• 降低运算量虚模型中的存贮应适当选取移动间隔截断误差和移动起点

    The appropriate selections of the moving interval, truncation error and the point of onset is to minimize the computer storage and the number of operations required.


  • 内存使用情况判断似乎JBind创建了许多其它对象建立绑定(facade)文档模型实际数据之间链接

    Judging from this memory usage, it looks like JBind creates many additional objects to link between the binding facade and the actual data in the document model.


  • 其次研究统计模型得到结论指导下,系统研究率(CFAR)目标检测算法

    Secondly, we systematically study the CFAR target detection algorithm with the guide of the conclusion gained from the research of the clutter statistical models.


  • 针对网络异常检测偏高问题提出了一种基于属性相似度模型网络异常检测方法

    A new method for the anomaly detection based on the attributes similarity and the cloud model was proposed to alleviate the high false positive rate problem in the detection.


  • 结果表明传感反馈型BIT系统模型可以有效降低传感层输出数据不确定性警率。

    The results show that the sensor level feedback BIT processing model can decrease the uncertainty of output data and FAR effectively.


  • 通过模型加上温度场论可以写出物质系统配分函数

    Through this model and using finite temperature field theory, we can write down the partition function of the system.


  • 霍金为了解决奇点疑难问题引入了时间构建了无边界宇宙模型

    In order to solve universe singularity problem, Hawking introduces imaginary time and establishes no-boundary universe model.


  • 处理组合结构有限元模型时,对不同类型单元之间协调提出一种单元节点松弛方法

    When treating the finite element models of the composite structure, this paper presents a "virtual beam" element mode relaxation method for the accordance of different elements.


  • 成本收益分析基本模型可以看出海洋渔业捕捞强度过大的主要原因资源产权置。

    From the basic model of cost - income, it can be seen that the main reason of exorbitance attaching is the emptiness of the property right.


  • 方法通过建立故障模型利用卡尔曼滤波算法,降低漏检率警率提高决策可靠性。

    The method can be used to reduce the fail of detection, limit the false alarm and improve the reliability of decision by setting up failure model and using Kalman filter.


  • 文中第二部分分析了ATM通信网通道连接不同排队模型性能

    The performances of various queueing models in the virtual channel connection of ATM communications network are analyzed in the second part of this paper.


  • 本文提出全部节点电压作为状态定量的最潮流计算模型

    The paper proposes a model for optimal load flow calculation in which the real and imaginary parts of all the node voltages are used as state variables.


  • 目的建立运动性形体疲劳肝肾动物模型

    Objective:To create the animal model of deficiency of the liver and kidney in exercised body-form fatigue.


  • 产品设计不再仅仅CAD软件设计,可以物理模型设计CAD设计的实、结合

    The design of new product is no longer a CAD software design only, but also can be a combined design of physical model design and CAD design.


  • 方法采用喂食甘生冷食物造成脾失健运的模型

    MethodsAsthenia syndrome model was established through feeding fat and cabbage to make dys-splenism.


  • 采用过渡处理方法计算实体曲面等距模型

    By means of the virtual blending, the geometrical solid offset model is worked out.


  • 异步发电机稳态运行等效电路模型出发,列写了等效电路模型回路阻抗方程,令回路阻抗实部和分别为零,建立方程组。

    Based on the model of equivalent circuit of a asynchronous generator at steady-state operation, the loop impedance equation of it are listed in this paper.


  • 降低警率,提出嵌入数据异常检测恢复功能BIT系统改进模型证明模型有效性

    For decreasing FAR, an improved model for BIT systems with embedded abnormal data detecting and renewing functions was proposed, and the effectiveness of the proposed model was proved.


  • 另外,过程模型中还引入了“群体节点”、“节点”“多实例任务节点”等,从而达到支持群体活动和提高过程模型动态变化的能力

    In this model, resource-level and task-level are introduced, and which enhances the ability of managing tasks and IT resources. In.


  • 运用电磁模型MAGIC程序同轴式反射三极管中的阴极振荡现象进行了粒子模拟研究。

    In this paper the phenomena of the virtual cathode oscillation in coaxial reflex triode are investigated by means of two and one half dimensional and fully electromagnetic MAGIC code.


  • 变量一个变量,用来包括经济模型不能自然量化的因素

    Dummy variable: a constructed variable used AS a means of including factors that are not naturally quantifiable in an econometric model.


  • 标签PZ t刚性离子模型近似

    PZT rigid ion model virtual crystal approximation (VCA).


  • 基于积分声场模型方法,开发计算海底掩埋物体散射声场模型软件

    Combining the wavenumber integral model and virtual source method, a software for 3d scattering field from the buried target was developed.


  • 利用博弈模型分析了药品价格形成过程中,各利益群体博弈导致药品价格高。

    In the price formation process, Interest groups continue to carry out the Game, which to some extent leads the price of drug going on.


  • K分布为模型研究了指定雷达概率下海尖峰发生次数统计特性

    The statistic characteristics of spike under the specified false-alarm probability based on K-distributed model were studied.


  • 多维(VMIB)模型基于(VIB)理论一种多尺度力学模型

    Virtual multidimensional internal bonds (VMIB) was a multiscale mechanical model based on the Virtual internal bond (VIB) theory.


  • 研究不准确网络信息流量优化。提出容量的概念,建立基于本地状态信息的网络流量优化模型

    The traffic optimization under the inaccurate network information was discussed. Defining the virtual capacity, a model was made on the local state information;


  • 其中附子组与大复方作用一致,可用热证动物模型的复方。

    The two Heat-nature products Radix Agoniti Praeparata and Rhizoma Zingiberis may be used instead of all...


  • 提出一种基于杂波模型极化适应检测算法算法比极化自适应匹配滤波器算法估计损失,并推导出概率表达式

    A model - based polarimetric adaptive CFAR detection algorithm is derived that has a lower estimation loss. A theoretical expression is derived for constant false alarm rate of the proposed algorithm.


  • 建立含有约束多相并列平行曲柄机构受力分析模型此基础分析计算了三环减速器轴承载荷高速曲柄上转矩;

    The load of planetary bearings and the moment in the high speed shafts are analyzed and some suggestions about the structure type and design parameters of the three ring reductor were a…


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