• 螺旋纤维经常相同螺旋位置同时发生螺旋改变,即螺旋反转

    The two helical nanofibers usually change helical senses (helical reversals) at the coil position of the same cycle number.


  • 这个逻辑结构资本历史前提反映浓缩这是宏观逻辑结构在历史角度相衡接螺旋

    This logical structure is a reflection and a miniature of historical premise of capital, the spiral circle connected with the macro logical structure historically.


  • 它们具有绝对相反螺旋旋向,但却具有相同纤维直径,纤维截面螺旋直径,螺旋螺旋间距螺旋长度

    The two helical nanofibers have absolutely opposite helical senses, but have identical cycle number, coil diameter, coil length, coil pitch, fiber diameter, and fiber cross section.


  • 新型纺机利用弹性元件凸轮替代传统重锤平衡升降部件的大部分自重,其中有用扭杆的,也有用螺旋

    In new type ring frames, elastic members and balancing cams are used to replace the traditional dead weights for the balancing of the ring rails and other lifting parts.


  • 许多恒星螺旋系统形式存在他们圆盘环绕,科学家认为富含神秘暗物质

    Many new stars also form in spiral systems, and their disks are surrounded by a halo, which scientists believe is rich with mysterious dark matter.


  • 比如,125km高空CO2离子会以每秒17速度螺旋运动。

    In the case of a CO2 ion at an altitude of 125km, it spirals round 17 times a second.


  • 报纸后着手找证据,从画苹果想到了螺旋扩张模型

    After he finished the news, he worked at the proof and saw in the coil of green-edged skin some model of spiraling, of expansion.


  • 提高旁通飞机引擎方法之一就是风扇变成开放式旋翼有点回归螺旋桨的味道,使用短的反旋桨叶

    One way to increase the efficiency of a high-bypass jet engine is to turn the fan into an open rotor, a bit like returning to propellers, but using two rings of stubby counter-rotating blades.


  • 悬紧两部螺旋确保过滤网橡胶到位密封的完好性非常重要。

    Screw the two sections together making sure the filter and rubber gasket are in place. This is important to ensure a perfect seal.


  • 使用此方法生成的圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧实体可包含收尾磨平结构

    The column helix compress springs contains the ending ring and rubdown structure.


  • 原材料纯度表面质量弹簧腐蚀结构几个方面阐述了影响转向架钢制螺旋弹簧疲劳寿命因素

    The factors affecting fatigue life of coiled steel springs for bogies are expounded from such aspects as purity of raw material, surface quality, spring corrosion and structure of end coil.


  • 我们采购海里装饰品黄铜时钟晴雨表指南针男性礼物配件钥匙螺旋瓶塞设置

    We want to buy Nautical Decorations, Brass Clocks and Barometer, Compass, Men's Gifts, Desk Accessories, Keychain, Corkscrew and Bottle Stopper Set.


  • 本文导出圆柱螺旋弹簧设计计算公式。

    The formulae for the design of cylindrical heavily packed spiral spring are presented in this paper.


  • 该机GS高细碎对辊机同样原料的粉碎碾练设备。 该设备动力,价格低,适宜于粗碎和粘土原料的中小型砖厂配套。 另外,该设备辊之一增加螺旋后,还具有作用。

    This maohine is afacilities to crush. as the same functjon as GS Machine. it can remove the stone by adding a screw trough it needs small energy. lowprize. it is for middle and small factory.


  • 按照多股螺旋弹簧振动位移特性多股螺旋弹簧动态工作过程作为边界条件进行动态设计计算

    According to the vibration displacement performance, the exceed extrusion in the dynamic working process of the spring is employed as the constraint for the dynamic design and calculation.


  • 螺旋能够达到螺旋管更好有利于分离颗粒浓度分布

    Loopy curved pipe was better than single curved pipe to profiles of particle concentration phase separation.


  • 采用内置式启动控制600MW超临界压力螺旋型直流锅炉,其作为被控对象的动态特性控制系统复杂

    The dynamic characters and control system for 600 MW supercritical pressure once-through boiler equipped with internal start-up control are relatively complicated.


  • 线材成型弹簧不同其它类型弹簧,它们不是螺旋结构而是“U”或“V”字形结构。

    Wire forms are springs in every sense of the word, but they are distinguished from other types of springs in that they typically do not have a helix or coil configuration to them.


  • 该文阐述了600MW超临界压力锅炉螺旋水冷传热计算研究结果

    The paper presents calculation and research results of heat transfer and wall temperatures of coiled tubes in the cooling walls of a 600MW supercritical pressure boiler.


  • 根据多年生产实践经验论述了低压湿式螺旋气罐漏点封堵措施

    Based on production practice experience for many years, the stoppage measures of leak point in cup of low-pressure water-sealed spirally-guided gasholder are discussed.


  • 用有限元方法分析一种圆柱疏螺旋弹簧压缩变形过程获得了弹簧力学参量分布、载荷-行程曲线等结果,包括了弹簧发生塑性变形的情况。

    The compression process of a cylindrical-helical spring is analyzed. Distribution of the spring's mechanical parameters and load-distance curve are achieved. Plastic deformation is included.


  • 制造方法是通过围绕环形芯(11螺旋缠绕侧线(12)而形成13)来制造环形同心绞股帘线的方法。

    The process for producing an annular, concentrically twisted bead cord (2) includes spirally winding side wires (12) around an annular core (11) to form a sheath layer (13).


  • 弹簧用来定位集中螺旋弹簧的,它们开放式设计给它们装配提供了便利

    Spring Retainers are used to locate and center coil springs. Their open design facilitates their use in assemblies.


  • 弹簧用来定位集中螺旋弹簧的,它们开放式设计给它们装配提供了便利

    Spring Retainers are used to locate and center coil springs. Their open design facilitates their use in assemblies.


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