• 菲律宾人民已经投票选举出一位总统

    The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president.


  • 菲律宾政府希望美国保留东南亚驻军。

    The Philippine government wants the U.S. to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia.


  • 大片火山灰正在菲律宾大块区域扩散。

    A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.


  • 许多菲律宾这些基地看作美国殖民统治延展

    Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.


  • 墨西哥菲律宾双方他们商业银行债权人达成了协议。

    Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors.


  • 哈利韦尔女士联合国儿童基金会特使身份访问菲律宾

    Ms. Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of UNICEF.


  • 预期计划总罢工期间有麻烦,在菲律宾军队处于完全戒备状态

    Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.


  • 西班牙菲律宾群岛割让美国

    Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States.


  • 只有泰国印度尼西亚菲律宾没有批准这项协议

    Only Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines have not ratified the agreement.


  • 拉多菲律宾的萨马岛长大,他第一次见到巴日人。

    Dr. Jubilado first met the Bajau while growing up on Samal Island in the Philippines.


  • 菲律宾人们要求公开场合演唱国歌感情

    In the Philippines, people are required to sing the national anthem with feelings when it's played in public.


  • 有些泰迪·罗斯福决定继续控制古巴菲律宾

    Some people, such as Teddy Roosevelt, decided to keep on conquering Cuba, the Philippines, etc.


  • 是一个叫做Kasama菲律宾社团的外联主席。

    I'm the social chair for Kasama, which is Filipino society.


  • 例如菲律宾曾经成千上万种水稻,现在只有不到100种。

    For example in the Philippines, there were once thousands of varieties of rice: now fewer than 100 are grown there.


  • 其中一个风暴可能本周袭击菲律宾北部一个将在下周初抵达。

    One of the storms could hit the northern Philippines this week and the other early next week.


  • 那场篮球赛中,中国队以108比71悬殊比分大胜菲律宾

    In the basketball game, China won against the Philippines by a heavy score of 108 to 71.


  • 菲律宾载有至少400的渡轮在货船貌似相撞沉没

    In the Philippines, a ferry carrying at least 400 people has sunk after an apparent collision with a cargo ship.


  • 菲律宾人们圆形水果同时大声敲打盆,带来好运

    In the Philippines, people eat round fruits to bring good fortune, while they are noisily banging together pots and pans.


  • 作品生动地展现了19341965年移民差距一代菲律宾美国人

    Her work brings Filipino Americans of the generation following the 1934-1965 immigration gap graphically to life.


  • 菲律宾空军知道场暴风雨即将来临,于是命令士兵早早起床确保机场设备安全。

    Philippine Air Force knew that a storm was coming and got his men up early to secure equipment at the airport.


  • 一些菲律宾特有物种东南亚普遍存在的特有物种一样广泛地使用受到干扰栖息地

    Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as non-endemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia.


  • 首先点开了 Danag一种菲律宾吸血鬼据说很久以前负责岛上种植芋头的。

    The first I clicked on, the Danag, was a Filipino vampire supposedly responsible for planting taro on the islands long ago.


  • 菲律宾的公主港地下国家公园入口处,停靠着几只空空等待手的到来。

    Empty paddle boats await rowers at the main cave entrance at Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines.


  • 2013年11月8今年最强台风海燕”袭击了菲律宾中部地区,造成3637人死亡

    Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines rose to 3,637, after the strongest storm this year destroyed the central part of the country on Nov. 8, 2013.


  • 鲍勃·哈夫赞同通过一项法案学校施压,让学校给学生讲授菲律宾二战中扮演的角色

    Bob Huff voted for a bill that would have pressed schools to teach pupils more about Filipinos' role in the second world war.


  • 埃斯皮里图主题记录他们美国不断变化菲律宾身份意识就像布洛桑在第一次大规模移民的那样。

    Espiritu's subjects document their changing sense of Filipino identity in the United States, much as Bulosan did as a member of the first substantial wave of immigrants.


  • 毫不气馁继续留在赤道以南动身前往菲律宾观察下一个过境之前,他一直忙于研究毛里求斯马达加斯加群岛

    Undaunted, he remained south of the equator, keeping himself busy by studying the islands of Mauritius and Madagascar before setting off to observe the next transit in the Philippines.


  • 活跃的用户在菲律宾

    People in Philippines are the most active users.


  • 菲律宾海岸警卫队发言人渡轮1.2万新加坡注册货船撞了。

    A Philippine Coast Guard spokesman said the ferry had been hit by a 12,000-ton Singapore registered cargo vessel.


  • 尽管菲律宾的人口控制措施从未达到印度那样强制性水平但这些措施并不受欢迎

    Although population-control measures in the Philippines never reached the coercive levels they did in India, they were not popular.


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