• 适合推广营销产品店内季节性商品特性商品

    Great for promoting marketing sales, seasonal or special items throughout the store.


  • 只有让亚洲工人运动鞋缝线上胶这些公司有可能雇用欧洲的人设计营销产品

    Letting Asian workers stitch and glue sports shoes makes it possible for such firms to employ Europeans to design and market them.


  • 体验经济时代到来散客旅游市场的兴起,促使旅游电子营销产品不断调整改善

    The coming of economic times and the spring up of FIT tourism market promoted the improvement and adjustment in production of tourism electronic market.


  • 公司不到这种感觉:你知道销售员只关心营销产品工程师却在意如何创造产品

    And that's one of the things you don't quite find in a company. Sales guys are interested in selling product, you know, and engineers are interested in designing it.


  • 本文网络市场特点出发,对网络营销产品策略、网络营销的策略组合网络营销决策要求进行分析

    In this paper, based on the features of network market, the author makes an analysis of products decision-making, strategic combination, and marketing decision-making of network marketing.


  • 文章分析了聚合营销产品策略是客户产品策略标准化产品策略聚合,对聚合营销定义做出新的解释

    This paper has made the new explanation in definition of convergence marketing, then analyses that product strategy of convergence marketing is combining customerization and standard.


  • 由于SkimlinksURL看起来像是普通附属链接,因此,完全看不到出版商他们链接营销产品之间的分割。

    The fact that the publisher is getting a cut from sales of the product they’re linking to is completely invisible, as a Skimlinks URL looks just like a normal non-affiliate link.


  • 你们产品服务具有竞争力吗?营销怎么样

    Are your products and services competitive? How about marketing?


  • 公司容易拉向冲突方向因为营销产品开发财务部门不同的人那里得到不同的反馈

    It's easy for a company to be pulled in conflicting directions as the marketing, product development, and finance departments each get different feedback from different sets of people.


  • 人们接触大量他们感兴趣产品营销因此他们会感到烦恼。

    People get exposed to a great deal of marketing for products in which they have no interest and so they become annoyed.


  • 绿色营销是指公司推广环保产品

    Green marketing refers to companies promoting the products as environmentally friendly.


  • 最后还有观看节目观众,即那些所有真正接触营销节目而不考虑是否需要想要产品的人。

    Finally, there is the program audienceall people who are actually exposed to the marketing program without regard to whether they need or want the product.


  • 公司负责营销销售总裁表示:“我们预期中受益这个产品人们预期好的。”

    According to the firm's vice-president of marketing and sales, "We benefited from low expectations. The products were much better than people thought they would be."


  • 博柏利改变营销策略消费者时装秀看到产品能买到,但结果并没有预期那么有效

    Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.


  • 作为对此消费者需求的回应,这种营销策略不只局限于说明产品什么还标明食品中“没有”什么。

    The marketing strategy in response to this consumer demand has gone beyond articulating what is in a product, to labeling what is NOT in the food.


  • 可以认为许多消费者营销策略不满源于不能广告针对某一特定产品可能买家

    It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.


  • 确实有许多组织使用信誉声誉广告旨在树立他们声誉不是营销特定产品

    Indeed many organizations also use institutional or prestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particular products.


  • 蛋品行业营销再生农场动物产品能否成为一个优质品类首个重大考验

    The egg industry's push is the first major test of whether animal products from regenerative farms can become the next premium offering.


  • 一些行业营销使得局面变得混乱:这些行业正是从致产品消费中获取了利润。

    The water is muddied by lobbying from the industries that profit from consumption of obesity inducing products.


  • 显然麦当劳限制供应广受欢迎McRib原因——这一营销手段让猪肉三明治成为人们痴迷产品

    This is apparently the reason McDonald's restricts the availability of its popular McRiba marketing trick that has turned the pork sandwich into an object of obsession.


  • 一家全球广告公司BBH设立一个叫做Zag单位设计营销分发自己的产品

    BBH, a global advertising firm, has set up a unit called Zag, which designs, markets and distributes its own products.


  • 西莉亚负责产品营销方面事宜

    Celia takes care of the marketing side of things.


  • 有关营销组合的一中的“产品”一栏。

    In the section on the marketing mix, under "Product".


  • 市场营销重点在于销售产品服务通过广告来吸引客户同时客户建立关系

    Marketing focuses on selling your product or service, attracting customers through advertising, and also building relationships with customers.


  • 产品生命周期营销人员重要性在于产品生命周期的不同阶段需要采取不同的策略

    The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: different stages in the product life cycle call for different strategies.


  • 营销人员必须明确证实产品包装上做广告,这些广告限定一个具体益处例如多少产品被回收利用。

    Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit, such as how much of the product is recycled.


  • 市场营销人员可以重新定位产品,以吸引其他新的市场

    A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new market sections.


  • 市场营销人员可以重新定位产品,以吸引其他新的市场

    A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new market sections.


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