衣橱

    The person says, " Well, there's one door that leads to the bathroom. There's a second door that goes into the closet."


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