• 空中飞行员按照数以千计虚拟构成的路径驾驶飞机,其中每个自己的名字,这样空中交通管制才能告诉我们哪里怎么

    There are thousands of virtual points in the sky that pilots follow on their route, each with unique names so the air-traffic controllers can tell us where to go and how to get there.


  • 戈埃尔教授决定什么补救这种情况解决方案创造一个基于IBM华生平台虚拟助理名为吉尔·华生。

    Professor Goel decided to do something to remedy this situation and his solution was to create a virtual assistant named Jill Watson, which is based on the IBM Watson platform.


  • 但是值得注意假如这种格式规范是公开的,或者拥有访问的权限,那么虚拟设备移植另一种格式通常可行的。

    It is worth noting, however, that it is often possible to port a virtual appliance to another format, provided that the specification of the new format is open or that you have access to it.


  • 在这之上附加就是客户必须要具备网络连接访问虚拟桌面

    There is also the added disadvantage that clients must have network connectivity to access their virtual desktops.


  • 他们标准是最差的标准,虚拟课堂上显得很明显。

    They're standardizing in the worst possible way, which is evident in virtual classes.


  • 不同面部位置通过“发光”的位置得以确定影片角色的虚拟肌肉也发生相应运动。

    The positions of the various facial muscle-groups were determined from the markers’ positions, and the charactersvirtual muscles were moved accordingly.


  • 不同面部位置通过“发光”的位置得以确定影片角色虚拟肌肉也发生相应运动。

    The positions of the various facial muscle-groups were determined from the markers' positions, and the characters' virtual muscles were moved accordingly.


  • 设备实际上来自系统管理程序的一个虚拟的设备,服务器不会知道

    This root device is actually a virtualized device coming from the hypervisor, but your servers won't know that.


  • 技术产业内称为虚拟或者的说,叫做云技术

    In the tech industry, this is called virtualization, or, in fluffier terms, using the cloud.


  • 关于软件方面检查虚拟映像之间集成

    In relation to the software, check the integration points between the virtual images.


  • 可延展,在使用虚拟QWERTY键盘时能使用者定位时提供轻微震动反馈力。

    Expansive touch screen featuring localized haptic feedback giving users a gentle vibration as they use the virtual QWERTY keypad.


  • Barlow其它网络乌托邦主义者们发现现实世界虚拟世界是分离却正是互联网的反对者所担心原因

    Where Mr Barlow and other cyber-Utopians found the separation between the real and virtual worlds exciting, however, critics regarded it as a cause for concern.


  • 安全——如此以来,就更多入口需要去监测hypervisor虚拟网络

    Security - There are now more entry points such as the hypervisor and virtual networking layer to monitor.


  • 正因为系统管理员不得不更改许多子系统中的设置特别是虚拟内存子系统(换话说,即minpermmaxperm)。

    Because of this, systems administrators have had to change Settings on many subsystems-most notably with virtual memory (in other words, minperm and maxperm).


  • FacadeVM——包含众多虚拟大型可伸缩系统提供单一契约单元的形式查看集合

    Facade VM - to provide a single point of contact for a large scale system consisting of many virtual machines to view collection as a single unit.


  • 如果使用虚拟,那么您应该Windows系统镜像捕捉一个快照,它可以作为正常运行保存,也可以作为比较将来性能变化基线

    If you used virtual machines, you captured an image of the Windows system as a snapshot, both to archive as a functioning save point and to use as a baseline to compare future performance changes.


  • 需要注意:虚拟属性(模型作为属性定义,但却真正保存数据库中的属性)的html渲染方式可能普通的模型属性不同

    One caveat is that virtual properties (properties defined as attributes in the model but not actually stored in the database) can have different HTML rendering than regular model properties.


  • 对于虚拟会议尤其重要因为参与者容易会议丧失兴趣并选择离开

    But this is especially important with virtual meetings because it is so easy for participants to tune out.


  • 为了进一步说明,可以想象一下如果部署虚拟系统进行手动更改这些更改不会反映克隆因为它们没有封装模式中。

    To clarify this point further, if you make manual changes to the virtual system after deployment, those changes will not carry over to the clone because they are not encapsulated in your pattern.


  • 如果真实世界了一那么虚拟世界成像出“门”也会一起打开,如果随着开门室内温度下降了一,那么虚拟世界就会自动提高温度。

    If a door opens in the real world, so does its virtual equivalent. If the temperature in the room with the open door falls below a certain level, the digital world automatically turns on the heat.


  • 不过对于虚拟属性来说却并非如此使用虚拟属性作为密码窗体输入时,容易发现

    This is not true of virtual properties, though, and this is easy to discover when using virtual properties for password form input.


  • 好的蛋白结构分辨率对于对于很多应用都非常重要的,包括限于虚拟筛选药物对接程序蛋白质设计

    Better resolution is important for a number of applications, including but not limited to virtual screening of drug targets with docking procedures and protein design.


  • 服务器虚拟不是什么新鲜的,毕竟遍布大型机来说几乎每个组织在使用它。

    Server virtualization is nothing new. After all, it has been around as long as the mainframe, and at this point just about every organization is using it.


  • 真实的虚拟参与者游戏

    Participants, both real and virtual, were given ten points in each round of the game.


  • 虚拟门户彼此对等

    Virtual portals are peers with each other.


  • 虚拟技术已经很多场合应用过了,现在主要关注服务器操作系统虚拟化。

    It has been used historically in a number of contexts, but a primary focus now is in the virtualization of servers and operating systems.


  • 面向目标属性的最后重要说明一个良好的虚拟系统能够根据最终用户特性定义目标

    A final critical comment on goal orientation is that a proper virtualization system will enable goals to be defined in terms of end user characteristics.


  • 看看谷歌地球吧世界上任何一个角落卫星图像放到桌面上用户虚拟数据现实世界中特定的一联系起来。

    Or consider Google Earth, which puts satellite images of the whole world on your desktop and allows users to link online data with specific physical locations.


  • VMM为系统中所有内存请求(而不仅仅虚拟内存的内存请求)提供服务了解这一非常重要

    It's important to understand that the VMM services all memory requests from the system, not just virtual memory.


  • VMM为系统中所有内存请求(而不仅仅虚拟内存的内存请求)提供服务了解这一非常重要

    It's important to understand that the VMM services all memory requests from the system, not just virtual memory.


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