• 美国堪斯州中部建于1865年城市,位于萨莱纳以西,海斯附近

    A city of central Kansas west of Salina. Founded near the site of Fort Hays, established in 1865, the city has a large agricultural experiment station.


  • FDA称,1995年以来9次大肠杆菌暴发感染源头萨莱纳山谷包括菠菜在内的新鲜食品。

    According to the FDA, fresh produce from the valley, including spinach, has been the source of nine E. coli outbreaks since 1995.


  • ·维尔尔逊·曼德拉列入了心目中的英雄。

    Lech Walesa and Nelson Mandela are numbered among my personal heroes.


  • 亚·诸塞州维尔的母亲她一年级的孩子幼子一起洗澡,激动地见证兄弟间的亲情时刻,拍下张照片

    Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.


  • 1876年85生于印第安首府印第安波利斯;1958年8月14日卒于亚利桑那州首府菲尼克斯。是伊·福斯特(Eli Foster)马瑞·洛克·伍德·里尔(Marassa Lock wood Ritter)女儿;1900年,与查尔斯·奥斯·比尔德(Charles Austin Beard)结婚

    Born 5 August 1876, Indianapolis, Indiana; died 14 August 1958, Phoenix, Arizona Daughter of Eli Foster and Marassa Lockwood Ritter; married Charles Austin Beard, 1900.


  • 《航空城》一书中,北卡罗莱纳大学约翰·合著者格雷格·林赛令人信服机场摆在现代城市生活中心

    In "Aerotropolis", John Kasarda of the University of North Carolina and his co-author, Greg Lindsay, convincingly put the airport at the centre of modern urban life.


  • 俄亥俄州多市贝尤维公园剧场的拳赛中,“马的击鼓者”杰克·邓普西经回合激战, 粗暴地击倒了6英尺6英寸的卫冕者杰斯·威拉德,将他拉拳王宝座。

    The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 听证会上曼城认为下扎巴是一次错判,而监管委员会同意了他们的看法。在那场比赛,扎巴阿森边后卫巴卡·尼亚因发生冲突双双直接罚下。

    A Regulatory Commission hearing upheld City's claim for wrongful dismissal after he and Arsenal full-back Bacary Sagna were both sent straight off.


  • 2007年选举挑战科齐社会党候选人塞格莱纳.罗亚尔接受欧洲第一广播电台采访时说,这个新闻令人震惊。

    Interviewed on Europe 1 radio, Segolene Royal, the Socialist contender against Sarkozy in the 2007 race, said the news came as a shock.


  • 一个年轻白人姑娘,她阿什蕾·拜娅,今年21。 她已经卡罗莱纳佛罗伦市连续4年组织了竞选活动

    There is a young, twenty-three year old white woman named Ashley Baia who organizes for our campaign in Florence, South Carolina.


  • 默特欧冠赛后接受采访时承认如果不是不阻止,2010年夏天已经准备好加盟阿森名高大的中后卫本来已经放弃了转会到英超的愿望,直到上个月温格重新提出报价。

    Per Mertesacker has revealed that he would have joined Arsenal in the summer of 2010 had his move not been blocked by Werder Bremen.


  • 但是依旧希望引进阿德约,如果他们有把握能够引进阿森双星中的一人,他们有可能就不会对阿尔沙文感兴趣了。

    But Barca have also been linked with Alexander Hleb and Emmanuel Adebayor, and if they manage to secure one of the two Arsenal players they may no longer want Arshavin.


  • 承认后悔离开阿森加盟并且感觉到温格失望了

    The Barcelona star – on loan at St Andrew's for the season – admitted he regrets leaving the Emirates and feels he let down the Frenchman.


  • 福塔巴西东北部港口城市,位于大西洋沿岸塔尔省西北部。兴建1609年,繁荣的港口工业中心人口1,307,611。

    A city of northeast Brazil northwest of Natal on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded in1609, it is a thriving port and industrial center. Population, 1, 307, 611.


  • ·萨莱MCI通信公司首席政策顾问

    Jonathan B. Sallet, Chief Policy Counsel, MCI Communications Corporation.


  • 云达不中后卫默特·正在前往伦敦,他将在今天晚些时候接受阿森官方安排的体检。

    Werder Bremen defender Per Mertesacker is travelling to London to undergo a medical with Arsenal later today.


  • 2007年,华尔街英语国际(西班牙)正式成立经过不断的发展壮大,所开设7家学习中心遍布马德里卡塔赫四大城市,运营良好口碑卓著。

    Wall Street Institute SPAIN started its operation in 2007 and expanded over the years. Now there are total 7 centers located in Madrid, Cartagena, Toledo and Zaragoza.


  • 这部电影根据奥斯小说傲慢偏见》改编,突出宝风格的歌曲舞蹈,将奥斯丁笔下的一家改成阿密的巴克什一家。

    The movie, based on the Austen novel Pride and Prejudice and featuring Bollywood-style song and dance, transforms Austen's Bennet family into the Bakshis of Amritsar.


  • 上周六锡耶来到圣西罗国际米兰一战,他们打了场精彩绝伦的比赛,马·球队表现非常出色,他们两次领先最后却败于国际米兰的重压之下

    Last Saturday Siena came to SAN Siro against Inter and played an extraordinary match. Malesani's team behaved well, they took the lead twice, then they suffered from Inter's pressure.


  • 领主灰烬使者,从前血色十字军领导者,也是血色指挥官小莫格尼的父亲,现在黑暗堡垒里骑士中的员。

    Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer, the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine, is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas.


  • 领主灰烬使者,从前血色十字军领导者,也是血色指挥官小莫格尼的父亲,现在黑暗堡垒里骑士中的员。

    Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer, the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine, is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas.


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