• 虹膜模式转译数码个人信息一起储存个人计算机数据库中。

    The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information.


  • 虹膜颜色配合被毛颜色。

    Color of the iris should blend with the color of the coat.


  • 北美一个共同名字虹膜标志

    In North America, a common name for irises is flags.


  • 基于虹膜身份认证当前研究热点之一。

    Study of identity certification based on iris is a hotspot.


  • 虹膜开口处叫做瞳孔

    The opening of the iris is called the pupil.


  • 目的了解绿激光透明角膜虹膜损伤

    Objective To investigate the injury to cornea and iris after irradiation by argon green laser.


  • 虹膜相应区也可以看出疾病治疗的效果,用药是否恰当等。

    Of all, Iridology can monitor the level of recovery and define the appropriate use of medicine from the given treatment.


  • 虹膜分类结果说明确定的规范化区域足够的信息表示不同虹膜

    The classification results show that normalized region still has enough information to distinguish different iris patterns.


  • 虹膜工作机理如同照相机光圈。天气晴朗时,虹膜将会变小以限制通

    The iris works just like the iris on a camera; if it's a bright day, and lots of light tries to enter the eye, then the iris will close down limiting the amount of light that can enter.


  • 定位阶段针对虹膜边缘灰度跳变特性采取分区方法准确定位虹膜边缘。

    In the step of exact location, the district method is adopted in view of the iris edge gradation jump characteristic to accurately to locate the iris the outside edge.


  • 针对数据量的虹膜库,提出了索引虹膜码的概念,加快了待识别虹膜的识别速度

    In large iris database recognition, we also proposed the iris indexed-code to improve the recognition speed.


  • 方法YAG激光脉冲先切除前虹膜粘连,再将人工晶状体表面膜粉碎性切除。

    Methods a single pulse YAG laser was used to relieve the iris synechia and blow up the membrane on anterior surface of IOL.


  • 预处理过程虹膜精确定位使定位后的虹膜图像具有平移尺度旋转的不变性。

    Precision locating for iris in the process of preprocessing makes iris image have invariance in translation, size and rotation.


  • 实验结果表明方法算法简单计算抗干扰性并且能够准确的定位虹膜边缘

    Experiment results show that the proposed method is simple, requires minor calculations, exhibits a strong ability to reject noise, and is accurate in locating the iris inner boundary.


  • 生成最优的特征图像,采用全息相关识别系统实现虹膜光学识别,实验取得较好的效果。

    After joint best basis selection, eigen-images are generated and applied in a volume holographic correlation recognition system to implement optical iris recognition.


  • 通过分析研究虹膜上丰富的纹理特征结合不同的特征提取方法和分类器可以实现虹膜的身份认证。

    Through analyzing the iris feature and combining with different feature extraction methods, we can realize iris recognition.


  • 然后根据虹膜形状特性和分布特性,提取出来的边界集合进行两次分类删除部分边界点。

    Then classify the set of points to remove most fake edge points based on circle shape of iris 'edge.


  • PIER一种加固手持设备可以根据人类虹膜特征纹理,允许用户个人进行注册识别

    The PIER is a rugged handheld device that allows the user to enroll and identify individuals based on the unique patterns and textures of the human iris .


  • 基于虹膜识别系统以下几个部分构成:虹膜获取虹膜图像预处理、虹膜图像特征提取匹配识别

    A personal identification system based on iris patterns is composed of iris image acquisition, image preprocessing, feature extraction and coding, matching and recognition.


  • 基于虹膜识别系统以下几个部分构成:虹膜获取、虹膜图像预处理虹膜图像特征提取匹配与识别

    The system based on iris is composed of iris image acquisition, image preprocessing, feature extraction and matching.


  • 方法使用LBP16,4算子提取虹膜纹理特征构造了改进移位均值标准差参数进行匹配

    The LBP16, 4 operator is used to extract iris texture features, and the parameter of improved standard deviation of offset means is constructed for iris matching.


  • 融合利用MPM(最小最大概率)融合策略虹膜的得分值进行融合最后利用融合后得分值决策

    When fusing, a novel fusion strategy using minimax probability machine (MPM) is applied to generate a fused score for the final decision.


  • - “黑盒子” -只是一个提示自然光线通过纳入地方虹膜外部格局喷砂眼睛混凝土

    Gallery Three – the "black box" – has only a hint of natural light, integrated into and through the iris of the sandblasted eye pattern on the exterior cast in place concrete walls.


  • 殡葬员染料眼球起了种奇怪的作用,它们彻底了,彻底到连虹膜褐色瞳孔黑色漂白了。

    The undertaker said that the dye had done a strange thing to his eyeballs, turned them white and completely so, so that the brown of his irises and the black of his pupils had been leached away.


  • 针对虹膜二值边缘图像提取困难提出利用虹膜图像的灰度边缘图像以及虹膜的几何特征进行虹膜定位快速算法

    Owing to the difficulties in extracting iris edge image, a new iris location algorithm using geometric symmetry feature and edge detection from gray scale image is presented.


  • 采用二值化方法获得瞳孔定位参数由于瞳孔虹膜边缘视为同心圆,参数可用作提取虹膜外边缘的基础

    After finding parameter of coarse location, the inner and outer circle can be got based on the parameter because the circle of pupil and circle of iris nearly have the same center.


  • 方法主要针对定位容易出现错误边界利用虹膜结构特征数学手段,对得到虹膜外边界进行验证必要时通过计算得到准确的外边界点。

    To the iris' outer boundary, we use the feature of the iris' structure and mathematical means to verify whether the iris outer boundary points are correct, and calculate the correct ones if necessary.


  • 理论认为,围绕深色虹膜瞳孔周围的白色巩膜帮助人们判断其他人哪里

    The theory is that a white sclera surrounding a darker iris and pupil helps people work out where everyone else is looking.


  • 理论认为,围绕深色虹膜瞳孔周围的白色巩膜帮助人们判断其他人哪里

    The theory is that a white sclera surrounding a darker iris and pupil helps people work out where everyone else is looking.


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