• 藏族通常长条丝绸来欢迎他们朋友

    Tibetans usually welcome their friends by presenting a long piece of silk.


  • 史诗包含了藏民族文化全部原始内核,具有很高学术价值美学价值欣赏价值,研究古代藏族社会一部百科全书,被誉为“东方荷马史诗“。

    The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".


  • 对黄南藏族自治州来说,一个难得的历史性机遇

    Speaking strictly for the Huangnan autonomic prefecture, this is a distinct historical opportunity.


  • 藏族礼仪文化,哈达文化占有极其重要的一席之地。

    Offering Kha-b tags plays an important part in their etiquette.


  • 4月6日下午,云南迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉洛吉发生森林火灾

    A forest fire that broke out Sunday near Luoji Village in Shangrila County of Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Diqing in Yunnan Province has been brought under control as of 11:30 am Wednesday.


  • 甘南草原位于甘肃省西南甘南藏族自治州,这里评为中国最美草原第四名。

    Gannan grassland, which locates in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, southwestern Gansu Province, was chosen as the fourth on the list of China's six most beautiful grasslands.


  • 目的掌握果洛藏族自治州久治人群球蚴病流行现状科学制定青藏高原本病控制策略提供依据

    The objective of this study was to master the epidemiologic situation on echinococcosis of human in Jiuzhi county of Qinghai province, and provide scientific basis for constituting control measures.


  • 宗加、巴隆是海西蒙古族藏族自治州都兰的两个相毗邻的蒙古族聚居亲属名称上很大的差异

    Neighboured townships, Tsongka and Balong in Dulan County Qinghai Province, live Mongolian people, but kinsfolk appellations there are much different.


  • 由于当时我们参加平叛归来亲身经历耳闻目睹了藏族同胞深重灾难大家受到深刻的教育

    Since that time, we just participated in the suppression of the rebellion before returning, experienced, heard and saw the calamities of the Tibetan people, we are subject to a profound education.


  • 国家地震台网测定,14日7时49分,青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生7.1级地震,震源深度33公里

    According to the National earthquake measuring, at 7:49 on the 14th, Qinghai Province, Yushu County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture earthquake of magnitude 7.1, focal depth about 33 km.


  • 本月北京基因组研究所发表科学杂志上研究指出,一种特殊的基因突变使得藏族能够适应海拔的环境。

    A study led by the Beijing Genomics Institute and published in Scienceearlier this month identified a particular genetic mutation as a key to Tibetans' high-altitude adaptability.


  • 检查牛肉肉孢子虫包囊阳性率为42.9%,显然藏族同胞感染肉孢子虫与生半生食牛肉、猪肉有关

    Sarcocystis was detected in 42.9% of beef specimens from the market. Obviously, sarcocystis infection in Tibetans is usually caused by eating raw or undercooked beef or pork.


  • 地震震中位于青海省南部玉树藏族自治州距震中不远的结古镇救援人员们已经幸存者们搭建40帐篷

    Rescuers shave set up more than 40 tents for survivors in the Gyegu Town, near the epicenter in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu in southern Qinghai.


  • 藏族同胞提供一个全新丰富多彩的现代文化生活空间公园设施活动场地,优美的环境丰富了藏胞生活,令人欣慰。

    It supplies an entirely new and colorful living space, park facilities and exercise sites. The wonderful environment enriches the lives of the Tibetan people.


  • 截至14日16时,甘肃甘南藏族自治州舟曲县8日突发特大山洪泥石流灾害遇难人数上升为1239人,失踪人数505人。

    The mudslide, which hit Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Gansu on August 8, had killed 1,239 as of 4 pm Saturday, with 505 still missing.


  • 北京基因学研究中心进行研究本月发表科学》杂志上。研究发现一种特殊基因变异藏族适应海拔关键因素。

    A study led by the Beijing Genomics Institute and published in Science earlier this month identified a particular genetic mutation as a key to Tibetans' high-altitude adaptability.


  • 北京基因学研究中心进行研究本月发表科学》杂志上。研究发现一种特殊基因变异藏族适应海拔关键因素。

    A study led by the Beijing Genomics Institute and published in Science earlier this month identified a particular genetic mutation as a key to Tibetans' high-altitude adaptability.


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